A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2380 With a clear conscience

Lu Fei didn't show any mercy to Guan Haishan when he spoke.

Originally, Lu Fei explained to Guan Haishan the matter of succeeding as general counsel out of guilt, but he was aroused by these old guys.

To be honest, Lu Fei's agreement to Leader No. 3's request has something to do with this matter.

As general counsel, Guan Haishan's performance in this matter was extremely disappointing.

Without action, responsibility, or even resistance, the blame was directly passed on to Lu Fei.

Fortunately, it was dumped on him. If it spread, it would bring shame to the archaeological team.

Moreover, this is not only the face of the archaeological team, but also related to the dignity of China. This is unforgivable.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, several old guys gritted their teeth with hatred but were unable to refute, and could not find a reason to refute.

Lu Fei took a sip of water and stood up.

"It's getting late. You guys can chat slowly. I'll go back first." .??.

"As for those cultural relics, don't worry about them."

"You tricked me first, so you have to pay a price, right?"

"I won't embarrass you. We will act in accordance with the contract. Fifty years later, I will return the favor with both hands. Before that, none of you should bother me."

"As for the leader's reaction, you can explain it yourself."

"Also, you can take it back in advance if you want. As long as you can afford the penalty, you can terminate the contract at any time."

"Balanfei, don't leave in a hurry. We can discuss everything easily!" Zhang Yanhe said anxiously.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "No discussion."

"Since you have cheated me, you must think clearly about the consequences of cheating me. I bid you farewell."

Chen Xiang and Mrs. Guan came out of the room when they heard the noise.

"Xiao Fei, it's still early, why don't you sit down for a while?" Mrs. Guan said.

Just now he was at war with the old guys, but when facing Mrs. Guan, Lu Fei had a smile on his face.

"No, sister-in-law, I just arrived today

In Tiandu City, while it was still early, I visited a few friends. "

"The food cooked by Madam-in-law is so delicious. I'll bother you again another day."


"As long as you like it, I'm always welcome here."

"Also, thank you for the gift!"

After saying a few polite words, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were ready to leave.

Although the few old guys were unhappy, they still got up to see them off.

When it was delivered to the door, Guan Haishan's phone rang.

After answering the phone and listening to a few words, Guan Haishan's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes looking at Lu Fei suddenly became a little colder and shocked.

Lu Fei's heart skipped a beat. He instinctively felt that this call had something to do with him. Could it be?

After entering the elevator, Lu Fei's face didn't look good either.

Chen Xiang was keenly aware of the change in Lu Fei's expression. Back in the car, Chen Xiang asked, "What happened?"

Lu Fei shook his head slightly and did not reply.

"By the way, why did you suddenly come to Guan's house today?"

It was originally agreed to go back to Chen's house for dinner tonight, but the old man was still waiting at home, but Lu Fei suddenly came to Guan's house, and Chen Xiang was full of doubts.


Lu Fei opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't want to say it, forget it. Where are we going now?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Xiang'er, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I don't know how to speak."

"There's so much going on today, it's all a mess in my head right now."

"Please help me analyze it, what should I do next?"

Lu Feibao

Leader No. 3 told Chen Xiang the contents of his conversation, including his worries and concerns. After listening, Chen Xiang's heart aroused huge waves.


"You agree to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology?"

Lu Fei took a puff of cigarette and nodded slightly.

Lu Fei confirmed again, Chen Xiang's beautiful eyes were shining with surprise. ??

Oh my God!

It's incredible.

The general consultant of China’s history and archeology!

This position is really awesome.

As Lu Fei's woman, Chen Xiang certainly hopes that Lu Fei will be prosperous.

In more than two years, Lu Fei has become the richest man in China and has a lot of connections all over the world.

It can be said that Lu Fei is now at the top of the upper class.

However, in this special country like China, wealth is never the most important. There is another thing that must be above wealth, and that is power.

Power means background. Only with background can you stabilize your position and make yourself invincible.

Before, Lu Fei relied on the background of the Chen family, but it was not honorable to say it. Therefore, when Mr. Kong passed away, Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi and all Lu Fei's friends advised him to accept the position of general counsel. But they were all rejected by Lu Fei.

Now, Lu Fei has finally figured out that after taking over, Lu Fei's status will reach an unprecedented height. As his woman, how can Chen Xiang not be excited?

"Husband, you should have promised the leaders to take over this position a long time ago." Chen Xiang said excitedly.

Lu Fei smiled dryly and said: "To be honest, I don't have any idea about this position. I was purely forced into it."

"Taking over this position may seem like a great job on the surface, but it is followed by a lot of troubles!"

"I just want to live in peace,

Be an ordinary person down to earth. "

Chen Xiang rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"ordinary people?"

"From the day I met you, you were destined to be extraordinary."

"You just got a good deal and acted like a good boy."

"You agreed to accept this position. This is the wisest decision. Now that you have a background, people who want to harm you will not dare to take your chances."

"Only background can guarantee your safety."

"As for your scruples, they are nothing."

"The direct reason why Mr. Guan resigned was not because of your intervention, but because his own ability could not support this position."

"Archaeology is a top priority. Even without your presence, the superiors will not allow an incompetent person to remain in this position."

"And you are fully capable of this, and I believe that under your leadership, China's archaeological cause will definitely make further progress."

"In this way, you are not being ungrateful, nor are you betraying your trust, but you are trying to turn the tide!"

"It is inevitable that Mr. Guan will have his own ideas. No one can influence his will. We can only hope that he can overcome this hurdle by himself."

"Whether he can pass or not, you are worthy of the country and even more worthy of Mr. Kong's last wish."

"You once said that as long as you have a clear conscience, nothing else matters, right?" Chen Xiang said seriously.

After hearing Chen Xiang's words, Lu Fei suddenly became enlightened. Most of the haze that had been suppressing him all day disappeared, and his breathing became much smoother.

Lu Fei stretched out his hand to take Chen Xiang into his arms, smelled the intoxicating fragrance of his hair and said softly: "You are right, as long as you are clear of guilt, nothing else matters."

"However, if I take over this position, you will be very busy with business matters."

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