A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2353 Thinking Too Simple

Originally, the security guard only wanted to pay one million yuan in compensation, but he was unwilling to do so. However, he ended up having to pay two million and a half million more in compensation. Xu Shijie was extremely depressed.

What's even more depressing is that being despised and questioned about his ability by others makes him even more embarrassed.

No need to look at other people's eyes. At this moment, even he felt like an idiot.

Xu Shijie was in a mess, and his forehead was already dripping with sweat. .??.

Fortunately, Shen Lianxi still remained sober and rational. After all, no matter how much the compensation was, it didn't cost him a penny, right?

"Mr. Yuan, we agree to compensate for 3.5 million."

"I would like to ask Mr. Yuan, after paying the compensation of 3.5 million, should the remaining set of porcelain belong to us?"

Shen Lianxi is indeed a mature man, and at this time, his mind is still very flexible.

The porcelain in front of me is a complete set. If a tea bowl is broken, the set of porcelain is not perfect.

Therefore, in his opinion, the 3.5 million should be the compensation price for a set of porcelain.

Since he surrendered for compensation, the remaining twenty-seven pieces of porcelain should belong to his side.

This is crucial.

You know, this is the work of Jin Xin, a great master who has been working in the golden basin for more than ten years, and it uses second-grade kaolin clay that has been extinct for hundreds of years.

Get the remaining porcelain, hype it up, and then sell it alone. Not only will you not lose money, you may even make a fortune!

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

"Sorry, 3.5 million is just the price of compensation for breaking that porcelain bowl."

"If it were a complete set, I'm afraid it would have to increase more than ten times from the original basis!" Yuan Jiahui said.

have to!

The last hope was shattered, and Shen Lianxi lowered his head feebly.

Under the leadership of Yuan Jiahui, Xu Shijie went to the finance department to pay a compensation of 3.5 million Shenzhou coins as if he were mourning.

Coming out of the finance room, Xu Shijie almost cried.

Three and a half million!

My heart is there

Drops of blood!

At this time, he hated himself so much. Why did he throw someone else's tea bowl when he was full?

Isn’t this asking for trouble?

If he hadn't had the courage, he would have really wanted to cut off his prodigal right hand and throw it away.

Yuan Jiahui walked him to the elevator, smiling the whole time.

When he got on the elevator, Xu Shijie asked: "Mr. Yuan, can you tell me where your Mr. Lu is?"

The huge sum of 3.5 million yuan was gone, and Xu Shijie was looking forward to getting some comfort from Yuan Jiahui.

Unfortunately, Yuan Jiahui expressed deep regret that she did not know where Lu Fei was.

Even if she knew that her boss didn't agree, she wouldn't tell anyone.


"All right!"

"Mr. Yuan, I have one more request."

"Sir, please speak."

"So, can you ask Mr. Yuan to explain today's matter and keep it secret for us?" Xu Shijie asked.

This is also very important.

I didn't look at the almanac when I went out today. It's really embarrassing.

If word of this spreads, he will be embarrassed to step into the mainland again in this life, and it will even affect his next plan.

Yuan Jiahui smiled sweetly: "Of course, this is what we should do."

"Thank you Mr. Yuan."

After leaving the museum, Xu Shijie's expression could scare someone to death.

The other old guys were not much better, each one seemed like a defeated rooster.

In Baodao, they are all prominent figures.

When they came to China this time, even Guan Haishan wanted to be polite and courteous to them, but he didn't expect that it would be so embarrassing for Lu Fei to fail here.

Back to the hotel, big

The family had a simple meal and immediately held a meeting.

It is indeed a bit useless to pay 3.5 million in compensation, but there is a more important thing to do right now, and that is to find Lu Fei as soon as possible.

If Lu Fei doesn't show up, they will never be able to get those cultural relics back.

Now that they have the note from Pan Xingzhou, they still have some advantages.

If it were later, if Pan Xingzhou had communicated with Lu Fei, the note would have lost its value.

Therefore, digging out Lu Fei as soon as possible is the top priority.

But what made them depressed was that for a whole afternoon, they had used all their contacts, and no one knew where Lu Fei was, which made Xu Shijie burst into tears with anxiety.

The next day, Xu Shijie, who was staring at the dark circles under his eyes, thought of a way, which was to ask the local government to come forward and force Lu Fei to come out for a meeting.

No matter how awesome and arrogant you, Lu Fei, are, you are just a businessman. If the local leader wants to see you, you wouldn't dare not give him face, right?

This approach received immediate response from everyone.

Then, Xu Shijie contacted his contacts and asked everyone to help him find the leaders of Jincheng.


"I am Xu Shijie."

"Xu Shijie?"


"Mr. Baodao Xu?"


"Oh, hello, Mr. Xu, long time no see!"

"Did you call me for something?" A provincial-level boss from Mainland China said respectfully.


"Old Li, please do me a favor." Xu Shijie said.


"Easy to say, easy to say. It's my honor, Lao Li, to be able to help Mr. Xu. What can I do for you?"


"You want me to contact the leader of Jincheng to send a message?"

"That's it?"

"No problem, I'll contact you right away."

"By the way, what will you say after contacting me?"


"Do you want the local leaders in Jincheng to ask Lu Fei to come out for a meeting?"


"Mr. Xu!"

"I'm afraid this is quite embarrassing. As far as I know, the leaders of Jincheng don't have that much face?"

Xu Shijie couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Is Lu Fei so awesome?

Doesn’t it mean that in the Mainland, power always trumps money?

Why are even the local leaders afraid of him?

How is this possible?


"Mr. Xu, there is nothing surprising. Lu Fei's ability far exceeds your imagination."

"Not to mention the local leaders in Jincheng, even if I want to meet Mr. Lu Fei, I have to make an appointment."

"As for whether we can see him or not, it depends on whether he is busy or not!"

puff.! !

When Xu Shijie heard this, he almost doubted his life.

In his impression, Lu Fei only gained some fame in China through two treasure fighting competitions and the Archaeological Foundation, but he never expected that even the powerful provincial leaders were deeply afraid of Lu Fei. , which directly subverted his understanding of the rules of mainland China.

Lao Li was having trouble, so Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi continued to keep in touch.

When the other party answered the phone and heard their names, they were all extremely polite.

But when it comes to specific things, especially after hearing Lu Fei's name, there is no more details.

At this time, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi finally realized that they had thought of things too simply.

Damn it!

No wonder Guan Haishan and the others pushed Lu Fei to the front. It turns out that Lu Fei is really not simple!

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