A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2373 Must wear it

The golden nanmu gift box was placed in front of her. Mrs. Guan was surprised and at a loss as to what to look at.

It's not that Mrs. Guan has never seen the world, it's just that this gift box is too luxurious.

This is a serious golden nanmu, and there are no traces of splicing on the plane. It is obviously made of one piece of material, which is even more rare.

According to the current market conditions, this box alone is worth hundreds of thousands more.

Mrs. Guan, a working-class woman, had never received such a luxurious gift in her life. How could she not be shocked?

What's more, this thing worth hundreds of thousands is just a gift box.

The box is so precious, and the items inside are even more unimaginable.

Not only her, but the other four old men and Guan Lina all looked straight in the eyes.

The four old men present were all well-connected people, and each of them had collections worth hundreds of thousands or even millions in their homes.

It’s still too scary to give something of such high value to someone.

Everyone knew that Lu Fei was a rich man, but being so inhumane was beyond their expectations.

Damn it!

Is Lu Fei always so inhumane outside, or is he only like this to his wife?

Could it be that he wanted to bribe the third senior brother?

Jia Yuan was confused, but quickly dismissed this childish idea.

With Lu Fei's current wealth and status, there would be no place for them.

When it comes to asking for help, it is Lu Fei who wants to ask for help. After all, the more than 3,000 first-class cultural relics are still in Lu Fei's hands, aren't they?

It seems that he is really rich!

But my imagination is limited by poverty. How sad!

Seeing that Mrs. Guan didn't dare to answer, Lu Fei winked at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang smiled slightly, stood up, took the brocade box from Lu Fei's hand, and opened it with a "pop" sound.

After seeing clearly what was inside, everyone in the room couldn't help but gasp.

"Stick bracelet?"

"Emerald stick bracelet!"

"This color is."


"This is the legendary royal purple, oh my god!"

"This is really royal purple!"

"It's incredible!"

Look at the planting water again!


"The color is full and shiny, no cotton or cracks, and there are no impurities in the whole."

"This level of transparency should be comparable to that of an ice species, right?"


"Hello my Taoist Guanyin!"

"This is actually an ice royal purple stick bracelet. It is perfect without any flaws."

"How much does this damn thing cost?"

After seeing this perfect bracelet clearly, several experts present opened their mouths in surprise.

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