A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2422 Smart Man

Xu Shijie took out his biggest trump card and used the note issued by Pan Xingzhou to threaten Lu Fei.

He believed that with this note in hand, Lu Fei would not dare to stab him no matter how arrogant he was.

Unfortunately, he still knew too little about Lu Fei.

When Lu Fei heard this, he did not show the fear that Xu Shijie wanted to see. Instead, he laughed calmly.

"Xu Shijie, you don't need to sow discord here, it's useless to me."

"Pan is always a good leader that we respect. He knows right from wrong, which is obvious to everyone."

"China is a society governed by the rule of law. Mr. Pan has a rigorous style and is even less likely to break the rules."

"I believe you said that Mr. Pan wrote you a note, but if you say that he directly issued an order to forcibly break the contract, I absolutely don't believe it."


This flattering shot is so beautiful.

Even Pan Xingzhou, who was watching the live broadcast, had a smile on his face.

Lu Fei continued: "If it is what you said, you don't need to talk to me at all. You can just take the note to the Shenzhou Archaeological Team to execute the order."

"You just want to use this to defraud me. It's a pity that you have found the wrong person. I, Lu Fei, will not accept your trick."

"However, I would like to ask you, you pretended to preach the imperial edict and sow discord between me and Mr. Pan. What are your intentions?"

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Xu Shijie's expression suddenly changed.

The people who eat melons are just watching the excitement. They don't care at all what is going on.

However, the minds of the reporters who were playing the role of melon-eaters became active.

The current situation is that Lu Fei's momentum is obviously stronger than that of Xu Shijie. In order to win Lu Fei's favor and to prevent Lu Fei from retaliating later, these reporters have long wanted to rebel and stand up to speak for Lu Fei.

However, when they heard that the topic between Lu Fei and the two involved the Chinese Archaeological Team and Pan Xingzhou, they hesitated again.

Pan Xingzhou is super big

Dude, almost everything about him is a sensitive topic. If someone accidentally says something that shouldn't be said, or takes the wrong stance, the consequences will be much more serious than offending Lu Fei.

Therefore, reporters who originally planned to rebel once again chose to wait and see.

However, there are smart people among them.

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhou, the reporters from Tiandu Entertainment Magazine who had quietly squeezed into the crowd, were in this category.

They originally planned to watch the excitement. If they had a good opportunity, they would catch one or two hot spots and go back to break the news. This would be a great achievement.

Squeezing into the crowd and hearing the conversation between Lu Fei and Xu Shijie, Xiao Li's eyes turned blue with excitement.

The Chinese archaeological team, the ownership of more than a thousand cultural relics, Lu Fei's museum, and Pan Xingzhou.

Each of these factors is a hot topic!

If added together, it would not just be a hot spot, but a super breaking news.

After going back, I will dig deeper and write an article with pictures and videos. It will definitely be popular in China, and it will even be much better than the live broadcast.

After all, when watching the live broadcast, you can only see what happened, but you cannot tell the specific inside story.

Xiao Li and Xiao Zhou have already seen that those colleagues are already ready to make a move, but they all have scruples in their hearts and do not dare to be the first to stand up.

Xiao Li was thoughtful, but felt that their concerns were completely unnecessary.

First of all, although Lu Fei has an arrogant personality, he is extremely steady in his work.

If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't be so strong.

In addition, looking at the expressions of Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie, it is obvious that the two old men are a little guilty. In comparison, Xiao Li believes in Lu Fei more.

As for the same

The professionals were concerned about Pan Xingzhou's identity, but Xiao Li didn't think it was true.

Pan Xingzhou's identity is indeed sensitive, but those colleagues have ignored one detail, that is, the live broadcast platform is still popular.

If the leaders above did not want Mr. Pan’s name to be involved in this incident, this live broadcast would have been removed from the shelves and destroyed. How could they allow the incident to escalate quickly?

This is completely counterintuitive.

Based on this, Xiao Li judged that the higher-ups simply turned a blind eye and even intentionally allowed the development of the situation to spread.

If that's the case, that's really interesting.

Xiao Li whispered his thoughts to Xiao Zhou. Xiao Zhou was equally experienced and immediately agreed with Xiao Li's guess.

In this case, what else is there to worry about?

The two looked at each other and immediately gave the order.

Photography and camera were immediately in place. Xiao Li took out the microphone, made a gesture to the camera, and then stood up decisively.

Just what Lu Fei said, he pointed the microphone at Xu Shijie.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Li Xiao, a special reporter from Tiandu Entertainment Magazine."

"You just said that you have Mr. Pan's order approval document in your hand, but Mr. Lu has questioned this. In this case, you might as well show it to everyone to see what is going on. Can we speak with the facts?"

Xu Shijie's old face had long been blamed. He never expected that Lu Fei would dare to speak like this in front of so many people.

The unexpected situation left him at a loss.

At this time, a reporter came forward, and Xu Shijie was so grateful that he burst into tears.

Unfortunately, he forgot one thing. This reporter was not included in his invitation. Instead, he was a special reporter from Tiandu Entertainment Magazine who rejected his invitation in person.

This is also because, many

Shijie was really confused by Lu Fei.

After hearing what Xiao Li said, Xu Shijie nodded immediately and winked at Xiao Li. Then, the camera focused on the note.

Xiao Li read aloud while reading.

"Approve the application for renting cultural relics from the Baodao Museum, Pan Xingzhou."

There was a simple sentence on the note. Xiao Li read it out, looked at Xu Shijie with suspicion and asked: "Mr. Xu, did you just say that this note was an order from Mr. Pan to Mr. Lu?"

"But, literally, why can't I see this meaning?"

"This document only agrees with you to rent cultural relics from Gubo. It doesn't even include the items of cultural relics or the specific time. It doesn't even mention a few words from Mr. Lu. Where did the order you mentioned come from?"

"You are not pretending to preach the imperial edict, are you?"


After Xiao Li finished speaking, the surroundings instantly became chaotic.


"Mr. Lu's name is not mentioned at all."

"That's right, this old man is just pretending to pass on the imperial edict, and he's so courageous."

Hearing the discussions around him, Xu Shijie secretly thought something was wrong. When he looked at Xiao Li, his eyes were full of anger.

"Reporter, please don't talk nonsense."

"This is an internal matter within our archaeological community and is not something for your entertainment media to speculate on."

"At that time, what we applied to Mr. Pan were part of the batch of cultural relics previously loaned to the Lufei Museum."

"General Manager Pan approved our application. Of course, those cultural relics will be rented to us first. This is the order."

"Lu Fei, we don't care about the other cultural relics you loaned, but you must give us the 1,605 cultural relics we applied for. This is what Mr. Pan meant."

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