A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2423 Long admired

Xu Shijie explained far-fetchedly, but reporter Xiao Li was aggressive.

"Mr. Xu, that's not what you said just now."

"We all heard clearly just now that you said that this note was an order from Mr. Pan to Mr. Lu, but no matter how you explained it, we did not see that this note had the meaning of an order."

"As for the cultural relics you mentioned, there are no labels on them. Isn't your explanation very contradictory?"

Xu Shijie rolled his eyes angrily.

Lu Fei was almost mad at him, and now a reporter appeared and was so aggressive that it was really killing him!

Looking at the reporters he invited, they were so involved in playing the role of passers-by that Xu Shijie wanted to curse.

Staring at Xiao Li fiercely, Xu Shijie shouted sternly: "Comrade reporter, this is a matter between me and Lu Fei in our archaeological industry. You don't understand the details, so please don't get involved, okay?"

"You can easily confuse things like this."


After Xu Shijie finished speaking, boos broke out around him. Just as Xiao Li was about to snarl back, Lu Fei stood up with a smile.

"Say Mr. Xu, why do I feel like it's you who is confusing the public?"

"I think what this journalist friend said is very reasonable. From this note, I don't see your so-called order."

"Let me just say, how could Mr. Pan, a good public servant of our people, violate the contract and forcibly issue an order to terminate our cooperation? Now it seems that someone is obviously spreading the imperial edict with bad intentions!"

Lu Fei's words attracted cheers from the surroundings.

"well said!"

"How can a leader as big as Mr. Pan violate the spirit of the contract? It's absolutely impossible."

"Yes, this old guy must be pretending to pass on the imperial edict."

The melon-eating crowd echoed, but the reporters who acted as passers-by were concerned about another sentence Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei said

What reporter Xiao Li said is reasonable. This is to praise reporter Xiao Li!

Everyone knows that the situation at the scene has been broadcast on the live broadcast platform. Maybe Mr. Bai is also paying attention to this matter.

Lu Fei praised Xiao Li, and Mr. Bai was very happy. This reporter and their company will definitely get Mr. Bai's strong support. It will be difficult for them to take off in the future!

Damn it!

It's all my fault that I hesitated just now and missed this god-given opportunity to curry favor with Lu Fei. Damn it!

Now that I stand up, it's obviously not the case anymore.

Lu Fei is not stupid, he must have figured out that they came with Xu Shijie.

It's just that everyone didn't "help the emperor do evil", and Lu Fei couldn't embarrass them.

If they had stood up to speak for Lu Fei just now, it would have been a timely help.

Going out now would be the icing on the cake at best and completely meaningless.

Maybe it would also arouse Lu Fei's resentment, so there would be no chance for them to show off this time.

These reporters were so regretful that their intestines turned green. Each one of them invited Xu Shijie's ancestors out in their hearts and greeted them several times.


Xu Shijie's face was red and his neck was thick, and his whole body was shaking with anger. Lu Fei laughed and said: "Don't be angry yet, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"What did you say?"

"This is an internal matter within our archaeological community. Haha, please, Mr. Xu, I, Lu Fei, am not from your archaeological community. I have nothing to do with you and I have nothing to say to you."

"I don't care what your note is about. If you want cultural relics, you can go find the Chinese Archaeological Team and ask them to talk to me."

"I can't tell you,

Moreover, you are not qualified to talk to me! "


Xu Shijie's eyes were dazzled, and there was a stabbing pain in his chest, as if he was having a heart attack. He pointed at Lu Fei and shouted bitterly: "Lu Fei, you, you are unreasonable."


"It's not that I'm unreasonable, it's that you're asking for trouble."


Xu Shijie also realized now that his plan was completely aborted.

Lu Fei is just a bastard, and there is no way he can be frightened by Pan Xingzhou's note.

The reporters he invited did not do anything, and there were reporters who helped Lu Fei build momentum. Coupled with the people around him who were all flattering Lu Fei, he was completely powerless to resist.

If you continue, you will really follow Lu Fei's words and ask for boredom.

After whispering a few words to Shen Lianxi, who was also very angry, the two decided to leave here first and think of a solution after going back.

Pan Xingzhou's note is not useless. If it can't scare Lu Fei, it might be able to scare that idiot Guan Haishan!

When the time comes, it will be much better for Guan Haishan to ask Lu Fei for something than to do it themselves.

Although Xu Shijie decided to retreat temporarily, it would be too embarrassing to leave like this. At the very least, he would have to say a few words for the occasion.

So, Xu Shijie cheered up and stepped forward and said: "Lu Fei, I heard about what you did before. I always thought that you were a polite and well-informed public figure. But after this contact, I realized that I was wrong. How wrong.”

"You are full of filthy words, clever words, rude words, confusing the public, and nonsense. What is the difference between you and the gangsters in society?"

"You dare to disobey Mr. Pan's orders. Do you still have the laws of China in your eyes?"

"You are simply lawless."

"Okay, since you

If you don't admit it, I'll go to Mr. Pan personally. I won't believe it. No one can cure you. "

"You'd better take good care of those 1,605 cultural relics for me. It won't be long before I get them back myself."


After Xu Shijie finished speaking, there were boos and curses all around.

However, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi pretended not to hear and turned to leave.

"Stop!" Lu Fei shouted from behind.

Xu Shijie frowned, turned around and said coldly: "Why, Mr. Lu is so angry that he wants to beat someone?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I, Lu Fei, do things according to my standards."

"As for your evaluation of me just now, I don't care. Justice is up to people's minds. If you want to slander me with your empty words, you don't have the ability yet."

"I'm not calling you for anything else. I just want to ask the two leaders about something."


"What do you want to know?" Shen Lianxi asked.

Lu Fei smiled and winked at reporter Xiao Li.

Even though the two of them had never met before, Xiao Li was very smart and understood what Lu Fei meant instantly, and immediately directed the camera to come closer.

Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi had no idea what Lu Fei was going to do, and frowned as they waited for Lu Fei to ask.

"Both leaders, although this is our first meeting, I, Lu Fei, have admired their names for a long time."


Lu Fei, who had been fiercely murderous just now, suddenly smiled with a smile on his face and compliments in his words. When the people around him saw this scene, they were collectively stunned.

Everyone looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what Lu Fei was going to do.

Not to mention them, even Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie were also confused.

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