A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2374 This smoke is so good

Lu Fei's words almost made Guan Haishan vomit blood!

Son of a bitch!

This damn bastard, he is trying to destroy me!

I knew he didn't hold it in well, he must be hurting me on purpose!

Guan Haishan was furious, while Mrs. Guan gritted her teeth and raised her eyebrows.

Because Lu Fei's words directly touched on her pain point.

In Guan Haishan's study next door, there are a lot of bottles and cans.

For those things, Guan Haishan spent decades of wages and bonuses, including two houses in the Fourth Ring Road.

Whenever she thought of those things, Mrs. Guan felt so angry that she wanted to throw them all out.

Lu Fei asked her to put on the bracelet as a kind reminder to her. .??.

After all, Guan Haishan has a criminal record, and more than once.

When he encounters something he likes, this old immortal can do anything extreme!

He could definitely steal the bracelet and exchange it for a treasure.

But what Mrs. Guan didn't know was that Guan Haishan had gone crazy in London some time ago, and he still owed hundreds of millions of dollars in debt for this.

If she knew about this matter, Guan Haishan would lose several layers of skin even if he didn't die.

This is why Guan Haishan deliberately reminded Lu Fei.

Although Mrs. Guan was angry, she still did not dare to accept a gift worth tens of millions.

Really, the value of this thing is too scary.

Chen Xiang smiled slightly and said, "Sister-in-law, please don't be polite. This is our little thought."

"The material of the bracelet was cut by Lu Fei from stone. The cost is not that high, so don't hesitate."


Even so, Mrs. Guan was still extremely nervous.

At this time, the doorbell rang and another guest arrived.

Guan Haishan opened the door, and two unexpected figures appeared in front of him.

There was a man and a woman standing at the door. The woman was Kong Fanlong’s daughter.

Panqing, the man is Kong Panqing’s husband, Captain Su Donghai of Xuanlong Brigade.

"Little sister?"

"Mr. Su?"

"Why are you here?"

"Quickly, please come inside."

Kong Panqing walked in and said with a smile: "Today is my third sister-in-law's birthday, how could I not come!"

With that said, Kong Panqing came to Mrs. Guan: "Third sister-in-law, I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Thank you little sister, I'm so happy that you can come."

The two exchanged polite words. After Kong Panqing greeted everyone, her eyes were immediately attracted by the ice royal purple bracelet.


"What a beautiful bracelet!"

"Xiao Fei, did you bring this?" Kong Panqing asked.

Lu Fei nodded: "This is a birthday gift that Xiang'er and I gave to my sister-in-law, but she refused to accept it."

Kong Panqing smiled: "Third sister-in-law, this is Xiaofei's idea, just accept it!"

"This thing is nothing to him, just treat it as an ordinary gift."

Kong Panqing persuaded her again, and Mrs. Guan happily put it away.

No, it was worn directly on the wrist, leaving no chance for the prodigal Guan Haishan.

Mrs. Guan finally accepted it, and Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Just accept it!

This can be considered a little compensation from me to your family!

Mrs. Guan took Lina Guan into the kitchen.

Kong Panqing pulled Chen Xiang aside to ask questions.

Several men were sitting on the sofa, chatting away from home.

After chatting for a while, Lu Fei glanced at Su Donghai, and the two came to the balcony in tacit understanding.

Passing Su Donghai a cigarette, Lu Fei asked: "Mr. Su, Xuanlong is so busy over there, why do you have time to come over?"


"This cigarette is so good that I can't bear to smoke it."

"After smoking your cigarette, my trash can't even stop talking!" Su Donghai said with a smile.


Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and his heart sank.

Before, Lu Fei suspected that Su Donghai and Kong Panqing had a purpose in coming here. Seeing him being so secretive now only confirmed Lu Fei's suspicion.

"Mr. Su. We are all our own people, so stop beating around the bush."

"Are you here specifically for my business?" .??.

What Lu Fei was talking about was, of course, that he had just promised leader No. 3 to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology.

Lu Fei's suspicion is not unreasonable.

The work at Xuanlong was complicated. Su Donghai rarely took any vacations during the year. Even during the Chinese New Year, he was on duty nine times out of ten.

Normally, Su Donglai had never attended such a family gathering.

As the general director of the Archaeological Foundation, Kong Panqing also has to take care of the operation of his own auction company, which makes him extremely busy.

The two of them appeared at the same time, and even Guan Haishan was surprised. Therefore, they must have a purpose for coming here.

As for the purpose, I am here and I just talked to Su Donghai not long ago, so it is not difficult to guess.

Su Donghai gave Lu Fei a thumbs up and said, "We, Mr. Lu, are still smart and can't hide anything from you!"

"I go"

Lu Fei put it on his forehead and was worried to death: "Mr. Su, can we not do this?"

"Also, this is my personal matter, so please don't get involved, okay?"

"It wasn't that big of a deal

Son, if you get involved, you might be doing a disservice. " Lu Fei said.

Su Donghai shook his head and said, "Xiao Fei, you think too simply."

"It's not that easy to make Mr. Guan understand."

"It was Pan Qing's idea that we come here. After all, with my father-in-law's connections here, her words can still have a certain effect."

"No matter how bad things go, Mr. Guan will never fall out in front of her."

"I think it would be best to have her mediating between you."

Lu Fei waved his hand: "I understand what you mean, but doing so is suspected of using power to overwhelm others. It is difficult to convince him."

"Maybe it will create a gap between your two families, which is not worth the gain."

"Besides, I've already figured out how to tell him. It's up to me to resolve this matter myself, so don't worry."

"Hurry up and explain it to Aunt Kong later. Don't say it out loud."

"Today is my sister-in-law's birthday. Let's talk about everything after today." Lu Fei said.

"All right!"

"Since you are sure, we will not interfere."

"I will tell Panqing what you mean in a moment."

"However, I suggest you be more cautious. Mr. Guan is a bit petty. If you tell him directly, he may not be able to accept it."

"Think about it for a second. If it were us, we wouldn't be able to bear it either."

"Didn't you promise to take office in half a year?"

"I suggest you think of a perfect solution, otherwise don't try it easily. Otherwise, if trouble breaks out, it will be difficult for anyone to deal with it."

"Also, after all, Panqing has such a relationship with her, she will definitely give face to Mr. Guan when she speaks. If it doesn't work, please don't be polite to us!"

Lu Fei nodded: "I know what I know, don't worry!"

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