A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2396: Die without a move

Lu Fei said that public opinion made Guan Haishan feel tight.

He knew very well how terrifying the power of public opinion was.

Those uncrowned kings can even be written as black when they are white. Their terrifying level cannot be overstated.

Guan Haishan shuddered at the thought that he would still be pushed to the forefront of public opinion in his sixties.

What's more, it's negative news.

Kong Lao's most proud disciple fell from the altar.

The shortest-serving general archaeological consultant in China.

After taking office for more than a year, he resigned in despair. Mr. Guan’s strength is worrying.

Thinking about these possible negative reports, Guan Haishan's scalp went numb.

However, this is already an established fact, even Daluo Jinxian has no way to save his life.

Guan Haishan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know if I can hold on, but that doesn't matter anymore. I don't have the right to choose anymore, do I?"

"If I had known this was the case, I would never have taken over as general counsel. Damn Fei, I'm so damn aggrieved!"

After a glass of wine, Guan Haishan felt a little dizzy and his true feelings were revealed.

"Baoshaifei, I know you are more suitable for this position than me. You are right. I have always been worried that you would compete with me for this general consultant position because I have a guilty conscience. Do you know that I have a guilty conscience?"

Lu Fei patted him on the shoulder and said: "In terms of professionalism, your ability is absolutely unparalleled, but your personality is too weak and you are not suitable for this leadership."

"To put it bluntly, I was the one who harmed you. If I had promised Mr. Kong to take this position, there wouldn't be so many things happening today."


"Baoshaifei, you were the one who harmed me. You finally said something human today. It's not easy!"

"I originally had no desires and desires, but you pretended to be reserved and pushed me to the forefront. Now I'm riding a tiger and it's all because of you. Do you know that I really want to beat you up?" Guan Haishan said viciously.

Lu Fei chuckled: "Forget it.

Well, you can't beat me. If you fight with me, you will only be embarrassed. "

"What I just said was a bit unpleasant, I hope you don't mind." Lu Fei said.

"do not mind?"


"I'm not a saint. You scolded me until I became a human being. You told me not to mind?"

"I'll fuck you!"

"I tell you, I mind, I hate you forever."

"By the way, I won't pay you back the money I owe you. This is a little compensation from you. Yes, I won't pay you back. If you want to do it, you can go, but if I don't, you will die!"

At this moment, Guan Haishan slowly relaxed under the influence of alcohol.

Guan Haishan suddenly felt like the past time was back when he was bickering with Lu Fei back and forth.

Although I feel extremely wronged in my heart, this feeling is truly wonderful!

Especially in this state, it seemed to be the most relaxed moment for him in the past year or so. He couldn't figure out the specific reason, but it was very relaxed anyway.

"Guan Laosan, are you sure you don't want to pay me back?" Lu Fei said with a straight face.

"If you don't want to return it, you won't return it. Also, you must return my "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" to me." Guan Haishan said.

"You are shameless!"

Seeing Lu Fei's deflated expression, Guan Haishan felt extremely happy.


"I'm so shameless, what can you do?"


Lu Fei nodded helplessly: "You are awesome, I can't do anything to you."

"But let's put the words up front and return the things to you.

, the money owed to me is written off in one stroke, can this knot be solved? "

"If you say you can't, I will send you a lawyer's letter tomorrow!" Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan nodded: "Sure!"

"As long as you agree to this condition, I'll forget about the embarrassing thing you did to me this time."

"A gentleman's word?"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The two clinked glasses and drank, high-fiving each other.

Letting go of his hands, Lu Fei raised a sly smile on his lips. Guan Haishan saw this scene clearly. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it, so he could only give it up for now.

"Give me a cigarette!" Guan Haishan stretched out his hand.


"You don't smoke, don't you?"

"I want to smoke it now, will you give it to me?"

"Yeah, you're awesome!"

Lu Fei ordered it for him with his own hands. Guan Haishan took a deep breath and immediately coughed violently. It took him a while to recover.

"Baolanfei, you said that Xu Shijie and the others behaved abnormally, but I did not investigate in depth."

"However, since you said that, you obviously have the result. What is going on?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Are you still awake?" Lu Fei asked.

"Nonsense, I have never been so sober as today."

Lu Fei knew that Guan Haishan was a little tall, but seeing his eyes shining, he knew that his subconscious was still awake, so he took out his tablet and pulled up a document and handed it to him.

"Now, look at it!"

"After reading this, you will know how unforgivable the mistake you made is."

Guan Haishan rolled his eyes at him, then looked at the computer carefully.

At first, Guan Haishan didn’t take it seriously, but after two seconds, Guan Haishan

Haishan's body was shaken, and his eyes suddenly widened.

The next second he sat up straight and started to look carefully. The more he looked, the more nervous he became, and the bigger his eyes got. Slowly, Guan Haishan was sweating profusely, and the remaining alcohol in his body was eliminated with the sweat. , at this moment, he was completely awake.


"This, this...are these all true?" Guan Haishan asked in shock after reading it.

Lu Fei nodded: "This is the result of Baodao Zhulong's investigation, and it is absolutely unerring."

"Besides, I can guarantee that the leaders above must have grasped this result, otherwise they would not have unleashed the wrath of Thunder."

"Now you know how wrong you were, right?" Lu Fei said.

Guan Haishan's mouth opened to the extreme, his eyes filled with disbelief: "Oh my God!"

"how could this be?"

"Is Xu Shijie crazy?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "The exciting part is yet to come, keep reading."

Guan Haishan rubbed his eyes and continued to scroll down. The next moment, Guan Haishan stood there as if struck by lightning. His brain circuits were temporarily shut down. His hands went weak and he almost threw away the computer.

"Crazy, Xu Shijie is really crazy!"


"I have known Xu Shijie for more than ten years. I never expected that he would be so crazy."

"Bao Bao Fei, if this thing spreads, I'm afraid it will cause a big shock!" Guan Haishan said in disbelief.

Lu Fei took the computer back, smiled slightly and said, "Because of your serious mistake, you almost made a big mistake."

"The leaders are secretly looking for me. They have already given you enough face. You know what would happen if you were someone else."

"Do you still feel aggrieved now?"

"I said before that they deserved a beating. Do you think it's still wrong now?"

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