A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2367: Too bad

The purpose of Su Donghai's call was similar to Dong Jianye's.

He is Xuanlong's leader. He was notified by the leader that Lu Fei will take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology, and Xuanlong is required to fully cooperate with Lu Fei's work within a reasonable range.

Hearing the news, Su Donghai was completely stunned, and then became infinitely ecstatic.



The chief instructor of our Wulong Brigade is going to take over as the chief adviser. This is unbelievable!

It's so cool.

Su Donghai was purely happy for Lu Fei, and there was no trace of jealousy in it. He could swear to the light bulb.

Soldiers have always been straightforward. Lu Fei was a talented person in the military department. He was sincerely proud and sent a congratulatory message as soon as possible.

The two chatted for a while, but because Lu Fei was driving, he had to hang up the phone.

As for the cooperation between the two departments, there is no need for handover at all.

Lu Fei used to be the chief instructor of Xuanlong, and now he is the chief instructor of Wulong Brigade. Xuanlong is his natal family, and Lu Fei is very familiar with everyone there.

If there is a mission that requires Xuanlong, just make a phone call, not to mention Xuanlong, and the entire Five Dragons Brigade will fully cooperate.

And the kind that spares no effort.

Just as he hung up Su Donghai's phone, the ringtone rang again.

Next, the heads of several special departments such as the Institute of Geology, the Academy of Sciences, the Special Service Division, and the National Security Bureau reported to Lu Fei one after another, saying that they would fully cooperate with Lu Fei's work.

Of course, Lu Fei does not have the power to directly command them, but when these departments are needed, they will definitely be useful.

No matter which one of these departments, they all have powerful hands and eyes. Being able to have such power is quite beyond Lu Fei's expectation.

At this time, Lu Fei deeply understood how perverted Mr. Kong's power was back then. No wonder leaders who were higher than him respected him.

The phone calls completely died down. Lu Fei looked up and saw that he was already downstairs of Guan Haishan's house.

Good guy!

Unknowingly, I answered the phone calls all the way. Fortunately, I didn't meet the traffic police, otherwise all the points on my driver's license would be lost.

Not enough to deduct.

It would be even more embarrassing if it was exposed again.

Speaking of exposure, Lu Fei suddenly remembered that he was caught drunk driving in Hangzhou and the little puppy carried the bag, and he couldn't help but laugh.

But looking up at the balcony of Guan Haishan's house, Lu Fei's smile suddenly froze, and Lu Fei's scalp felt a little numb.

The last time I came here, I was hailed as a guest of honor by my old sister-in-law. She was given good food, drinks, and hospitality. She was extremely polite.

But this time I came here, it was a blessing or a misfortune!

If the old sister-in-law knew that her husband was being kicked out of class by her, let alone eating, drinking and entertaining her, it would be polite not to drug herself.

Why! !

Do you want to go up?

How do you speak after you get up there?

So sad.

Lu Fei is not an indecisive person, but this time he is really worried.

After lighting up a cigarette and smoking, he still couldn't find a way to explain, so he picked up his cell phone and dialed Chen Xiang's number.

"Xiang'er, I'm going to visit Mr. Guan's house. Come and accompany me!"


Chen Xiang agreed without hesitation.

"Would you like to bring a gift?"


"Just watch and buy some fruit!"

"Okay, you wait for me, half an hour at most."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei found a parking space and sat in the car thinking about how to speak.

Ten minutes later, a BMW 5 Series sedan drove over and stopped in the parking space in front of Lu Fei.

The car door opened and two women got out.

The eldest man was in his fifties and was carrying two large bags of vegetables.

A young man in his thirties got out of the driver's seat, opened the back door and picked up a large birthday cake.


"Put the bag on the ground and I'll carry it," the young woman said.

The older woman smiled: "No, I can carry it."

"When will Dongdong and the others come back?"


"Liu Song called me just now. He went to pick up Dongdong from school and will come back later."

"Mom, I'm not telling you, restaurants are so convenient now, why do you have to do it at home?"

"How troublesome?" the young woman said.

"No trouble!" ??

"Your father and your uncles all like to eat the food I cook. Besides, the restaurant is not hygienic."

The young woman nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll help you."

The woman who spoke was Guan Lina, Guan Haishan's only daughter.

That middle-aged woman is Guan Haishan's wife.

I go!

Whose birthday is it today?

I heard from the old sister-in-law that Guan Lina’s uncles are coming over?

Who are these uncles?

Could it be Jia Yuan, Gong Xiuliang and the others?

Depend on!

I originally planned to come over and explain to Guan Haishan face to face, but it seems that today’s occasion is inappropriate!

Thinking of this, Lu Fei had decided to give up. After watching the two of them go upstairs, Lu Fei was ready to leave.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The car Lu Fei drove today was Chen Xiang's limited edition luxury Bentley.

In Tiandu City, where luxury cars gather, this car is considered to be the top one. No matter where it is placed, it will attract countless eyes.

Now is no exception.

Guan Lina chatted with her mother and was about to lock the car and go upstairs. In a blink of an eye, she happened to see the car and couldn't help but look at it a few more times. When she saw Lu Fei in the driver's seat, Guan Lina was pleasantly surprised.

"Lu Fei!"


"It's really you!"

"I'm just telling you, how come a luxury car worth tens of millions is parked here? It's you!" Guan Lina shouted excitedly.

have to!

After being recognized, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

Lu Fei forced himself to open the door and get out of the car, forcing out an awkward smile.

"Hello sister Guan, hello sister-in-law!"


When this title came out, both ladies burst into laughter, and Guan Lina even laughed so hard.

Guan Haishan's wife rolled her eyes at Lu Fei: "How have you been arranged in this life?"

"It's chaos."

"And you, Xiaona, how can you call Lu Fei by his first name? According to your seniority, you should be called uncle!"

When Guan Lina heard this, she rolled her eyes even more evilly than her mother.

"Mom, what did you say?"

"I'm more than ten years older than Lu Fei. You want me to call him uncle?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"What's wrong?"

"The radish is not big, it grows on the 'generation'."

"No matter how old Lu Fei is, according to his seniority, you should call him uncle."

"What does it look like to be a man in his thirties with no rules at all?"

The old sister-in-law had a serious expression, Guan Lina looked aggrieved, and Lu Fei quickly smoothed things over.

"Sister-in-law, don't make any noise, don't make any noise, what about that, let's do whatever we want, okay?"

"You insist that Sister Na call me uncle, don't say she can't stand it, I can't stand it either!"

"It's just a title, there's no need to be serious." Lu Fei said.

"that is!"

Guan Lina deeply agreed with Lu Fei's words.

"Lu Fei, when did you come to Tiandu?"

"How did you know today is my mom's birthday?"

"Did my dad tell you?" Guan Lina asked.

Lu Feixin said, I know a hammer!

So embarrassing!

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