A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2352 Shameful

Hearing Yuan Jiahui say that Jin Xin not only designed and fired porcelain for Lu Fei personally, but even took out the old inventory that had been stored in the house for hundreds of years, Xu Shijie became a little doubtful about life.

With his eyesight, he could indeed see that the quality of this porcelain was significantly better than modern top-grade porcelain, but he was still a little reluctant to admit that Lu Fei had such a big reputation in front of Jin Xin.

What's more, what he was even more unwilling to admit was that this bowl was really worth three and a half million.

He is a public employee, and although his salary is high, it is still not comparable to that of an individual boss.

It's just that by collecting things in my spare time and doing some small businesses, I can barely make a fortune of tens of millions.

Three and a half million is nothing to Lu Fei. Xu Shijie would be heartbroken if he were to take out so much money from his pocket.

Besides, his savings are of great use and he is reluctant to spend them randomly!


"Mr. Yuan, the quality of this set of porcelain is indeed good, but it is not necessarily made of second-grade kaolin from the Jin family."

"If you insist on saying it is second-grade kaolin, what evidence do you have?" ??

Xu Shijie originally planned to recruit Yuan Jiahui and find a reason to cut the price.

At this time, he no longer asked for free prostitution. He just hoped that Yuan Jiahui would give him a discount, and he would be satisfied.

Yuan Jiahui smiled slightly and said: "Sir, if you don't believe it, how about we have a video connection with Master Jin and let him explain it to you?"


Connect with Jinxin Video?

Then forget it!

Although he wanted to confirm it with Jin Xin face to face, after much thought, he still didn't dare.

It's not that he's afraid of offending Jin Xin, but that he doesn't have the face.

I am the big leader of Baodao Gubo!

If you can't even tell that it's a second-grade kaolin, your old face will be in disgrace if word gets out.

If not, you will have to become the laughing stock in the industry, and even be questioned about your lack of ability.

I can't even sit still in my current position.

Thinking of the consequences, Xu Shijie was speechless.

Damn it!

Three and a half million, what should I do?

Xu Shijie was at a loss and quickly asked his old friend Shen Lianxi for help.

The two have known each other for many years and have quite a tacit understanding. With one look in their eyes, Shen Lianxi already understood it.

With another glance, Shen Lianxi understood everything.


Shen Lianxi stood up with a smile: "Mr. Yuan!"

"I also looked at it carefully just now. This is indeed the work of Master Jin Xin, and it is definitely a treasure made of second-grade kaolin. There is no doubt about it."

"However, it seems that the price you mentioned is still open to discussion!"

"It is true that Master Jin is the first porcelain expert in the contemporary era, and it is also true that second-grade kaolin is extremely precious."

"But no matter what, this is also a modern handicraft, which is different from antiques. Three and a half million is indeed too exaggerated."

"Do you think this is a good idea? I'll give you a fair price. How about 500,000 Shenzhou coins?"

Although Yuan Jiahui is young, she has rich career experience. The two old men pulled the drawers back and forth. Yuan Jiahui already knew what they were thinking, and she couldn't help but feel a strong dislike for these treasure island old men.

Even so, Yuan Jiahui still maintained a professional smile: "Old gentleman, are you trying to bully a little girl for not knowing what to do?"

Yuan Jiahui's words were so fatal, they hit the vital point directly.

In fact, this is what Shen Lianxi thinks.

It stands to reason that the quality of this set of porcelain bowls is definitely worthy of 3.5 million. In fact, Yuan Jiahui said the price is really conservative.


However, Shen Lian liked that Yuan Jiahui was young and female, so he bet that she did not understand the market and tried to keep the compensation price as low as possible.

He guessed right. Yuan Jiahui did know a little bit about it, but he knew that he knew the details, but he simply ignored it.

Now that someone's words hit home, Shen Lianxi and all the old men blushed with shame, and the situation was extremely embarrassing.

But now that the matter has come to this, it would be even more shameless to take back what I just said, so I can only stand firm.


"Mr. Yuan, you misunderstood. You are the general manager of the museum, so of course you are an expert."

"But knowledge is knowledge, and market price is market price. These are two different things."

"The things are good, but they are modern goods after all. If the market doesn't recognize the price, then you can't blame us, right?" Shen Lianxi said.


Yuan Jiahui sneered: "The old man is right. I really don't understand the market price, but there are quite a few Chinese collectors who have a good relationship with our boss."

"Let's do it this way. If you have doubts about the price, we can connect with several collectors on the spot and listen to their quotations, okay?"

"If you are still not satisfied, we have the transfer details with Master Jin Xin here. Do you want to take a look?"


Shen Lianxi almost spat out her blood. She thought to herself that this little girl was so awesome that she didn't give anyone a chance to save her!

Where did Lu Fei find this talent?

It's really awesome.

Connect with the collector and bring him down. You can't afford to lose that person.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no way for these 3.5 million to escape.

Shen Lianxi pulled Xu Shijie aside and whispered, and Da Leizi rolled his eyes with extreme contempt.


“I can’t bear to pay for it now, so what were you doing when you smashed the bowl?


"If you have the guts to smash it, don't be afraid of losing money."

"What a fucking disgrace!"


Daleizi's voice was quite loud, and everyone in the VIP room heard it clearly.

Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie, who were whispering, heard this and wished they could find a mouse hole to crawl in.

Damn it!

You can’t go out without reading the almanac!

This time when I came to Jincheng, I didn't get down to business yet, so I first lost more than three million yuan.

It's not a big deal just to lose money, but he was despised by the security guard. Everything this man lost was thrown at his grandma's house.

If word of this spreads, they will never be ashamed to step into the mainland again.

At this time, all they can do is pretend not to hear.

It would be even more embarrassing if he stood up and argued with Dalei Zi.

The two discussed for a minute and finally came up with a perfect solution.

The one who stood up to negotiate this time was still Shen Lianxi. Xu Shijie couldn't succeed, and the situation would have been in chaos.

"Sorry, Manager Yuan, we were blind and didn't see clearly before."

"Now it's confirmed that this set of porcelain is indeed worth 3.5 million, and we will pay for it immediately."

"Depend on!"

"After all, don't you have to pay for it?"

"After grinding for a long time, it was like taking off my pants and farting."


Daleizi's contemptuous voice came from the side again, and Shen Lianxi's old face turned the color of pig liver.

Yuan Jiahui rolled her eyes at Dalei Zi and told him to shut up.

Our city is open for business. Since they have agreed to compensate us, if we say anything else, it will appear that we have no tolerance.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, sir. Can one of you go to the finance department with me to go through the compensation procedures?"

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