A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2339 Wait a few more years

Seeing Pan Xingzhou, Xu Shijie and others immediately changed their strategy, no longer demanding, but renting instead.

The important thing now is not the form, but finding a way to get those cultural relics back to the treasure island safely.

They believe that in the form of a loan, it is easier for the top management of China to accept it. As for when it will be returned, that is another matter.

However, even if it was a loan, Pan Xingzhou did not relent and still pushed Lu Fei to the front.

"Mr. Pan, you represent the public, are you still afraid of Lu Fei?"

"Your next document, I don't believe that Lu Fei really dares to file a lawsuit with the Chinese government to ask for compensation."

"An arm cannot twist a thigh, and a bachelor will not fight with an official. This is an eternal truth!"

Pan Xingzhou raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Old Xu, what do you mean by this?"

"We are a society governed by the rule of law, and everything must follow formal procedures. How can we use force to suppress others?"

"If we really do that, how can we face the common people?"

"We have signed a contract with Lu Fei in black and white, and there is absolutely no reason to change it."

"If you want to rent it in advance, unless you pay liquidated damages, you can wait until Lu Fei's contract expires!"


The two Baodao bosses looked at each other, and Shen Lianxi said with a smile: "Mr. Pan, don't be angry. We are also anxious and have not thought comprehensively."

"Do you think this is okay? You can open the formalities for us and we can discuss it with Lu Fei ourselves."

"If Lu Fei agrees to terminate the contract with you, can he then lease the cultural relics to us?"

What Shen Lianxi said was the result of their discussion.

Since everything pointed to Lu Fei, they might as well find a breakthrough from Lu Fei.

Although Guan Haishan has no courage, his position is here after all!

Pan Xingzhou is a senior executive, so it is obviously unwise to mediate with him.

In comparison, communicating with Lu Fei should be much easier.

Although there were rumors that Lu Fei had a bad temper, they thought they had a way to deal with Lu Fei, so they changed to the rental mode.

As long as we get the things back steadily, everything will be fine.

"You guys go to Lu Fei to discuss it?"

Hearing this, Pan Xingzhou was really surprised. He looked at these two people with pity and couldn't help but smile.

"Are you sure?"

Shen Lian was overjoyed when he saw the door.

"Yes, that's what we mean."

"I hope Mr. Pan will issue an approval document for us, and we will go to Jincheng to find Lu Fei immediately." Shen Lianxi said.


"What approval do you want me to issue?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Pan Xingzhou said.

"That's right, please give us a written

Document, indicating that your senior management agrees to give us those cultural relics first, and that's it. "

"Please, Mr. Pan."


Pan Xingzhou couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

These two old guys are very good at calculating!

What do you mean?

Let me give you a written document. You can use my document to show off your power in front of Lu Fei and use the document to force Lu Fei to submit?

Your uncle's!

You are too bold to think about it, and you are too underestimating Lu Fei!

Pan Xingzhou was amused in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"That Lao Xu!"

"I can't open this document for you, and it wouldn't be appropriate."

"In this case, don't you have to talk to Lu Fei personally?"

"You go ahead and talk. As long as you can do the job of Tonglu Fei, I'll have no problem here."

"But giving you written documentation in advance is absolutely not okay."

"Besides, I advise you not to waste your time."

"Lu Fei has been thinking about those cultural relics for more than a day or two."

"In order to rent that cultural relic, Lu Fei took great pains and finally completed the procedures. It has not been on display for a few days, how could he give up?"

"In my opinion, you should go back to Treasure Island first. When Lu Fei's stay is due, I will notify you immediately, okay?"

What a fart!

It's not that Pan Xingzhou has a high position and the two old guys have to be impatient.

"Mr. Pan, can you please stop joking?"

"The lease period is fifty years. Do you think we can live for another fifty years?" Shen Lianxi said.


"Old Shen!"

"Don't be too pessimistic. Things may not be as bad as you think."

"On paper, the lease period is indeed fifty years, but this does not mean that Lu Fei must rent for fifty years."

"His is an individual museum, and it's about economic interests."

"If you want to make money, you must firmly catch the attention of tourists, so his exhibits must be changed regularly."

"Otherwise, if things stay the same and tourists get tired of their aesthetics, how can his museum make money?"

"I estimate that Lu Fei will return those cultural relics in a few years. You'd better go back and wait patiently!"

Unfortunately, the two old guys couldn't wait any longer.

Those cultural relics were of great importance to them, and they had to get them back no matter what this time.

"Mr. Pan, we really can't wait any longer."

"If we go back empty-handed, how can we have the face to meet the many collectors in Treasure Island?"

