A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2351 Why is he so proud?

The dark soil suddenly turned into white flowers. The Singer man picked it up with his hands and squeezed it. Ha, it was as soft as glutinous rice flour. When he held it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, it was fragrant. Put a little bit into your mouth and taste it. It's sweet and just like real glutinous rice flour.

This time Coca-Cola spoiled the Sheng couple.

They thought that the poor people in the village were suffering and starving, so they happily ran back to the village, called all the poor people, picked up big baskets and small buckets, and rushed to the top of Songshan Mountain. Everyone started to hoe, dig, and dig. Install it, pick it, dig out a layer, and immediately another layer will grow... At this time, needless to say, the joy of the poor people!

The poor happily picked up the "glutinous rice flour" and took it home, sometimes making glutinous rice balls and sometimes making glutinous rice cakes, just like celebrating the New Year.

Zhang Peipi found out about this.

He hurriedly climbed up to the top of the mountain to take a look. His eyes were red and his mouth was greedy.

He called a bunch of dog-legged servants and surrounded the top of Songshan Mountain, drove the poor people down the mountain, and nailed a wooden sign of "Zhang's Mansion" around it, saying that Songshan Mountain was his family's ancestral treasure mountain. If you come to Songshan to dig glutinous rice flour, you will be brought to the authorities for investigation.

Besides, Zhang Peipi asked someone to dig a big basket and took it home to make glutinous rice balls. When the glutinous rice balls were ready, Zhang Peipi called the whole family to the front of the hall, twirling his beard in his hands, and said proudly: "Today I’m treating you, and everyone eats as much as they can. After we finish eating, we can go up to the mountain to dig. Haha! Now I’ll make a fortune,” said Zhang Peishui and started eating.

Zhang Peipi swallowed a glutinous rice dumpling in one bite. As soon as the glutinous rice dumpling fell into his stomach, he held his stomach with both hands, "Oh my God!" The mother fell to the ground and rolled.

Before leaving, the family took a look and saw that there were no glutinous rice balls anywhere. All the glutinous rice balls in the bowl turned into stones. Zhang Peipi had a stone in his stomach. The pain made him scream and scream until dawn, and he died of pain.

When Zhang Peipi died, the men, women, and children in Gaoling Village were happy.

The Sheng couple led the poor people to the top of Songshan Mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they found that all the "glutinous rice flour" they had dug out had turned into stone.

At this time, everyone hated Zhang Peipi even more.

That night, the Sheng couple were dreaming, and their husband came to them again and said, "The stones on the top of Songshan Mountain can be used to make porcelain. The porcelain made from it can be as valuable as jade!"

Early the next morning, the Sheng family couple and the poor people in the village came to the top of Songshan Mountain. They saw that the mountain was covered with shining silver earth and rocks. According to the instructions of the old man, the Sheng family couple made the excavated earth and rocks into shapes. The blanks of bowls and cups were put into the kiln and fired. Sure enough, they were all crystal clear and white, just like jade.

The poor people in Gaoling Village took these jade-like porcelain bowls and cups to the town to sell. When the people saw them, they were all very fond of them, and they were all sold out in a short time.

From then on, the poor people in Gaoling Village, led by the Sheng family couple, switched to digging soil to build kilns and burn porcelain.

Because Songshan is located in a high mountain range, it was renamed Kaoling Mountain, and the porcelain clay on the mountain was called kaolin clay.

The kaolin that changed everyone's destiny has also become a totem for the local people. In everyone's hearts, this is a gift from the gods and a sacred object.

At first, the people were self-sufficient and the development of kaolin was slow.

But since Jingdezhen became an official royal kiln during the Northern Song Dynasty, kaolin became exclusively for the royal family.

The royal family's demand far exceeded the daily consumption of local people, and the mining speed was also astonishingly fast.

By the Ming Dynasty, there were very few first-grade kaolin clays.

Thanks to the Jin family's far-sightedness, they took advantage of their position to secretly seal up a batch of second-grade kaolin clay as a inheritance for the Jin family.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Porcelain Age completely broke out.

The amount of kaolin consumed every day is staggering.

By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the upper-grade kaolin had been completely exhausted, and the clay used for firing pottery embryos was also called kaolin.

However, these are all ordinary goods found around Gaoling Mountain, and the quality is far different from the quality mined by the royal family before.

The quality of the fired objects is of course not as good as before.

This is also one of the important reasons why porcelain in the middle and late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was not as good as before.

The technology of porcelain manufacturing continues to improve, but the materials are not as good as before. This is also the inevitable result of history.

Because of this, the second-grade kaolin sealed by the Jin family is even more precious.

There used to be countless collectors who offered exorbitant prices to collect some of the Jin family's inventory, but Jin Xin politely declined all of them.

Even the Academy of Sciences came to buy it but failed to do so.

Later, the Academy of Sciences found Mr. Kong and several senior officials from China, and Xiaozhi tried to persuade them with reason and emotion. Jin Xin then donated two kilograms of second-grade kaolin to the Academy of Sciences for research.

This is already a huge honor to the Academy of Sciences.

But this time, Jin Xin not only designed and fired porcelain for Lu Fei personally, but even used his own old inventory. This is simply incredible.

Xu Shijie's mind was completely messed up.

He couldn't understand why Jin Xin would make an exception for Lu Fei, and how could Lu Fei be so proud?

But if you don't believe it, the jade-like quality of the porcelain bowl in your hand is the most direct evidence.

This kind of fetal quality is definitely not something that can be produced by ordinary kaolin clay?

Damn it!

