A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2424 is coming

The style of painting suddenly changed.

Just now he was tense and contented, but in the blink of an eye Lu Fei put on a kind smile, with a hint of admiration for Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi in his tone. Now, reporter Xiao Li was completely confused.

Not only Xiao Li, but also the melon-eaters and netizens who watched the video, including the two parties involved, Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie, were collectively stunned.

Xu Shijie suspected that Lu Fei had a conspiracy and subconsciously took two steps back.

It's no wonder that Xu Shijie reacted violently. Lu Fei had yelled at him just now, but his attitude changed in the blink of an eye. A normal person would not be used to the roller coaster-like performance.

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?" Xu Shijie asked warily.


"Mr. Xu, don't be nervous!"

"I have said that I have admired you two for a long time, so I also know something about your relatives and friends."

"As far as I know, Mr. Xu, you have a 79-year-old mother. Your wife is 53 years old this year and is a senior professor at Kaohsiung University of Political Science and Law. I also have great respect for your wife!"


When Lu Fei said this, the people around him became even more confused. Even Pan Xingzhou, who was watching the live broadcast, frowned.

"What kind of trick is this kid Lu Fei trying to do?"

Pan Xingzhou looked at the secretary. The secretary was terribly embarrassed. He spread his hands and said, "I don't know either!"

"Boss, Mr. Lu has always been elusive in his actions. I guess he is just trying to attract others, right?"

"Is that so?" Pan Xingzhou was confused.

He couldn't understand, and even the guys who claimed to know Lu Fei relatively well were confused.

Bai Zirui, who was brushing his teeth, swallowed a mouthful of toothpaste in a daze. The next second, his stomach was churning, and he threw himself into the toilet and vomited wildly.

Li Yunhe, who had just gotten off the plane, was among the first to meet Lu Fei, and he was also confused.

However, there are people who really know the inside story.

In the office of the general counsel of the archaeological team, Guan Haishan gritted his teeth.

"Depend on!"

"Coming, it's coming."

"Damn it, this is my chance to show off!"

"It's your uncle's fault, you've gone too far."

The others were kept in the dark, but Xu Shijie on the opposite side couldn't help but take a breath when Lu Fei said this.

Because what Lu Fei said was absolutely true.

Xu Shijie frowned and asked with a straight face, "Lu Fei, how did you know about our family's affairs?"

"What are you going to do?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Look, didn't I just say that I have admired you, Mr. Xu, for a long time. Of course I want to know about your family's situation when I have the opportunity."

"I also have some properties in Baodao. When I go there, I plan to

Coming to visit! "

"How's it going? I've done my homework well, right?"

"To be honest, you are a family that is loving and filial to your mother and son. You are really envious of others!"

A loving mother and a filial son?

Hearing Lu Fei say this, Xu Shijie instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Lu Fei continued: "However, there is one thing I don't understand."

"In the past two days, I have been thinking about your traditions."

"I heard that there are ancient customs where a woman's name is often preceded by her husband's surname."

"I understand this, but if my son doesn't have the same surname as me, what's the point?"


When Lu Fei said these words, Xu Shijie's face suddenly changed. His face, which was flushed with anger just now, turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That's right, it was pale, as pale as a corpse, without any blood.

Next to him, Shen Lian shivered with joy and could not help but take three steps back. When he looked at Lu Fei, his eyes were full of fear.

This sudden scene stunned everyone around them.

"Lu Fei, what are you going to say?" Xu Shijie said uneasily.

Lu Fei smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you?"

"Your reaction shocked me, let me tell you."

"When you interrupted me, I almost forgot where I was talking about."

Lu Fei scratched his head, patted his forehead and said, "Oh, I remembered, I just mentioned your last names, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Xu, please explain to me, what is going on?"

"They are all from China on Baodao, so how can my son not have the same surname as me?"

"If their ancestor knew this, why would he strangle him to death in his dream?"

Lu Fei was serious and what he said was true. Even Chen Xiang was a little curious and turned to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei happened to look over and said seriously to Chen Xiang, "I didn't lie to you. What I just said is true."

"Let me give you an example!"

"Mr. Xu and his family have such a person in their hometown. This man's father has the same surname as our Mr. Xu, and his surname is also Xu."

"It stands to reason that his son should also be named Xu, right?"

"But the strange thing is that the family's household registration book has the same surname as his uncle. He..."

Speaking of this, Lu Fei glanced at Shen Lianxi unintentionally, and his eyes lit up.

"What a coincidence, that man's uncle has the same surname as our Mr. Shen, and his surname is also Shen."

"The most incredible thing is that this person is still a member of the House of Representatives and is still running in the general election."

"You said, if his true identity is exposed, will anyone still support him?" The style of the painting suddenly changed.

