A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2375: Adjust to the wind

Lu Fei and Su Donghai came out from the balcony, and there were two more people in the living room. They were Guan Haishan's son-in-law Liu Song and grandson Liu Xiaodong.

Liu Song at this moment was completely different from what Lu Fei saw two hours ago.

Outside the sales office, Liu Song was dressed in world-famous brands and looked like a domineering president. He was surrounded by a group of coquettish beauties.

At this moment, Liu Song was wearing casual clothes with a low-key voice. In front of the four old men, he nodded and bowed, just like his grandson.

"Uncle Wu, you smoke!"

"Mr. Zhang, you smoke!"

"Dongdong, hurry up and get your grandpa some water!"

While talking, Liu Song raised his head and saw Lu Fei and Su Donghai. Two blazing rays of light suddenly appeared in the guy's eyes, and he came forward with Huazi in hand.

This guy is worthy of being the boss of the company, and his emotional intelligence is not ordinary. ??

The look in Lu Fei's eyes was full of flattery and admiration, but even so, he was the first to greet Su Donghai, making it impossible to find anything wrong with him.

"Uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time. You smoke."

After handing Su Donghai a cigarette and lighting it himself, Liu Song immediately turned back and showed the most flattering smile to Lu Fei.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, it's such an honor to see you here."

"You are my idol!"

Lu Fei nodded lightly: "Mr. Liu, you're welcome."


"Mr. Lu, you don't know, but I admire you so much."

"Especially since you spent hundreds of billions to build an archaeological foundation, you are simply a role model for our generation!"

"You are the beacon on my way forward, and I am always learning from you!"

"This year, our company is also planning to donate to your foundation. Although it is not too much, it is still a little bit of our heart. I hope you will not laugh at it."

Liu Song was really excited to see Lu Fei.

Who is Lu Fei?

This is a super boss with a net worth of hundreds of billions!

Looking at the state, in terms of financial resources, social status, and connections, Lu Fei is well-deserved No. 1!

Not only Lu Fei, but also people or companies related to Lu Fei have risen at lightning speed.

For example, before meeting Lu Fei, Jincheng Ji Dongmin was just a boss with a net worth of several billion and buying cars.

He was considered number one locally, but outside Jincheng, he was nothing more than bullshit.

But ever since Ji Dongmin's son hugged Lu Fei's lap, the Ji family's business has been booming.

Invest in real estate, invest in theaters, and expand the automobile city. In less than two years, the assets have grown like a snowball.

After becoming the first-level agent of Tengfei Pharmaceutical, I was even more out of control.

Up to now, the Ji family's assets have reached nearly 10 billion, and I heard that the Ji family has made another big move in Chang'an recently, and it is a big move.

In less than two years, the assets have expanded nearly ten times, which is simply a business miracle.

Not only the Ji family, but also the Fang family in the Demon City, the Qian family in Tiandu, the Wang family in Southern Fujian, Wang Xian in Spring City, etc., all rose rapidly relying on Lu Fei's relationship.

Therefore, people doing business in China are always looking forward to hugging Lu Fei's thick legs.

Not to mention hugging thick legs, even if you can say a few words to Lu Fei, it will last a lifetime!

Due to the relationship with his father-in-law's family, Liu Song had met Lu Fei twice before.

The first time was at the funeral of Kong Lao, and the second time was on the first anniversary of Kong Lao.

During these two meetings, Lu Fei was very busy, and he had no chance to say hello to Lu Fei.

But he never expected that when he came to celebrate his mother-in-law's birthday today, he would be able to see Lu Fei here. It was simply a God-given opportunity.

Opportunities cannot be missed, and they will never come back. Of course, Liu Song must try his best to express himself.

As long as he could climb up to Lu Fei, it would be impossible for him not to develop.

Seeing Liu Song like this, Lu Fei frowned.

His father-in-law and several old men even rolled their eyes.

"Damn it!"

"The villain who adapts to the wind is so damn powerful."



Liu Song didn't care at all about what others thought of him. He only cared about Lu Fei's impression of him.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiling person is like being able to wear out a lot of flattery but never wearing it.

Unfortunately, Lu Fei's impression of it was extremely bad.

Lu Fei is most annoyed by people who have no backbone and no bottom line. What's more, Lu Fei saw an unexpected scene two hours ago.

If it weren't for the Guan family's face, Lu Fei wouldn't even bother to talk to him.

Even so, Lu Fei didn't give him a good look. He just said a few perfunctory words and went over to chat with a few old guys.

Although those old guys are not good people, they are much better than the villain Liu Song.

Being ignored by Lu Fei, Liu Song felt embarrassed, but he did not dare to complain to Lu Fei.

There was a huge difference in strength between the two of them, and Lu Fei was something he couldn't afford to offend.

When she was embarrassed, Guan Lina came out of the kitchen.

"Didn't I ask you to come here earlier?"

"How did you get here?" Guan Lina said displeased.

Liu Song chuckled and said, "There are too many things going on in the company."

"I inspected a project in Tongzhou this morning and have been busy until now. I rushed over as soon as I finished the work and even postponed the dinner of several leaders." Liu Song said.

Lu Fei on the sofa snorted disdainfully when he heard Liu Song's words.

What a coincidence, this cold snort happened just at the juncture of Zhang Yanhe's pretense, and now Zhang Yanhe stopped doing it.

"Baolanfei, what do you mean?"

"You look down on me, don't you?"


Lu Fei could only curse in his heart, what a disaster!

After complaining a few words, Guan Lina put an apron on Liu Song and pulled him into the kitchen.


"You said Lu Fei gave mom a bracelet worth tens of millions?" Liu Song asked in shock.


Guan Lina twisted Liu Song's waist hard!

"Keep your voice down so that others can hear it. Isn't it a shame?"

Liu Song didn't even care about the pain. He pulled Guan Lina and asked in a low voice, "Is everything you said true?"

"Lu Fei really gave you a bracelet worth tens of millions?"

Guan Lina curled her lips contemptuously: "Of course!"

"More than 10 million, to others, it's nothing. It's just drizzle!"


"When will you give me a bracelet too?"

"I don't want 10 million, even if it's 100,000, I'll be satisfied."

"But you are lucky. After so many years of marriage, you haven't even bought me a bracelet worth 10,000 yuan. I'm so angry!" Guan Lina said.

Normally if Guan Lina said this, Liu Song would usually find a topic to cover it up.

But today, this guy was extremely excited.

"Honey, don't be angry!"

"Isn't it just a bracelet? I'll buy it for you. I'll buy it for you after dinner, okay?"

"If you like it for less than 500,000 yuan, we will buy it, right?"


Guan Lina was stunned when Liu Song suddenly changed her gender.


"You're not making fun of me, are you?"

"How can it be?"

"I will do what I say, and we will buy it soon."


"Husband, you are amazing, I love you so much!!"

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