A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2360 The Ten Years of Kong Lao

Leader No. 3 was so cunning. Lu Fei didn't want to inquire about other people's privacy, but his curiosity was completely aroused by the leader.

I just can’t stop it!

In addition, he himself wanted to know more about Mr. Kong, and he promised his leader without hesitation that he would never spread the word.

Hearing Lu Fei's assurance, leader No. 3's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning!

The leader thought to himself, young man, you are still a little young!


Clearing his throat, leader No. 3 spoke slowly: "When talking about Mr. Kong's family situation, we have to start a long time ago."

"At that time, Mr. Kong had just taken over the power of archeology in China with his superb vision and courage. As a result, misfortune suddenly struck."

"Lao Kong was still very young at that time. He was very capable and unruly. Many people in power were unhappy with him."

"So, many people attacked him."

"For Mr. Kong, it was a nightmare at that time."

"His wife was five months pregnant and died of heavy bleeding."

"Mr. Kong is even more miserable. Not only does he have to endure the grief of the death of his beloved wife, but he also suffers physical torture. Life is worse than death."

"This is nothing. The worst thing is that during the beating again, Mr. Kong's testicles were kicked to pieces and he almost died."

"Although she was rescued, she lost her fertility forever."


Hearing this, Lu Fei's mind exploded instantly, his face full of disbelief.

"Leader, is this true?"

"Of course it's true. How dare I joke with you about this?" Leader No. 3 said seriously.

"But, but."

Leader No. 3 saw Lu Fei's doubts and said calmly: "You mean Panqing girl and his brother

elder brother? "

Lu Fei nodded.

Yes, this is exactly Lu Fei's doubts.

Lu Fei had some knowledge of Mr. Kong's past when he was young.

Since his wife died during the turbulent period, and in the process, Mr. Kong was injured and disabled and lost his reproductive function, how can Kong Panqing and Kong Jiaqi's father explain it?

Isn't this scientific?

The leader took a sip of water and said: "There is nothing to doubt. Since Mr. Kong has no fertility, these two children are certainly not his biological children."

"However, this matter is of great importance. I can't tell you the life experiences of Panqing girl and her brother."

"Let's continue the story just now."

"Although Mr. Kong saved his life, he still did not escape his bad luck after recovering from his injuries."

"It can be said that every day is Mr. Kong's nightmare."

"An ordinary person would have committed suicide long ago, but Mr. Kong survived with his faith and extraordinary perseverance."

"The situation improved after that. The leader personally met with Mr. Kong and examined his injuries in person. Seeing the devastated wounds, everyone in the room burst into tears!"

Having said this, Leader No. 3 was in awe, and Lu Fei also had mixed feelings in his heart.

I never imagined that Mr. Kong would have such a tragic experience!

After the story was told, leader No. 3 fell silent for a while, and Lu Fei didn't say anything either. He lit a cigarette and started smoking silently.

Leader No. 3 does not smoke, and no one dares to smoke in his office, so there is not even an ashtray.

However, this time Lu Fei is here

Leader No. 3 didn't have any objection to smoking. He even stood up, found a teacup, poured half a cup of water and pushed it in front of him.

"Xiao Fei, do you know why I want to tell you these two stories?" the leader said.

Although Lu Fei had some guesses in his mind, he still shook his head slightly.

"I tell you these two stories not to satisfy your curiosity, but to tell you the life attitude of these two old timers."

"First of all, let's talk about Mr. Chen. The reason why Mr. Chen is so good and so bad is of course because he made a mistake."

"Moreover, the old man made the same mistake."

"In war years, according to the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war who surrender voluntarily must be treated with courtesy."

"However, this convention is only valid for the strong."

"The strong can ignore this convention, but once the weak violate it, it will cause great repercussions, and even lead to a collective crusade by many strong people."

"At that time, we were the weak ones, so our prisoners of war relied on the Geneva Convention to be emboldened and extremely arrogant."

"Some important prisoners of war may be rescued by the enemy during their detention, thereby intensifying the persecution of our people."

"But Mr. Chen did not give them a chance. All the high-ranking enemy prisoners of war who shouted at Mr. Chen were killed by Mr. Chen to avoid future troubles."

"It is precisely because of this that Mr. Chen is so good. Otherwise, with his military exploits, his status would be much higher than his current status."

"Then, here comes the problem."

"You are already familiar with Mr. Chen. Do you think Mr. Chen is an ignorant person?"

"The answer is of course no. Not only is Mr. Chen not stupid, he is also very wise."


Of course he knew how much impact his future would have on ignoring the convention and killing prisoners of war privately, but he still insisted on going his own way. "

"I once asked Mr. Chen why you did this. Mr. Chen's answer made me stand in awe."

"The old man said that if we don't kill those devils, they will still be a disaster sooner or later."

"If we are really rescued or exchanged by the enemy, then they will become a group of angry hungry wolves and will intensify their harm to our people. Therefore, he will not give those enemies any chance."

"As for his own future, he doesn't care."

"In the face of national justice, personal gains and losses and interests are simply lighter than a feather."

"For the sake of national justice, he can throw his life and blood, but the so-called future is not worth mentioning at all."

After hearing this, Lu Fei completely understood the intention of leader No. 3's words, and his blood boiled at the same time.

Mr. Chen is right when he says that in the face of national justice, personal gains and losses are indeed lighter than a feather.

Wasn't it the same for me in my last life?

If they were selfish and focused on fame and fortune, why would Lu Fei and his twelve brothers go to the South China Sea to rob ships, and why would they end up in the South China Sea?

Faced with a desperate situation in his last life, Lu Fei never regretted it.

Reborn in this life, Lu Fei also has no regrets when thinking about the past in his previous life.

If he encountered the same situation in his previous life, Lu Fei would still move forward without hesitation and never regret.

The same is true for Mr. Chen, as are the revolutionary pioneers of the older generation.

Otherwise, China would not have achieved what it has today, let alone be as prosperous and strong as it is today.

National justice always takes precedence over personal gains and losses.

Those seniors are always worthy of respect.

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