A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2350 Kaolin Clay

Seeing Jin Xin's stamp and the quality of the porcelain, Xu Shijie and the other old guys looked at each other with their mouths hanging open.

That's right.

With such quality and Jin Xin's seal, this must be an object made by Master Jin Xin himself.

Logically speaking, they would not be sure so quickly, but Yuan Jiahui just said that on the day of the opening of the museum, Jin Xin was present in person, and there were hundreds of people testifying at that time!

Yuan Jiahui, a manager, would definitely not dare to lie about such a big matter.

Therefore, this must be Jin Xin's work.

Damn it!

Just now, I was dismissive of the broken porcelain pieces, but in the blink of an eye, the plot turned around. The contrast was too great!

Jin Xin, the old immortal, is the same. You, Ya Jinpen, have been washing their hands for many years, and you don't even give Mr. Kong face. You are a cold and cold bunch.

But why are you so crazy this time?

Words don’t count, do you still want the face of your master?

Where is the moral integrity!

Xu Shijie greeted Jin Xin's relatives several times in his heart, but that didn't solve the problem.

Since it is Jin Xin's work, its value cannot be measured according to ordinary modern handicrafts.

However, although Jin Xin is famous, it is not so outrageous, right?

Three and a half million?

Let me tell you, mother, how much does the Qianlong official kiln cost?


"Mr. Yuan, I didn't pay attention just now. Now it seems that this is indeed the work of Master Jin Xin."

"Although it's Jin Xin's work, it's not worth 3.5 million, right?"

"Are you still suspected of blackmail?" Shen Lianxi asked.

Hearing what Shen Lianxi said, Xu Shijie looked over with gratitude.

He said in his heart that at the critical moment, it is my old friend who is the most powerful, and no one else can count on him!

Yuan Jiahui smiled sweetly: "This

Sir, could you please take a closer look? This set of porcelain is made of the highest quality materials, isn't it? "

"I heard from our boss that this set of porcelain uses gold glazed sand and agate glaze, and the body material is second-grade kaolin that has been sealed by the Jin family for many years."

"Our boss said that the value of this second-grade kaolin alone is quite considerable."


After Yuan Jiahui finished speaking, the old guys' heads were about to explode.


The Jin family actually took out all the second-grade kaolin that had been sealed for more than 400 years?

Kaolin was divided into four grades in the early years, but all the higher-grade kaolin had been exhausted as early as the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Jin family sealed up part of the second-grade kaolin clay and never used it. How could they be willing to take it out this time?

How can this be?

Does Lu Fei have such a great reputation?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Don't blame them for being shocked, this second-grade kaolin clay is indeed too scary.

Kaolin is a kind of clay produced in Gaolingshan, Jingdezhen. Among the clays used for firing porcelain, kaolin has the best viscosity, bonding, drying, sintering and fire resistance.

Therefore, kaolin clay has the highest quality and will never accept refutation.

Kaolin is very famous in the history of Chinese porcelain.

In ancient times, kaolin was a sacred object in the hearts of the people of Jingdezhen, and there was even a beautiful legend.

A long time ago, there was a poor couple surnamed Sheng in Gaoling Village. They shared a few acres of thin farmland that Dadi advocated peeling. All year round, the wind came and the rain came, and they finally managed to get a little food, but Zhang Peeling's account turned over. ,Calculate

As soon as the bead rings, it will be scraped away.

They relied on vegetables, radishes and wild vegetables for their meals, and their lives were as miserable as Coptis chinensis.

Although the Sheng family and his wife live a miserable life, they are very kind-hearted.

When they heard that someone couldn't open the pot, they would rather starve themselves and save some rations to send away.

Therefore, people in the village call them the "kind-hearted Sheng family".

One winter, the weather was extremely cold, and the north wind blew like a knife.

Early that morning, the wind was strong and snowflakes were flying. A man from the Sheng family was holding a bundle of firewood, preparing to deliver it to the home of a lonely old lady in Qiancun.

She opened the door and saw a gray-haired old man lying under the eaves. His clothes were in tatters, his face was scorched, he was shivering from the cold, and he kept moaning in pain.

When the men of the Sheng family saw it, they quickly put down the firewood and stepped forward to help the old man into the house.

As he took off his ragged cotton-padded jacket and put it on his husband, he hurriedly called to his wife to bring him a bowl of hot water.

The man from the Sheng family asked: "Honey, which village are you from? What are you doing out on this cold day?"

The old father-in-law sighed deeply and replied: "My family lives far away. Because I was forced by the wealthy landlords, I had no choice but to go out to visit my relatives. I didn't expect to fall ill here."

When the man heard this, he hurriedly comforted him and said, "Dear father-in-law, don't worry, you are sick. You are recuperating at my house now. When you are well, let's go again in spring!"

The old man nodded excitedly.

At this time, the wife of the Sheng family brought a bowl of hot water to the old man and asked him to drink it to warm himself.

The old man shook his head and said, "I'm really hungry and can't bear to eat anymore. I would like a bowl of hot porridge. Is there any?"

The couple felt very sorry after hearing this.

Difficult, because their rice vat has long been empty. What should they use to make porridge?

The wife of the Sheng family was about to tell her husband directly, but her husband couldn't bear it when he saw how hungry and painful he was, so he secretly pulled his wife into the kitchen and said quietly: "Go to Zhang Peipi's house and borrow a liter of rice." Come, let’s make porridge for my husband to drink.”

When the wife heard that she was asked to borrow rice from Zhang Bopi's house, she was shocked!

Speaking of this skinned leech, no one in the dozens of miles around Gaoling Village knew that he was a blood-sucking leech. His stings would get deeper and deeper, and he would not let go until he was full of blood. No one dared to go to his house to borrow something.

Seeing his wife's hesitation, the man from the Sheng family pushed her again and told her to go quickly.

The wife borrowed rice, and the man lit a fire to cook porridge. After a while, a large bowl of fragrant and hot rice porridge was served in front of the husband.

When the old man saw it, he was not polite and drank the porridge in one go.

Strangely enough, as soon as my husband drank this bowl of porridge, his brown face immediately became rosy, his energy improved, and his illness seemed to disappear.

At this time, the old father-in-law stood up, returned the tattered cotton-padded jacket to the men of the Sheng family, and said: "You are truly well-deserved: the kind-hearted Sheng family. I have nothing to repay you. After I leave, you can go to the Songshan Mountain in the southeast behind the village. Dig it with a hoe at one go, and then you will be able to repay Zhang Peel for one liter of rice." After that, the old man walked away.

After hearing this, the Sheng family couple felt very strange. They thought: How could the husband know that they had borrowed rice from Zhang Bopi's house while he was lying in the house?

Could it be that he is a god?

When the couple came out of the house and looked again, the old father-in-law had long disappeared.

After returning to the house, the Sheng couple really picked up a hoe, went up to the top of Songshan Mountain in the southeast behind the village, and started digging with the hoe. One hoe, two hoe...thirty, forty...when the ninety-nine and eighty-one hoe was dug, a miracle happened.

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