Just now he was tense and contented, but in the blink of an eye Lu Fei put on a kind smile, with a hint of admiration for Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi in his tone. Now, reporter Xiao Li was completely confused.

Not only Xiao Li, but also the melon-eaters and netizens who watched the video, including the two parties involved, Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie, were collectively stunned.

Xu Shijie suspected that Lu Fei had a conspiracy and subconsciously took two steps back.

It's no wonder that Xu Shijie reacted violently. Lu Fei had yelled at him just now, but his attitude changed in the blink of an eye. A normal person would not be used to the roller coaster-like performance.

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?" Xu Shijie asked warily.


"Mr. Xu, don't be nervous!"

"I have said that I have admired you two for a long time, so I also know something about your relatives and friends."

"As far as I know, Mr. Xu, you have a 79-year-old mother. Your wife is 53 years old and is a senior professor at Kaohsiung University of Political Science and Law. I also have great respect for your wife!"


When Lu Fei said this, the people around him became even more confused. Even Pan Xingzhou, who was watching the live broadcast, frowned.

"What kind of trick is this kid Lu Fei trying to do?"

Pan Xingzhou looked at the secretary. The secretary was terribly embarrassed. He spread his hands and said, "I don't know either!"

"Boss, Mr. Lu has always been elusive in his actions. I guess he is just trying to attract others, right?"

"Is that so?" Pan Xingzhou was confused.

He couldn't understand, and even the guys who claimed to know Lu Fei relatively well were confused.

Bai Zirui, who was brushing his teeth, swallowed a mouthful of toothpaste in a daze. The next second, his stomach was churning, and he threw himself into the toilet and vomited wildly.

Li Yunhe, who had just gotten off the plane, was among the first to meet Lu Fei, and he was also confused.

However, there are people who really know the inside story.

In the office of the general counsel of the archaeological team, Guan Haishan gritted his teeth.

"Depend on!"

"Coming, it's coming."

"Damn it, this is my chance to show off!"

"It's your uncle's fault, you've gone too far."

The others were kept in the dark, but Xu Shijie on the opposite side couldn't help but take a breath when Lu Fei said this.

Because what Lu Fei said was absolutely true.

Xu Shijie frowned and asked with a straight face, "Lu Fei, how did you know about our family's affairs?"

"What are you going to do?"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Look, didn't I just say that I have admired you, Mr. Xu, for a long time, and of course I want to know about your family's situation when I have the opportunity."

"I also have some properties in Baodao. When I go there, I plan to

Coming to visit! "

"How's it going? I've done my homework well, right?"

"To be honest, you are a family that is loving and filial to your mother and son. You are really envious of others!"

A loving mother and a filial son?

Hearing Lu Fei say this, Xu Shijie instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Lu Fei continued: "However, there is one thing I don't understand."

"In the past two days, I have been thinking about your traditions."

"I heard that there are ancient customs where a woman's name is often preceded by her husband's surname."

"I understand this, but if my son doesn't have the same surname as me, what's the point?"


When Lu Fei said these words, Xu Shijie's face suddenly changed. His face, which was flushed with anger just now, turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That's right, it was pale, as pale as a corpse, without any blood.

Next to him, Shen Lian shivered with joy and could not help but take three steps back. When he looked at Lu Fei, his eyes were full of fear.

This sudden scene stunned everyone around them.

"Lu Fei, what are you going to say?" Xu Shijie said uneasily.

Lu Fei smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you?"

"Your reaction shocked me, let me tell you."

"When you interrupted me, I almost forgot where I was talking about."

Lu Fei scratched his head, patted his forehead and said, "Oh, I remembered, I just mentioned your last names, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Xu, please explain to me, what is going on?"

"They are all from China on Baodao, so how can my son not have the same surname as me?"

"If their ancestor knew this, why would he strangle him to death in his dream?"

Lu Fei was serious and what he said was true. Even Chen Xiang was a little curious and turned to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei happened to look over and said seriously to Chen Xiang, "I didn't lie to you. What I just said is true."

"Let me give you an example!"

"Mr. Xu and his family have such a person in their hometown. This man's father has the same surname as our Mr. Xu, and his surname is also Xu."

"It stands to reason that his son should also be named Xu, right?"

"But the strange thing is that the family's household registration book has the same surname as his uncle. He..."

Speaking of this, Lu Fei glanced at Shen Lianxi unintentionally, and his eyes lit up.

"What a coincidence, that man's uncle has the same surname as our Mr. Shen, and his surname is also Shen."

"The most incredible thing is that this person is still a member of the House of Representatives and is still participating in the general election."

"You think, if his true identity is exposed, will anyone still support him?"

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