A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2338 Change the routine

Highly respected!

These four words are so abrupt when applied to a young man in his early twenties.

But to Pan Xingzhou's ears, there was no difference at all.

Because this young man is called Lu Fei.

The Billionaire Foundation, the most powerful collector in Asia, ranks first in the world in terms of vision. .??.

When the Shenzhou archaeological team encounters unsolvable difficulties, the first thing they think of is not the leader, but Lu Fei.

Moreover, Lu Fei turned the tide more than once and saved the face of the Chinese archaeological team.

Not only that, Lu Fei is impeccable in his work, and in this field, he is absolutely worthy of being respected and respected.

"Old man, do you think Lu Fei is qualified to carry this banner?" Pan Xingzhou asked.

The two of them were currently chatting, and Wang Shun had no worries.

"I think Lu Fei is definitely qualified and can do better."

"Of course, I'm not saying that Mr. Guan is not good."

"In terms of knowledge and level, Mr. Guan is definitely a great master."

"However, as a leader, he is still a little inferior."

"This position is not an ordinary local leader, but the backbone of hundreds of thousands of archaeological team members and the leader of China's archaeological cause."

"This leader must not only have extraordinary knowledge and level, but also have extraordinary cohesion."

"Courage, courage, decisiveness, and assertiveness."

“These are indispensable.”

"Unfortunately, I can't see any of this in Mr. Guan. This is what disappoints me."

"Lu Fei is different. Not only does he have all these necessary qualities, but what's even more valuable is that Lu Fei is benevolent and loyal to China."

"I believe that if he becomes this leader, he will never be better than Kong Laoci, and he will even be able to build on past achievements and achieve greater success in the future." Fatty Wang said.

Pan Xingzhou nodded slightly.

"Unexpectedly, Lu Fei is already almost perfect in your mind!"


"Except for his bad temper

Other than that, I can't find anything else wrong with Lu Fei. "

"At the very least, Lu Fei is more than enough to be this leader."

Wang Shun said, blinking and asking tentatively.

"Um, leaders, you don't really want Lu Fei to take this position, do you?"

Pan Xingzhou laughed upon hearing this.

"Don't think too much, we are just chatting."

Small talk?


Fatty doesn’t think so.

If these words are said in other people's mouth, it may be a slap in the face.

But when it comes from Pan Xingzhou's mouth, it definitely means a lot.

Thinking of this, Wang Shun was extremely excited. It seemed that the leaders were about to take action!

"Old man, let's stop talking today!"

"Just now I told you to go back and rest for half a month, but now I regret it."

"I'm going on a business trip to Jincheng for a few days. If you don't have anything important to do, why don't you come with me?" Pan Xingzhou asked.


Fatty Wang had goosebumps when he heard it.

Going to Jincheng?

Do you want it to be so fast?

This is simply a resolute move!

The fat man had doubts just now, but now it seems that it is a certainty!

Quack quack!

Damn Fei, I think you still refused this time?

Fatty Wang nodded immediately without hesitation.

Pan Xingzhou asked his secretary to book a flight for Fatty and send him out of the office in person.

The office became quiet again.

Pan Xingzhou leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and thought deeply.

Just before getting off work at noon, Secretary Wang walked in again.


Mr. Pan, Baodao Gubo University leader Xu Shijie, and Baodao Collection Association leader Shen Lianxi asked to meet. "


"It came pretty quickly!"


After a while, Secretary Wang invited Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie in.

This was not the first time that these two people met Pan Xingzhou. After a few pleasantries, Pan Xingzhou asked them to sit down.

"You two, what do you want from me?"

Xu Shijie nodded and stood up.

"Mr. Pan, we do have something to do with you."

"Whatever it is, you two can just say it."

Xu Shijie didn't need to be secretive and told his purpose.

"Mr. Pan, our visit this time is about cross-strait cultural relics."

More than ten years ago, when Baodao came to ask for cultural relics, Pan Xingzhou was not in this position. However, he was also one of the participants and was relatively familiar with it.

He knew better about Baodao's intentions this time.

"Mr. Xu, are you talking about the ownership of sets of objects?"

"That's right!"

Xu Shijie nodded and said: "Mr. Pan, this matter has been dragged on for more than ten years. Now that the people of Baodao have repeatedly called for it, I think it should be resolved as soon as possible." Xu Shijie said.


Pan Xingzhou took a sip of water and said, "I know something about this matter."

"However, those cultural relics have now been leased to Lu Fei's museum. According to the contract, there is still a fifty-year lease period."

"Isn't it too early to talk about this now?"

"I think we should wait until the rental period is up and the cultural relics are returned, and then we can talk about it!"


Xu Shijie almost spit out his tea.

Wait another fifty years?

If I wait another fifty years, I won’t even have ashes left, so what’s the point?


This Pan Xingzhou is obviously delaying on purpose!

Although Xu Shijie was not happy, he could also see that Pan Xingzhou was by no means a good person and was much more difficult to deal with than Guan Haishan.

No wonder, he is the leader!

At this time, Xu Shijie was extremely lucky.

Thanks to everyone for researching countermeasures before coming here.

If you come to Pan Xingzhou rashly to ask for instructions, you will definitely be in trouble, and it will be difficult to handle it by then.


Xu Shijie cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Pan, it's easy for us old guys to say anything."

"The key now is that the pressure from the people and public opinion on Baodao is too great."

"Do you think this will work?"

"We will slowly discuss the specific matters of the ownership of those cultural relics in the future. This time, we will rent those cultural relics to us and let us take them back to the treasure island to display them for a period of time, so that we can give an explanation to the public and the media. What do you think? ?”


When Pan Xingzhou heard this, his heart trembled.


It used to be a request, but now it's a rental. This is a change of routine!

I have to say, this Xu Shijie does have a brain!

Pan Xingzhou smiled slightly and said, "Old Xu, I think you have some misunderstandings about us."

"It's not that we don't want to hand it over to you, we really have no choice."

"If you had come a while earlier, it would have been easy to talk about anything, but now it's impossible."

"We have signed a formal contract with Lu Fei's museum. The lease period is fifty years. It is written in black and white. We can't keep our word!"

"That guy Lu Fei is very smart. In order to avoid this situation from happening, he set the liquidated damages to be terrifyingly high."

"I don't know if Mr. Guan has explained it clearly to you. If we terminate the contract unilaterally, we cannot afford hundreds of billions of liquidated damages!"

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