A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2359 Secret

Fatty Wang is gone!

I left Xianlin Mingyuan with infinite expectations.

Looking at Fatty Wang's simple appearance, Lu Fei's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't speak.

At noon, Lu Fei cooked a few side dishes. After lunch, Chen Xiang went home to visit his grandfather. Lu Fei drove alone to the high-rise compound.

After the post inspection, Lu Fei went straight to the leader's office No. 3.

Gao Lei, the secretary of leader No. 3, saw Lu Fei and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Lu, good afternoon!"

Lu Fei shook hands with Gao Lei: "Secretary Gao, you're welcome. Just call me by my name. Is the leader here?"


"The boss has been talking about you these past two days. When I was about to get off work in the morning, Mr. Pan came over and said that you might come over. The boss was very happy."

"However, the leader is taking a lunch break at the moment. How about I take you to the lounge to sit for a while?"

In the past few days, Leader No. 3 often talks about Lu Fei. As an old man, it is very rare for him to be so concerned about a person.

Although Gao Lei didn't know why the leader always mentioned Lu Fei, he knew that Lu Fei must be very important in the leader's heart, and he certainly didn't dare to neglect Lu Fei.

Moreover, he had met Lu Fei more than once, and he admired Lu Fei's reputation and actions, and he would not treat Lu Fei badly.

However, the leader is taking a lunch break now, and he doesn't dare to go in and disturb him.

Lu Fei nodded: "Secretary Gao is right, you can't disturb the leader's rest. I'll go to the lounge and wait for him."

Secretary Gao was about to take Lu Fei to the lounge when the office door suddenly opened. Leader No. 3 walked out and saw Lu Fei with a smile on his face.

"Lu Fei!"

"My voice sounds like yours, come in and sit down."

As he said that, the leader did not forget to glare at Gao Lei: "What are you doing? Why didn't you call me when Lu Fei came?"


Gao Lei was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. Lu Fei quickly smoothed things over for him: "Leader

Director, I don't want to disturb your rest, and it has nothing to do with Secretary Gao. "

Hearing Lu Fei speak, the leader smiled again: "From now on, you can come to me at any time, regardless of time."


Hearing what the leader said, Gao Lei had goosebumps.

Good guy!

The leader is going crazy!

What on earth was this trying to do to Lu Fei? The leader actually made such a promise?

You know, Mr. Pan and Mr. Lan don’t receive such treatment either!

This is incredible!

"Xiao Gao, why are you still standing there?"

"Hurry up and make tea for Lu Fei!" the leader scolded the confused Gao Lei.


"Mr. Lu, please come in and I'll make you tea!"

As a result, Lu Fei felt a little embarrassed, and looked at Gao Lei with apologetic eyes.

Sorry, buddy, I put you on the spot!

After the tea was brewed, Gao Lei quietly left.

Leader No. 3 stared at Lu Fei with a kind smile on his face.

"When did you come back?"


Lu Fei felt funny in his heart, and the leader was also being ridiculous!

Even though he knew that I came back with Pan Xingzhou, he still asked, isn't this just asking for words?

Of course, Lu Fei only complained in his heart and would never say it out loud. Otherwise, the leader's face would be lost.

"Just arrived this morning." Lu Fei said.

"Have you met Mr. Chen?"

"not yet."

The two said a few boring opening remarks, then the conversation changed and leader No. 3 asked: "Xiao Fei,

Have you met Xiao Pan? "



The leader nodded and did not rush to ask about Lu Fei's attitude. He took a drink of water and asked an incomprehensible question.

"Lu Fei, you have known Mr. Chen for a long time, and you are also the old man's grandson-in-law. Let me ask you, how much do you know about your grandfather?"


Leader No. 3’s question was obviously a drunkard’s intention, and it came out of the blue. Lu Fei didn’t know how to answer it.

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't answer, the leader smiled slightly.

"Don't be nervous, kid, let's have a casual chat."

"Even though you are from the same hometown and are close relatives, I guess you don't understand him as well as I do."

"When he was young, he was famous for his weird temper."

"He's so stubborn that even nine oxen can't pull him back!"

"Since I joined the army, I have experienced countless battles, big and small, and made great achievements."

"When you mention his old man's name, all your enemies will be frightened."

"However, he is not invincible. The only thing that he cannot control is his violent temper."

"It's because of his bad temper that his career has been wonderful."

"He has been a groom, a cook, a butcher, he has done it all. He even did sewing for a month!"

"However, it's good that you know this yourself, and don't mention it in front of the old man, otherwise, the old man will really dare to shoot you!"

After speaking, leader No. 3 laughed heartily, but Lu Fei remained silent.

Lu Fei was indeed shocked by the secrets that leader No. 3 said, but he didn't understand what they meant.

Leader No. 3 is a top boss. In his words,

, how could there be nonsense?

There must be some guidance in saying this. It was not convenient for Lu Fei to speak until Nao didn't understand his intention.

Lu Fei's reaction seemed to be expected by the leader and was not too surprising.

After taking a sip of water, he continued: "After talking about Mr. Chen, let's talk about Mr. Kong."

"Your boy has a close relationship with Mr. Kong. When Mr. Kong was alive, he highly affirmed your abilities, but how much do you know about Mr. Kong?"


Lu Fei became even more confused when the map suddenly changed.

"Leader, just say what you want to say. I'm somewhat unaccustomed to you being like this!" Lu Fei said awkwardly.


Leader No. 3 laughed again when he saw Lu Fei's innocent expression.

After laughing, the leader's expression suddenly turned serious.

"Boy, do you know anything about Mr. Kong's family situation?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "I don't know much. I just know that Mr. Kong has a son and a daughter. Jiaqi's father has passed away."

"Currently, Aunt Kong is the only descendant of Mr. Kong!"

Leader No. 3 waved his hand and said: "You only know the superficial situation. Speaking of Mr. Kong's family situation, I will reveal some secrets to you."

"However, you have to promise me not to talk nonsense outside. Otherwise, I'm worried that girl Panqing will fight for my life!"


It was another secret, again about Mr. Kong, and it was still very mysterious. Lu Fei was even more surprised.

In fact, Lu Fei didn't want to know other people's privacy, especially such mysterious privacy.

However, Lu Fei's curiosity that was suppressed in his heart was successfully aroused by leader No. 3.

Even Lu Fei, a man of two generations, couldn't bear this feeling of being scratched by hundreds of claws.

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