Jin Xin is the great contemporary porcelain master, and other things are not attractive to him, but Su Ma Liqing's appearance directly drew his soul to the treasure fighting scene.

Seeing the close-up shot of Su Maliqing on the big screen, the old man burst into tears.

Their family has inherited it for hundreds of years. Their ancestors supervised porcelain for the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, so of course they had seen Suma Liqing.

Not only had he seen it, but he had recorded Su Ma Liqing's miraculous reaction in detail in his family's porcelain-making experience.

When Jin Xin was studying at a young age, he had an endless yearning for the magic of Suma Liqing. Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to experience it personally. This has always been one of his biggest regrets.

Although he had regrets, Jin Xin did not push too hard.

The only thing left in the world was the little suma liqing in the hands of the Persians, and it was impossible for them to have the opportunity to do experiments.

Thinking of this, Jin Xin felt relieved.

But today's situation is different. Suma Liqing has come out again, and it weighs hundreds of kilograms. For Jin Xin, the temptation is too great, and it also gives him hope to experiment on his own.

The day after the treasure fighting conference ended, the old man gave up all arrangements and masturbated to Jincheng to wait for Lu Fei.

After waiting for several days, Lu Fei finally came back. With a feeling of trepidation, he came to see Lu Fei.

During the live broadcast of the treasure fighting conference, he could see clearly that although Lu Fei, a young man, was capable, he was a bit arrogant and had a very bad temper, so the old man was very nervous.

I am over 70 years old, and if I were scolded by a young man in his early twenties, I would simply not be able to survive.

But thinking of Su Ma Li Qing, the old man was unwilling to give up like this, so he had to bite the bullet and come to see Lu Fei.

To his surprise, Lu Fei treated him extremely well, gave him the highest level of reception, and regarded himself as a junior, which moved Jin Xin to death.

What was even more touching was when Jin Xin proposed to buy some Su from Lu Fei.

When Ma Liqing was young, Lu Fei agreed without even thinking.

Not only did he agree, but he also gave him ten kilograms free of charge.

At that moment, the old man was so happy that he almost met God, and his impression of Lu Fei was extremely good.

If it weren't for the huge age gap, Jin Xin would have shamelessly bowed to Lu Fei.

He stayed in Jincheng for three days. Lu Fei had good food, drinks and hospitality. Finally, Lu Fei paid for him to buy a plane ticket and personally sent him and ten kilograms of sumac to the airport, which moved the old man to tears. .

According to the valuation of the Treasure Fighting Conference, the value of ten kilograms of Suma Liqing is calculated in units of 100 million yuan.

But Lu Fei didn't charge a penny and gave him the highest standard of reception. Jin Xin owed this favor a lot.


Lu Fei and Jin Xin had never met before, so the reason why he gave him ten kilograms of suma liqing was because of this favor.

Although he has never met Jin Xin, Lu Fei knows Jin Xin's reputation and the Jin family's accomplishments in porcelain management.

In China Contemporary, Jin Xin is a big boss on the same level as Yue Qifeng, and they are both ceiling-level existences in various fields.

Of course Lu Fei is willing to make friends with such a person.

Who knows when he will be able to use the other party, and at the critical moment, the help he gives him will far exceed the value of Suma Liqing.

What's more, Lu Fei has so much of that thing that he doesn't care about the ten kilograms at all.

In the days that followed, Lu Fei and Jin Xin exchanged phone calls many times, and even exchanged phone greetings during the New Year and holidays.

When the museum opened, Lu Fei approached Jin Xin for the first time and asked him to help bake three sets of porcelain for use as a VIP reception room.

Dalei Zi is right. Lu Fei has a net worth of hundreds of billions and is famous all over the world. His museum VIP room uses ordinary objects to entertain VIPs, which is really not in line with the boss Lu's style.

Not to mention modern handicrafts, even the objects from the official kilns in the mid-Qing Dynasty are not available.

Lu Fei has no shortage of better porcelain, but he is a little reluctant to part with it.

Those are items that cannot be copied. Once damaged by a distinguished guest, you will regret it.

Therefore, Lu Fei found Jin Xin.

Jin Xin's reputation is big enough, and the porcelain he designs and fires himself is absolutely high-quality.

The key is that the old man's body is still strong. Even if it is broken, he can continue to bake without feeling distressed.

Jin Xin has been working in the golden basin for many years. Brother Gao Feng and business giants from China and the world have approached him to make porcelain, but Jin Xin is not good at all.

But Lu Fei's situation is special. He owes Lu Fei a huge favor, and of course he won't refuse it.

The old man agreed without hesitation and personally designed an exclusive series of packages for Fuguiyingmen.

After the drawing was completed, it was passed to Lu Fei. The latter was quite satisfied, and the old man immediately started firing it.

On the day the museum opened, Jin Xin brought three sets of porcelain to congratulate Lu Fei, which caused a sensation in the entire collecting world.

At that time, dozens of big guys discussed with Lu Fei and wanted to bid for one of the sets of porcelain. Of course, Lu Fei would not agree.

Moreover, Lu Fei did not take this set of porcelain for nothing, and asked the finance department to transfer 10 million Shenzhou coins to Jin Xin.

When the old man saw the check, he became anxious.

"Why, you kid look down on me, don't you?"

"You're not giving me money, you're just slapping me in the face!"

Lu Fei chuckled: "Don't be angry, old man, you have misunderstood."

"If this is my personal need

, even if you ask me for money, I won’t give it. "

"But museums are different. This is a commercial place, and the purpose is to make money. If you don't give money, it won't be easy for us to make money here, right?"

"When I am personally in need, I will not be polite to the elderly."

Lu Fei and a group of buddies bombarded him and finally persuaded Jin Xin to put away the check.

For this reason, Lu Fei was very happy.

This money must be given.

The most important thing for Boss Lu is money. To him, ten million is just a number and he doesn't care.

But if you don't give money, the favor will be gone.

After giving the money, Jin Xin still owed him a favor.

These days, favors are the hardest thing to repay, and they are much more important than money.

But Yuan Jiahui, Xu Shijie and others said that this set of porcelain was designed and made by Jin Xin himself, and they didn't believe it at all.

"Mr. Yuan, please stop joking. Jin Lao Jinpen has been washing his hands for more than ten years. This is simply impossible."

Yuan Jiahui smiled slightly: "Sir, if you don't believe me, you can ask. Mr. Jin personally sent it to the museum when it opened."

"There were hundreds of guests present, and everyone can testify."

With that said, Yuan Jiahui picked up another porcelain bowl, pointed to a small red seal on it and said, "You are all experts, this seal should be familiar to you, right?"

Xu Shijie and a bunch of old guys looked over with wide eyes. After seeing clearly, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

This tea bowl is a peony bowl from Fugui Yingmen. On the lower left side of the peony petals, there is a prototype seal about half a centimeter long, with the two plum blossom seal characters "Primitive" on the seal.

Originally, it was Jin Xin's calligraphy. This seal existed on his early works. Of course the old men present knew it.

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