A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2427 This is the gap

Leaving behind Jia Tao's contact number, Lu Fei got in the car and left, leaving Jia Tao, who was thinking about an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, in a mess.

The annual salary is five hundred thousand!

For a driver who is not highly educated and only knows how to drive, this is simply an astronomical figure.

Jia Tao never dreamed that he would one day earn half a million yuan a year. His excited mind went blank and he was completely stunned.

After a long time, Jia Tao let out a sharp roar and immediately called his wife, eager to share the joy in his heart.

Lu Fei's recruitment of Jia Tao was not just a whim.

He will take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology in half a year. Although he told leader No. 3 that it is impossible to devote all his energy to this work, he must also fulfill his responsibilities.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, the focus from now on will be on Tiandu City.

As a general counsel, driving one's own car is clearly out of character.

It's not that Lu Fei cares much about this, at least he can't lose the face of the archaeological team, right? .??.

The archaeological team has no worries about drivers, but those drivers are not within Lu Fei's consideration.

Although Lu Fei was not in the agency before, he still knew a little about the routines inside.

As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

As for government agencies, the charlatanism is even stronger.

Here, there are cliques, intrigues, schemes against each other, etc. It’s not too lively at all.

Not to mention the driver, an ordinary security guard, or the man in the mail room might be an informant arranged by some force.

In order to avoid trouble, Lu Fei would never arrange for anyone in the system to be by his side. Therefore, Lu Fei had originally planned to recruit a reliable driver, and he happened to meet Jia Tao today.

Jia Tao was able to record Xu Shijie's conversation, which shows that he is smart enough and careful enough.

Giving the recording to himself without paying for it shows that Jia Tao's character is reliable.

An experienced driver of more than 20 years, his skills were absolutely perfect, so Lu Fei chose him without hesitation.

Lu Fei has communicated with the person in charge here and asked Jia Tao to drive in the company for the time being. After he takes over, he will arrange for him to be with him.

When he went to the supermarket, Lu Fei didn't bring his cell phone. When he got back to the car, his cell phone still kept ringing.

I picked it up and saw, my dear, in just a short while, there were dozens of missed calls.

The one coming in now is the little milk dog.

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"Brother, why don't you take me with you for such a fun thing?"

"Also, why did you let those two old men go? What happened?"

"We've arrived at the airport, we're going to find you!"

"Get out!"\u003c


Lu Fei replied kindly to the little nanny, and hung up the phone, but before he could put it down, Li Yunhe called again.

"What's going on?"


"What's your attitude?"

"I've arrived at Tiandu City. Where are you? I'll go find you." Li Yunhe said unhappily.

"I have something to do, you go find Lao Bai first, that's it."

"Hey, hey. Fuck!!"

Next, Bai Zirui, Qian Chaoyue and a few buddies came over one after another, and Lu Fei just said a few words and finished the matter.

After that, another number came in. Looking at the caller ID, Lu Fei laughed dryly.

"Hey, Mr. Guan, what's the matter with you?"

"It's your uncle's fault. You can't keep your word."

"Didn't we agree yesterday, what about that?" Guan Haishan said angrily.

Seeing Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi's mourning expressions in the live broadcast room, Guan Haishan was extremely happy, but at the same time he was also extremely unhappy.

Others don't know why Xu Shijie's expressions suddenly changed like that, but Guan Haishan knows!

Damn it!

This was originally his chance. Faced with them like this, they also had to lie down.

Last time in the conference room of the archaeological headquarters, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi stole the show. Guan Haishan was very angry with them. Yesterday, he learned from Lu Fei how to deal with them. Guan Haishan screamed in excitement. He was in a state of excitement in the office in the morning. , all he was thinking about was how to regain face in front of Xu Shijie and the others.

But he never expected that Lu Fei would take advantage of this good opportunity to show off, and Guan Haishan was so depressed that he died.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You yelled at me and they came to the door on their own initiative. Can you blame me?"

"It's too late for me to contact you again!"

"Don't be depressed. This is just a small episode. Don't worry, I have a lot of arrangements for you in the future. There are plenty of opportunities."


"When have I ever fooled you?" Lu Fei said.

