A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2337 Everyone’s Expectation

Pan Xingzhou counterattacked an army, and Fatty Wang was stunned.

At the same time, of course he also understood what Pan Xingzhou meant.

"Mr. Pan, it's not me, Wang Shun, who just gave up the job, it's really..."

Before the fat man could finish speaking, Pan Xingzhou interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"You don't need to explain to me, I know what you want to say." ??

"But let me tell you, those are not reasons for you to give up pursuing your ideals."

"Nothing is always smooth sailing."

"The difficulties that Mr. Kong faced back then were 10,000 times more than yours. If he could persevere, why can't you?"

"Your so-called pursuit, your so-called goal, if you just say it with your mouth, it can only be a slogan."

"Only by taking action can it be called pursuit."

"Old man, let me ask you a question, are you ready to give up your ideals and pursuits?" Pan Xingzhou asked.

"No, it's just Guan Haishan."

Pan Xingzhou interrupted him again.

"What you said are just difficulties, not a reason for you to escape."

"When you encounter difficulties, just overcome the past. But if you want to quit now, that is escape."

"I will tell you clearly now, if you want to resign, I will not approve of your wishful thinking." Pan Xingzhou said domineeringly.


Now Fatty Wang was embarrassed, his old face turned red and burning with shame.

Just now at the conference venue, I made a big fuss about my resignation, causing chaos in the conference venue.

I thought that after resigning happily, I would never have to go back to face it again, but I didn't expect that Pan Xingzhou didn't approve.

This is a shame.

If he goes back like this, he will be laughed to death by those old grandsons.

Especially Guan Laosan, he had completely offended him this time, so he went back in despair. From now on, he would have to wear small shoes for himself.

No matter what, life will be extremely difficult if I go back.

\u003e Pan Xingzhou seemed to have seen through Wang Shun, he lost his serious expression and smiled.

"What's the matter, are you embarrassed sometimes?"


"That's what you brought upon yourself. Who told you that you didn't have any brains at the time!"

"Think about it for yourself. You are an outstanding member of our archaeological team. Can we let you show Lu Fei the door?"

"That bastard Lu Fei doesn't deserve it, and we can't afford to throw him away."

"Mr. Pan me"


"I know what you're worried about. In fact, it doesn't matter. We are all old friends who have worked together for decades. Everyone knows your temper and no one laughs at you."

"I'll give you half a month's leave. Take advantage of this time to have a good rest."

"After half a month, come back and continue working. If something goes wrong in my blog, you are the only one I have to ask questions about." Pan Xingzhou said.


Having said this, if Wang Shun says anything else, it would be disrespectful.

"Yes, Wang Shun knows."

"Mr. Pan, do you have any other instructions?"

"If not, I will go back."

Pan Xingzhou pushed him to his seat and gave him a cup of tea.

"Don't be in a hurry to go back. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I have time today, so let's chat."

Although Wang Shun has a hot temper, he is not a fool.

Pan Xingzhou has so many things to do every day, where does he have time to chat with himself?

If you stay here, something will definitely happen. Fatty Wang immediately became serious again.

"Old man, I know you have a very good personal relationship with Lu Fei. When you came to work in Tiandu, you lived in Lu Fei's house, right?" Pan Xingzhou asked.

There is no need to hide this


"That's right!"

"Lu Fei bought Mr. Kong's house and asked us and his wife to help take care of it. We will always live there."

"In terms of personal relationship, Lu Fei and I are indeed good friends. We can be considered to be on the same page!"

Pan Xingzhou burst out laughing.


"There's nothing wrong with what you said. You two have really similar bad tempers!"

After laughing, Pan Xingzhou took a sip of tea.

"Wang Shun, based on your understanding of Lu Fei, do you think he is capable of leading an entire archaeological team?"


Pan Xingzhou asked suddenly, and Fatty Wang spurted out a mouthful of tea as soon as he reached his mouth.

The brain was deprived of oxygen for a while, and the whole person felt bad.


This question is so unexpected.

Fatty Wang and other big bosses of the archaeological team all knew that the higher-ups wanted Lu Fei to take up the banner of the archaeological team, but Lu Fei refused.

However, these are all rumors, no one has any evidence, and there is no special reaction from the leaders above.

But he never expected that in Pan Xingzhou's office today, he would ask himself this question directly.

The implications of this are too great.

Who is Pan Xingzhou?

How could he target someone without any reason?


There is no small talk in his office during working hours. Every word he says, even every word, is absolutely well thought out and must have a purpose.

What purpose?

Anyone who is not a fool can tell that the world of archeology in China is about to change.

When Pan Xingzhou asked this question, Fatty was shocked at first. It was super shocking.

But after reacting, Wang Shun's eyes flashed with excitement.


Ah! "

"Old man, don't be nervous, okay?"

"We are just chatting, nothing else." Pan Xingzhou said with a smile.

Small talk?


I believe you!

You are such a bad old man!

Seeing through but not telling off, Wang Shun forced himself to relax.

"Since it's just a small talk, I'll talk to Mr. Pan."

"When you say this, are you referring to Lu Fei's ability or strength?" Wang Shun asked.

Pan Xingzhou put down his tea cup and glanced at Wang Shun.

"There is no doubt about Lu Fei's strength. Of course I am talking about ability."


Fatty Wang stared at Pan Xingzhou with a serious face, and then said something shocking.

"If Lu Fei is allowed to lead everyone, and he can sum it up in four words, it will be what everyone expects!"


When Pan Xingzhou heard this, he immediately sat up straight, his eyes full of excitement.

"Old man, are you exaggerating?"

"Although Lu Fei has some strength, he is young after all. How can he convince the public?"

The fat man smiled slightly: "Mr. Pan, you don't know something."

"Lu Fei's strength has already convinced everyone. In terms of strength and knowledge alone, Lu Fei will never be weaker than Mr. Kong."

"Let's talk about Lu Fei's abilities."

"Lu Fei has made great achievements since his debut. His two treasure-fighting competitions have become world-famous and earned him a lot of face in China's collecting community."

"In the China Restoration Institute, Lu Fei turned the tide and made a big splash in the treasure island. Now when Lu Fei is mentioned, everyone in the world's collecting circles knows about him."

"When it comes to Lu Fei's courage and methods, those foreigners are even more irritated."

"And his foundation has benefited the entire Chinese archaeological community. Now Lu Fei is definitely highly respected in our Chinese archaeological community."

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