A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2381 How much money do I have?

Nestling in Lu Fei's arms, Chen Xiang showed a happy smile, raised her hand and tapped Lu Fei's nose and said with a sweet smile: "It seems like we weren't busy before."

"You are just a hands-off shopkeeper. When have you ever cared about business matters?"

"Let me ask you, do you know how much money you have now?"

"Do you know the market value of Tengfei Pharmaceuticals?"

"Do you know the market value of Ascendas Entertainment?"

“How much is the net profit of the beauty company?”

“How much money can you make by investing in a company?”


When asked by Chen Xiang, Lu Fei was immediately stunned.

It seems that he doesn't know either.

As a boss, I am indeed a failure!

"Well, I don't care about that. You are the boss's wife. Just understand."

"I just want to know how much money I have now."

"Do you have 50 billion working capital?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

Lu Fei's main source of funds is the income from the two treasure fighting conferences and the handicap.

Two treasure battles resulted in a net profit of more than 200 billion Shenzhou coins. However, the subsequent investment in projects and foundations resulted in several quite shocking sums.

Now, he really doesn't know how much liquidity he has on hand.

Take this opportunity to learn about it and be aware of it.

Chen Xiang smiled sweetly and said, "My boss, are you looking down on you too much?"

"People outside call you Lu Qianyi. If you lower your net worth like this, are you suspected of being pretentious?"

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xiang carefully, scratched his nose and said, "I don't know if I'm pretending, but I find that your personality has changed more and more."

"When I met you, you were as pure as a piece of white paper. Every frown, smile, and every move revealed your ladylike temperament."

"Recently I discovered that the ladies in our family sometimes

The Biao is so cliché, I would like to ask you ladies, what is the reason for this? "

Chen Xiangwen rolled her eyes and hummed, "Weren't you the one who led me astray?"

"This is called marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog."

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "I can't see it. Personality is innate. How can it be so easy to change?"

"In my opinion, your transformation consists in a change in your nature."

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiang didn't understand.

"The meaning is very simple. When I met you, you were a girl, but now, you are a serious woman."

"In Northeast dialect, this is the qualitative change between a big girl and an old woman."


"You, you are shameless!"

Chen Xiang was so embarrassed that she blushed and punched him in the face, rolling her eyes angrily while Lu Fei laughed.

After laughing for a while, Lu Fei's suppressed mood was completely released.


"You haven't answered me yet, how much money do I have at my disposal now?" Lu Fei asked.

"What, you want to invest again?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei nodded: "Deng Shaohui called me a few days ago and was planning to start a project. I think it's going to work."

"We will study it together after he prepares the feasibility report."

"What project?" Chen Xiang asked.

"In the past two years, China's film and television industry has developed rapidly and reached unprecedented heights. In people's spare time, cinemas have become the first choice for many people."

"Deng Shaohui is planning to acquire China Cinemas, at least half of it. I think this idea is really good."

"Now Lao Bai

We control nearly 20% of the theater chains, and if we acquire more than half, we can form a monopoly in this field. "

"If I invest in film and television in the future, my income will not be lower than that of Ascendas Pharmaceuticals."

Chen Xiang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard it.

With her business acumen, how could she not see the business opportunities in this?

Theater chains are the lifeblood of film and television. Controlling theater chains and then investing in movies will form a perfect industrial chain, which is definitely promising.

“This project is really good!”

“However, there are a few things to note here.”

"Now the country is very resistant to industry monopoly. If there is a negative impact, the country will not stand idly by."

"There is also Deng Shaohui's character. Don't forget that you and the Deng family have a deep hatred."

"I know something about Deng Shaohui. He is a very sophisticated man. I don't believe he will sincerely cooperate with his enemies."

"There might be some conspiracy here!"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I've considered everything you said."

"Strictly speaking, ours is not an industry monopoly. After all, these theater chains are not in my hands alone."

"As for Deng Shaohui, you don't have to worry."

"It's precisely because his city is deep that it's okay."

"Because he knows that with his current strength, he poses no threat to me at all."

"What he relies on now is his uncle Lan Xiangdong. Now his uncle doesn't dare to do anything to me, and he doesn't dare to do anything bad."

"What he has to do now is to expand his strength and accumulate strength. He will never act rashly until he has the strength to compete with me."

"As for revenge, I think this can only be a beautiful wish in his heart."

"In terms of financial resources, he will always be beyond his reach."

"In terms of background, half a year later, he

Do you still have the capital to compete with me? "

"What he is doing now is confusing the public."

"On the surface, he made peace with me, but in fact he was paralyzing me, because what he is thinking about now is not revenge, but worry about my revenge."

"So, you don't have to worry at all."

When Lu Fei said this, Chen Xiang was completely relieved.

That's right, in terms of financial resources, Deng Shaohui is outmatched.

In terms of background, half a year later, Lu Fei took over as the general consultant of China's historical archaeology. By then, even his uncle Lan Xiangdong could only look up.

"All right!"

"I have no objection at all to what you said, but I have to be present when the contract is signed. I'm worried that he will tamper with the contract." Chen Xiang said.

"No problem. With you as my check, I feel more at ease. Now let's talk about it, how much liquidity do I have?"

After saying this, Chen Xiang smiled mysteriously: "Can you guess?"


"It's said outside that I am Lu Qianyi, so I'll guess 100 billion." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"No, guess again!"

"Then tell me whether it's too much or too little?"

"It's less, guess higher and be bolder." Chen Xiang said with a smile.


"You said my liquidity is more than 100 billion?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

He previously estimated that the funds at his disposal were at least 50 billion. Even if he thought about it more, it would only be 70 to 80 billion.

Lu Fei was still shocked when he heard Chen Xiang say it was more than 100 billion.

"One hundred and twenty billion?"

"not enough!"

"One hundred and fifty billion?"

"Hey, can you be braver?"

"It's still missing."


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