"If we are punished by the superiors, we will not be able to keep our jobs. Please help Mr. Pan!" Seeing Pan Xingzhou, Xu Shijie and others directly changed their strategy. For lease.

The important thing now is not the form, but finding a way to get those cultural relics back to the treasure island safely.

They believe that in the form of a loan, it is easier for the top management of China to accept it. As for when it will be returned, that is another matter.

However, even if it was a loan, Pan Xingzhou did not relent and still pushed Lu Fei to the front.

"Mr. Pan, you represent the public, are you still afraid of Lu Fei?"

"Your next document, I don't believe that Lu Fei really dares to file a lawsuit with the Chinese government to ask for compensation."

"An arm cannot twist a thigh, and a bachelor will not fight with an official. This is an eternal truth!"

Pan Xingzhou raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Old Xu, what do you mean by this?"

"We are a society governed by the rule of law, and everything must follow formal procedures. How can we use force to suppress others?"

"If we really do that, how can we face the common people?"

"We have signed a contract with Lu Fei in black and white, and there is absolutely no reason to change it."

"If you want to rent it in advance, unless you pay liquidated damages, you can wait until Lu Fei's contract expires!"


The two Baodao bosses looked at each other, and Shen Lianxi said with a smile: "Mr. Pan, don't be angry. We are also anxious and have not thought comprehensively."

"Do you think this is okay? You can open the formalities for us and we can discuss it with Lu Fei ourselves."

"If Lu Fei agrees to terminate the contract with you, can he then lease the cultural relics to us?"

What Shen Lianxi said was the result of their discussion.

Since everything pointed to Lu Fei, they might as well find a breakthrough from Lu Fei.

Although Guan Haishan has no courage, his position is here after all!

Pan Xingzhou is a senior executive, so it is obviously unwise to mediate with him.

In comparison, communicating with Lu Fei should be much easier.

Although there were rumors that Lu Fei had a bad temper, they thought they had a way to deal with Lu Fei, so they changed to the rental mode.

As long as we get the things back steadily, everything will be fine.

"You guys go to Lu Fei to discuss it?"

Hearing this, Pan Xingzhou was really surprised. He looked at these two people with pity and couldn't help but smile.

"Are you sure?"

Shen Lian was overjoyed when he saw the door.

"Yes, that's what we mean."

"I hope Mr. Pan will issue an approval document for us, and we will go to Jincheng to find Lu Fei immediately." Shen Lianxi said.


"What approval do you want me to issue?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Pan Xingzhou said.

"That's right, please give us a written

Document, indicating that your senior management agrees to give us those cultural relics first, and that's it. "

"Please, Mr. Pan."


Pan Xingzhou couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

These two old guys are very good at calculating!

What do you mean?

Let me give you a written document. You can use my document to show off your power in front of Lu Fei and use the document to force Lu Fei to submit?

Your uncle's!

You are too bold to think about it, and you are too underestimating Lu Fei!

Pan Xingzhou was amused in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"That Lao Xu!"

"I can't open this document for you, and it wouldn't be appropriate."

"In this case, don't you have to talk to Lu Fei personally?"

"You go ahead and talk. As long as you can do the job of Tonglu Fei, I'll have no problem here."

"But giving you written documentation in advance is absolutely not okay."

"Besides, I advise you not to waste your time."

"Lu Fei has been thinking about those cultural relics for more than a day or two."

"In order to rent that cultural relic, Lu Fei took great pains and finally completed the procedures. It has not been on display for a few days, how could he give up?"

"In my opinion, you should go back to Treasure Island first. When Lu Fei's stay is due, I will notify you immediately, okay?"

What a fart!

It's not that Pan Xingzhou has a high position and the two old guys have to be impatient.

"Mr. Pan, can you please stop joking?"

"The lease period is fifty years. Do you think we can live for another fifty years?" Shen Lianxi said.


"Old Shen!"

"Don't be too pessimistic. Things may not be as bad as you think."

"On paper, the lease period is indeed fifty years, but this does not mean that Lu Fei must rent for fifty years."

"His is an individual museum, and it's about economic interests."

"If you want to make money, you must firmly catch the attention of tourists, so his exhibits must be changed regularly."

"Otherwise, if things stay the same and tourists get tired of their aesthetics, how can his museum make money?"

"I estimate that Lu Fei will return those cultural relics in a few years. You'd better go back and wait patiently!"

Unfortunately, the two old guys couldn't wait any longer.

Those cultural relics were of great importance to them, and they had to get them back no matter what this time.

"Mr. Pan, we really can't wait any longer."

"If we go back empty-handed, how can we have the face to meet the many collectors in Treasure Island?"

"If the superiors punish us, we will not be able to keep our jobs. Please, Mr. Pan, please help us!"

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