At this moment, Baodao Gubo boss Xu Shijie had some doubts about life. The dark soil suddenly turned into white flowers. The Singer man picked it up with his hands and squeezed it. Ha, it was as soft as glutinous rice flour. When he held it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, it was fragrant. Put a little bit into your mouth and taste it. It's sweet and just like real glutinous rice flour.

This time Coca-Cola spoiled the Sheng couple.

They thought that the poor people in the village were suffering and starving, so they happily ran back to the village, called all the poor people, picked up big baskets and small buckets, and rushed to the top of Songshan Mountain. Everyone started to hoe, dig, and dig. Install it, pick it, dig out a layer, and immediately another layer will grow... At this time, needless to say, the joy of the poor people!

The poor happily picked up the "glutinous rice flour" and took it home, sometimes making glutinous rice balls and sometimes making glutinous rice cakes, just like celebrating the New Year.

Zhang Peipi found out about this.

He hurriedly climbed up to the top of the mountain to take a look. His eyes were red and his mouth was greedy.

He called a bunch of dog-legged servants and surrounded the top of Songshan Mountain, drove the poor people down the mountain, and nailed a wooden sign of "Zhang's Mansion" around it, saying that Songshan Mountain was his family's ancestral treasure mountain. If you come to Songshan to dig glutinous rice flour, you will be brought to the authorities for investigation.

Besides, Zhang Peipi asked someone to dig a big basket and took it home to make glutinous rice balls. When the glutinous rice balls were ready, Zhang Peipi called the whole family to the front of the hall, twirling his beard in his hands, and said proudly: "Today I’m treating you, and everyone eats as much as they can. After we finish eating, we can go up to the mountain to dig. Haha! Now I’ll make a fortune,” said Zhang Peishui and started eating.

Zhang Peipi swallowed a glutinous rice dumpling in one bite. As soon as the glutinous rice dumpling fell into his stomach, he held his stomach with both hands, "Oh my God!" The mother fell to the ground and rolled.

Before leaving, the family took a look and saw that there were no glutinous rice balls anywhere. All the glutinous rice balls in the bowl turned into stones. Zhang Peipi had a stone in his stomach. The pain made him scream and scream until dawn, and he died of pain.

When Zhang Peipi died, the men, women, and children in Gaoling Village were happy.

The Sheng couple led the poor people to the top of Songshan Mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they found that all the "glutinous rice flour" they had dug out had turned into stone.

At this time, everyone hated Zhang Peipi even more.

That night, the Sheng couple were dreaming, and their husband came to them again and said, "The stones on the top of Songshan Mountain can be used to make porcelain. The porcelain made from it can be as valuable as jade!"

Early the next morning, the Sheng family couple and the poor people in the village came to the top of Songshan Mountain. They saw that the mountain was covered with shining silver earth and rocks. According to the instructions of the old man, the Sheng family couple made the excavated earth and rocks into shapes. The blanks of bowls and cups were put into the kiln and fired. Sure enough, they were all crystal clear and white, just like jade.

The poor people in Gaoling Village took these jade-like porcelain bowls and cups to the town to sell. When the people saw them, they were all very fond of them, and they were all sold out in a short time.

From then on, the poor people in Gaoling Village, led by the Sheng family couple, switched to digging soil to build kilns and burn porcelain.

Because Songshan is located in a high mountain range, it was renamed Kaoling Mountain, and the porcelain clay on the mountain was called kaolin clay.

The kaolin that changed everyone's destiny has also become a totem for the local people. In everyone's hearts, this is a gift from the gods and a sacred object.

At first, the people were self-sufficient and the development of kaolin was slow.

But since Jingdezhen became an official royal kiln during the Northern Song Dynasty, kaolin became exclusively for the royal family.

The royal family's demand far exceeded the daily consumption of local people, and the mining speed was also astonishingly fast.

By the Ming Dynasty, there were very few first-grade kaolin clays.

Thanks to the Jin family's far-sightedness, they took advantage of their position to secretly seal up a batch of second-grade kaolin clay as a inheritance for the Jin family.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Porcelain Age completely broke out.

The amount of kaolin consumed every day is staggering.

By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the upper-grade kaolin had been completely exhausted, and the clay used for firing pottery embryos was also called kaolin.

However, these are all ordinary goods found around Gaoling Mountain, and the quality is far different from the quality mined by the royal family before.

The quality of the fired objects is of course not as good as before.

This is also one of the important reasons why porcelain in the middle and late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was not as good as before.

The technology of porcelain manufacturing continues to improve, but the materials are not as good as before. This is also the inevitable result of history.

Because of this, the second-grade kaolin sealed by the Jin family is even more precious.

There used to be countless collectors who offered exorbitant prices to collect some of the Jin family's inventory, but Jin Xin politely declined all of them.

Even the Academy of Sciences came to buy it but failed to do so.

Later, the Academy of Sciences found Mr. Kong and several senior officials from China, and Xiaozhi tried to persuade them with reason and emotion. Jin Xin then donated two kilograms of second-grade kaolin to the Academy of Sciences for research.

This is already a huge honor to the Academy of Sciences.

But this time, Jin Xin not only designed and fired porcelain for Lu Fei personally, but even used his own old inventory. This is simply incredible.

Xu Shijie's mind was completely messed up.

He couldn't understand why Jin Xin would make an exception for Lu Fei, and how could Lu Fei be so proud?

But if you don't believe it, the jade-like quality of the porcelain bowl in your hand is the most direct evidence.

This kind of fetal quality is definitely not something that can be produced by ordinary kaolin clay?

Damn it!

At this moment, Baodao Gubo boss Xu Shijie had some doubts about life.

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