A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2395: When will the pursuit of fame and fortune end?

The dignified chief archaeological consultant of China faced the biggest Waterloo of his life tonight. He was hit repeatedly by Lu Fei's collapse therapy, which made Guan Haishan go crazy.

The most damning thing is that Guan Haishan was unable to refute Lu Fei's accusations, which almost cost him his life.

At this time, Guan Haishan's old face had turned the color of pig liver, and the color of the pig liver, which had been stored for several days and was about to go bad, was not to mention very ugly.

"Bad Fei, I admit that this was a mistake in my work."

"However, Xu Shijie's acting skills are so good. Not only me, but no one among the dozens of people present noticed anything strange. You can't blame me alone!" Guan Haishan said.

Lu Fei sneered again and again: "Look, now you are still trying to shirk responsibility. You are a leader, are you an ordinary person?"

"Others can't see that there are extenuating circumstances. If you can't see it, it's a mistake and a shirk of responsibility. You"

Guan Haishan quickly waved his hand to interrupt Lu Fei. He had no choice but to let him continue talking, and I was afraid he would stay here forever.

"Basha Fei, I admit that it was my mistake and irresponsible. I admit it."

"But, having said that, Xu Shijie's behavior is indeed abnormal, but what does this mean?" ??

"You can't just let Wang Shun cause trouble just because of suspicion, right?" Guan Haishan said.


Lu Fei glared at him and said, "It seems that my words were too tactful. People like you don't deserve to be scolded!"

"At this point, you are still stubborn. If you don't step down, it is God's fault!"


Guan Haishan had a mouthful of old blood in his throat. If he hadn't pressed down with all his strength, it would have spurted out. Even so, he still coughed violently.

"You, you, you, okay, I can't explain you, but you can tell me why I am so stubborn?" Guan Haishan said through gritted teeth.

“As a leader, you must have strong insights.”

"Xu Shijie

Their visit to Tiandu this time was euphemistically called a cross-strait cultural relics exchange meeting. In fact, Sima Zhao's intentions were well known to everyone. "

"As I said just now, it has been more than a year since Mr. Kong passed away. It is not normal for them to come out now."

"Since it's not normal, why didn't you investigate it in advance?"

"The ancients said: Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle. Have you learned all your knowledge from a dog?"


"I'm so sorry!!"


"Calm down, calm down. Baoshao Fei is such a tough guy. I understand him and I'm not angry."

Guan Haishan kept comforting himself in his heart, but it was of no use. The fire of ignorance still occupied the commanding heights and could not be suppressed at all!

calm down!

Guan Haishan gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "You also said, since everyone knows their purpose, is it still necessary to investigate?"

"Isn't it more important to take precautions in advance?"


Lu Fei sneered and said: "So, you guys came up with a good idea to pass the blame on me and let me be the villain, right?"


Speaking of this issue, Guan Haishan's anger instantly turned into shame.

"I, this is also an expedient measure."


"Bullshit expedient measures, in the final analysis, it's because you are afraid of others, you have no guts, and you, the head of the family, are even more cowardly."

"A soldier is a coward, a coward."

"If you are going to be scared, you will be scared."

"You, the head of the family, don't have any

There is no responsibility and no courage to face them head-on. "

"Because you are afraid of losing, and you are even more afraid that losing will ruin your reputation and affect your status, right?" Lu Fei yelled.


Guan Haishan succeeded and was speechless again.

"Guan Laosan, your master is here. Do you still remember how your master responded?"

"Your master can do it, why don't you dare to harden steel?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"You are also the general counsel. Behind you are hundreds of thousands of archaeologists. Behind you are the powerful backers of China's senior leaders. With all of this, what the hell are you worried about?"

"More than a thousand cultural relics!"

"Is your status and prestige really more important than these more than a thousand cultural relics?"

"What the hell did you think?"

"Are you worthy of your responsibility?"

"Are you worthy of the sacred position of general counsel?"

"Are you fucking worthy of your master's expectations and teachings?"

Lu Fei's voice became louder and louder, as if thunder with increasing power exploded in Guan Haishan's heart.

Looking at the portrait of his master involuntarily, Guan Haishan's legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground again, like a corpse, with no expression on his face.

After being scolded by Lu Fei this time, Guan Haishan surprisingly did not feel any hatred in his heart, because after hearing these words, Guan Haishan really realized that he had done something wrong.


Is your position and prestige really that important?

If Master were alive, he would definitely risk his life for those more than a thousand cultural relics, because in Master's eyes, cultural relics are his life.

No, not only Master, cultural relics are also the life of every archaeologist!

At this moment, Guan Haishan thought of Master's tireless reminders and teachings, and of the oath he swore on the day he took office. Unknowingly, Guan Haishan burst into tears.

Oh my God!

When did I forget my original intention?

Since when did I become such a philistine?

I wholeheartedly want to follow Master's footsteps, do better, and become Master's pride.

However, I don’t know since when did my behavior deviate from the originally set track?

Guan Haishan was extremely frightened when he thought about it, regretful and deep fear surged into his heart at the same time.

At this moment, he suddenly no longer hated Lu Fei, and was even grateful for Lu Fei's wake-up call.

If it weren't for Lu Fei's curse, the consequences would have been disastrous!

Lu Fei next to him did not continue to yell, but quietly observed the changes in Guan Haishan.

Seeing that his hostility and resentment slowly disappeared, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that I made the right move with this risky move!

For a long time, Guan Haishan stood up and burst into tears. When he opened his eyes, Lu Fei brought a full glass of white wine to him.

Guan Haishan took it and drank it in one gulp without hesitation.

Lu Fei patted his shoulder lightly and whispered: "When will you stop fighting for fame and fortune? You won't be free to get up early and sleep late. You will ride on a donkey, mule and think about the horse. The official and the prime minister will look at the prince. I only worry about food and clothing and work too much, so why worry about Yan?" Are you just going to take advantage of me? My stepsons are trying to get rich by shading my grandson, and none of them are willing to look back!"

"It's human nature to strive for fame and gain, I don't blame you."

"If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater good. Fortunately, you are not in too deep. Your master will forgive you."

"The removal of your position as general counsel has become a foregone conclusion. No one can change it. Even if I don't take over, someone else will replace you."

"Next, you may have to face some criticism from public opinion. I hope you can look away."

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