A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2366 Congratulatory Message

There is nothing strange about seeing Liu Song.

But the charming woman next to Lu Liusong was not Guan Lina, so Lu Fei was a little surprised.

Lu Fei is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business, but after all, this is Guan Haishan's son-in-law, and he is suspicious of something like that, so Lu Fei has to pay more attention.

Seeing Liu Song and the other two walking out of the sales office, they walked towards the car.

Lu Fei quickly took out his mobile phone, hung up the chattering call, took a few photos and saved them. .??.

It wasn't until Liu Song and two others got in the car and left that Lu Fei checked the missed calls.

There are more than a dozen missed calls, all from the same number. The owner of this number is Dong Jianye, a high-ranking leader of the China Special Branch.

Lu Fei chuckled and was about to call him back when the persistent Boss Dong called him again.

There was no accident this time, Lu Fei answered immediately.

As soon as the call was connected, Dong Jianye's dissatisfied roar came from inside: "Fuck!"

"Mr. Lu, you have such a big air!"

"I haven't officially taken office yet, so I won't answer my buddy's calls. Is this really good?"

Lu Fei was slightly startled: "What nonsense are you talking about?"


"My Mr. Lu, we are all friends, please stop pretending, okay?"

"Hey, I'm thinking that taking the important position of general consultant of history and archeology in China at the age of less than 25 is considered a miracle in the history of the founding of the People's Republic of China, right?"

"You know, Mr. Kong was nearly forty years old when he took this position." Dong Jianye said sourly.

Dong Jianye was indeed surprised when he heard the news.

Although there were rumors before that the leaders planned to let Lu Fei take charge of the China Archaeological Team, this was a rumor after all.

Now that I'm seated firmly, it still feels quite scary.

Lu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

Damn it!

What kind of plane?

Leader No. 3 vowed to himself that he would keep it a secret.

Can be done by oneself

Not even twenty minutes after I left the office, a slightly sour congratulatory message from Dong Jianye came in. This is too unreliable, right?


"As expected of Boss Dong!"

"The information is really well-informed, I admire you." Lu Fei said.

Dong Jianye chuckled and said, "My dear Mr. Lu, don't think too much about it. I am the only one who knows about this matter at the moment."

"This time, the leader asked you to take over as the general consultant of history and archaeology. You have the power to mobilize more than a dozen special departments."

"Our Special Branch is a key cooperating unit with your Shenzhou Xuanlong. Of course, the leader will notify me of this matter as soon as possible."

"In this way, we can prepare in advance, but don't worry, this news will never be spread before you take office."

When Old Dong said this, Lu Fei understood.

Recall that when Mr. Kong was alive, he did have the power to mobilize the special department and Xuanlong.

When the Hongshan cultural relics smuggling case was detected in Fengtian City and the net was closed, it was the Special Branch and Xuanlong who jointly attacked.

Lu Fei has encountered situations like this several times, including the Luo Jinghu shipwreck case.

It's just that Guan Haishan, the general counsel, does not have this authority.

However, what surprised Lu Fei was that the general manager of history and archeology could mobilize more than a dozen special departments and ask them to fully cooperate. This was awesome.

You know, anything linked to the word "special" will not be weaker than the existence of "special place" and "mysterious dragon"!

It seems that the qualifications of this general consultant of historical archeology are not ordinary!

"Boss Dong, you called me more than a dozen times, aren't you just for these nonsense words?" Lu Fei asked.


Dong Jianye's old face suddenly darkened: "I'll go,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. What do you mean by nonsense? "

"You are now a big leader. Can you improve your emotional intelligence? It makes me really sad when you talk like this. Let me tell you."


Hearing Dong Jianye's voice, Lu Fei got goosebumps all over his body and felt uncomfortable all over.

So damn disgusting.

"Don't be ink-stained. What's going on? Please be happy." Lu Fei asked, rolling his eyes.

Lu Fei became impatient, and Dong Jianye also stopped joking.

"I'm calling you for three main reasons."

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you on taking over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology."

"Secondly, I'm going to treat you to a meal!"

"What happened to Zhao Yuanchao last time, buddy, I owe you a huge favor, and you must reward me with this meal."

"The last thing is the key point. Leader No. 3 is worried that you won't be able to handle Mr. Guan and the others, so he asked me to fully cooperate with you."

"If you need us to do anything, please contact me directly and I will try my best to help you sort it out while keeping it confidential," Dong Jianye said.

After hearing what he said, Lu Fei's depression instantly dissipated.

The leader was worried that Guan Haishan and the others would make things difficult for him, so he made many preparations just to be sure!

The leader is determined.


"I should be able to handle it, though."

"Just wait for my news!"

"I didn't call you. You must not get involved. There are too many things involved in this matter, and it might be counterproductive." Lu Fei said.

"No problem, if you need anything, call me anytime!"

"What about eating?"

Lu Fei thought for a while and said, "It's okay to eat, but not today. I have a few things to do. I'll call you when I'm done."

"By the way, I will send you two photos later, and you can help me investigate these two people." Lu Fei said


"Ok, no problem."

Lu Fei nodded and hung up the phone, clicked on the photo of Liu Song and Liu Song that he had just taken, and sent it to Dong Jianye.

Lu Fei didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but this matter involved Guan Haishan's daughter, so that was a different matter.

No matter what, let’s investigate clearly first.

The photo was sent over, and just as Lu Fei was about to start, Su Donghai called again.


"Hello, Mr. Lu, Su Donghai is reporting to you!"


Hearing Su Donghai's serious voice, Lu Fei almost spit out blood.

"Mr. Su, what are you causing trouble here?" Lu Fei asked helplessly.


"I'm not making trouble?"

"Within Wulong, I am the team leader and you are the chief instructor, half a level higher than me."

"Outside, you are about to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology, which is three levels higher than me."

"As a subordinate, isn't it normal for me to report to you?"


Lu Fei rolled his eyes and had the urge to curse.

"Mr. Su, please stop making trouble, okay?"

"In Wulong, we are friends."

"Outside, you are my elder, why don't you make fun of me?" Lu Fei said helplessly.

Su Donghai chuckled and said, "I thought you would expand as your level got higher and higher!"

"It seems that I am too worried."

"Hey, but then again, the position of general archaeological consultant is really destined for me!"

"The former general counsel was my father-in-law, and now he is you. They are all acquaintances!" Su Donghai said with a smile.

Lu Fei felt funny in his heart. An acquaintance is an acquaintance, but if I tell you that your father-in-law is not a relative, you will doubt your life, right?

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