A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2340 Open a note

In order to achieve their goals, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi begged each other hard.

"Mr. Pan, you are the leader in charge. We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. You can't just favor the mainland!"

"We have worked hard for more than ten years to let the people of Baodao appreciate these cultural relics, but now Lu Fei has arrived first. This is unfair to us!"

"We are here with the utmost sincerity this time. Please help us once!"

"Mr. Pan, we don't ask for anything else. We just ask that you write us a note and agree to lease those cultural relics to us."

"We will discuss it with Lu Fei in person. If the negotiation is successful, we will come to you to complete the rental procedures."

"If we can't come to an agreement, it's because we don't have the ability. We'll go back to Treasure Island and wait in peace."

"Do you think this is okay?" Xu Shijie asked.

"You want me to write a note?"

A cunning glint flashed in Pan Xingzhou's eyes.


"You write us a note and express your agreement to lease those cultural relics to Baodao Gubo. That's it. We will negotiate with Lu Fei for the rest."

"If we can't say that Mr. Tonglu will be loaned to us first, then we are incompetent and will never blame others." Xu Shijie said.

"That's it."

Pan Xingzhou thought for a while and said hesitantly: "We are one family on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so it is only natural that we rent the treasure island to you."

"Logically speaking, it doesn't matter if I write a note."

"However, that kid Lu Fei is not that easy to talk to. I guess there will be no results at all if you discuss it with him."

"The safest way is to go back and wait. When Lu Fei finishes the exhibition and returns the cultural relics, how about I be the first to lend them to you first?"

Hearing what Pan Xingzhou said, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi were overjoyed.

In their eyes, the most difficult thing to deal with is the big leader Pan Xingzhou. As for Lu Fei, they naturally have ways to deal with it.


br\u003e Now Pan Xingzhou is obviously relieved, how can they not be excited!

"Thank you, Mr. Pan, for your kindness. However, we have absolute confidence in ourselves. Please write a note and we will go to Mr. Lu immediately." Xu Shijie said.


Pan Xingzhou sighed: "Since you insist on this, fine, I will write you a note."

"However, let's make it clear. I just agree to rent it to you, and you can handle the rest by yourself."

"No problem!" Xu Shijie nodded repeatedly.

"Also, Lu Fei doesn't have a good temper. I'll vaccinate you in advance. We are all our own people. Don't hurt the harmony. It won't be good for anyone if word spreads."

"Don't worry, Mr. Pan, we still have a sense of discretion."

"Oh well!"

Pan Xingzhou nodded helplessly and immediately wrote them a note.

The note was written quite concisely, agreeing to lease 1,060 cultural relics needed by Baodao to Baodao Museum. There was no word "priority" on it, and no date on it.

After writing the note, he signed his name, and finally asked the secretary to stamp his official seal.

Xu Shijie and Xu Shijie were extremely excited as if they had found a treasure. They stretched out their trembling hands to take it and put it away carefully.


I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly, God helped me!

With this note, it will be much easier to get the cultural relics back.

As long as he brings the cultural relics back to the treasure island, he will have done a great job. As for when to return them, hey, that's hard to say.

At this moment, they had already determined that they had a chance to win. As for Lu Fei, with this note, they were confident enough to deal with Lu Fei.


In their eyes, it was a certainty to get the cultural relics back, and they couldn't wait to go to Jincheng to find Lu Fei.

"Thank you, Mr. Pan. Let's say goodbye." Xu Shijie said excitedly.

Pan Xingzhou waved his hand: "You're welcome, we are all one family."

"However, I still have to emphasize again, don't hurt the harmony."

"No, no, we know what's appropriate." ??

"Mr. Pan, then we won't waste your precious time."


"Xiao Wang, see off the guests!"

After sending Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi away, Pan Xingzhou sat on the sofa, his expression even more excited than Xu Shijie and the others.

Secretary Wang came in, put away the tea cups, looked at Pan Xingzhou and hesitated to speak.

Pan Xingzhou glared at him fiercely: "What's wrong with you?"

"If you have something to say, just say it."


Secretary Wang hesitated for a moment, but still had the courage to ask: "Boss, I don't understand, why did you write them a note?"

"Aren't you worried about them taking the note to Lu Fei to cause trouble?"


Pan Xingzhou laughed loudly.

"Making trouble?"

"That's necessary, otherwise, why would they ask me to write a note?"

"Obviously, they just want to use my note to show off their power. Didn't you see their faces? They can't wait any longer." Pan Xingzhou said with a laugh.


"Mr. Pan, I don't understand this."

"Since you knew they were going to cause trouble, why did you write them a note?"

"If you do this, you won't be afraid of Lu Fei."

Secretary Wang was halfway through talking when Pan Xingzhou

Wave to stop.


"You kid, don't think too much about it, I have my own intentions."

"Go to my house right now and bring over the two bottles of good wine I have collected. We will go to the Chen family to visit the old man and have a meal by the way."


The secretary didn't dare to ask any more questions and immediately complied.

Watching Secretary Wang leave the office, Pan Xingzhou smiled slyly: "Boy, I believe in your ability. If you can't handle this little thing, how can you carry the banner of the archaeological team?"


After leaving the agency, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi were filled with excitement.

This note from Pan Xingzhou is Shang Fang’s sword!

Although you, Lu Fei, are powerful, I have Shang Fang's sword in my hand, so you still have to submit obediently.

The people don't fight with the officials. In China, power trumps everything. No matter how arrogant you, Lu Fei, are, it's useless.

Xu Shijie and his wife couldn't wait a minute. They didn't even eat lunch and rushed to the airport with the Baodao expert team.

When they arrived in Jincheng, they went straight to Lu Fei's museum without stopping.

It was their first time to come to Lu Fei's museum. Xu Shijie and the others were completely stunned when they saw such a large scale and countless dazzling exhibits.

"My dear!"

"No wonder the Chinese archaeological team set a precedent for Lu Fei. There are so many valuable treasures in the museum."

"Whether it is quantity or quality, it far exceeds that of local museums. Cooperating with Lu Fei Museum to borrow and exhibit them will definitely be a win-win situation."

While sighing, these old guys were all shocked.

Although they have never met Lu Fei, they have more or less heard about Lu Fei's deeds.

More than a year ago, this was an unknown, shabby boy. In less than two years, he had collected so many treasures, which is simply incredible.

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