"That's pretty much it. By the way, you told them that you will go to Baodao Gubo to bring back the corresponding cultural relics in half a year. Is it true?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Nonsense, of course it's true."

"They come from the mainland, pretend to be good and then want to escape. How can it be so cheap?" Lu Fei said.

"That's the truth, but can it be done?" Guan Haishan asked.


"You definitely can't. I should be fine. This is the difference between you and me."

"Pfft, die!!"

Although Guan Haishan was depressed, he couldn't change the reality. After nagging a few words, he hung up the phone angrily. Leaving behind Jia Tao's contact number, Lu Fei got in the car and left, leaving Jia Tao, who was thinking about an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, in a mess.

The annual salary is five hundred thousand!

For a driver who is not highly educated and only knows how to drive, this is simply an astronomical figure.

Jia Tao never dreamed that he would one day earn half a million yuan a year. His excited mind went blank and he was completely stunned.

After a long time, Jia Tao let out a sharp roar and immediately called his wife, eager to share the joy in his heart.

Lu Fei's recruitment of Jia Tao was not just a whim.

He will take over as the general consultant of China's historical archeology in half a year. Although he told leader No. 3 that it is impossible to devote all his energy to this work, he must also fulfill his responsibilities.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, the focus from now on will be on Tiandu City.

As a general counsel, driving one's own car is clearly out of character.

It's not that Lu Fei cares much about this, at least he can't lose the face of the archaeological team, right?

The archaeological team has no worries about drivers, but those drivers are not within Lu Fei's consideration.

Although Lu Fei was not in the agency before, he still knew a little about the routines inside.

As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

As for government agencies, the charlatanism is even stronger.

Here, there are cliques, intrigues, schemes against each other, etc. It’s not too lively at all.

Not to mention the driver, an ordinary security guard, or the man in the mail room might be an informant arranged by some force.

In order to avoid trouble, Lu Fei would never arrange for anyone in the system to be by his side. Therefore, Lu Fei had originally planned to recruit a reliable driver, and he happened to meet Jia Tao today.

Jia Tao was able to record Xu Shijie's conversation, which shows that he is smart enough and careful enough.

Giving the recording to himself without paying for it shows that Jia Tao's character is reliable.

An experienced driver of more than 20 years, his skills were absolutely perfect, so Lu Fei chose him without hesitation.

Lu Fei has communicated with the person in charge here and asked Jia Tao to drive in the company for the time being. After he takes over, he will arrange for him to be with him.

When he went to the supermarket, Lu Fei didn't bring his cell phone. When he got back to the car, his cell phone still kept ringing.

I picked it up and saw, my dear, in just a short while, there were dozens of missed calls.

The one coming in now is the little milk dog.

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked.

"Brother, why don't you take me with you for such a fun thing?"

"Also, why did you let those two old men go? What happened?"

"We've arrived at the airport, we're going to find you!"

"Get out!"\u003c


Lu Fei replied kindly to the little nanny, and hung up the phone, but before he could put it down, Li Yunhe called again.

"What's going on?"


"What's your attitude?"

"I've arrived at Tiandu City. Where are you? I'll go find you." Li Yunhe said unhappily.

"I have something to do, you go find Lao Bai first, that's it."

"Hey, hey. Fuck!!"

Next, Bai Zirui, Qian Chaoyue and a few buddies came over one after another, and Lu Fei just said a few words and finished the matter.

After that, another number came in. Looking at the caller ID, Lu Fei laughed dryly.

"Hey, Mr. Guan, what's the matter with you?"

"It's your uncle's fault. You can't keep your word."

"Didn't we agree yesterday, what about that?" Guan Haishan said angrily.

Seeing Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi's mourning expressions in the live broadcast room, Guan Haishan was extremely happy, but at the same time he was also extremely unhappy.

Others don't know why Xu Shijie's expressions suddenly changed like that, but Guan Haishan knows!

Damn it!

This was originally his chance. Faced with them like this, they also had to lie down.

Last time in the conference room of the archaeological headquarters, Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi stole the show. Guan Haishan was very angry with them. Yesterday, he learned from Lu Fei how to deal with them. Guan Haishan screamed in excitement. He was in a state of excitement in the office in the morning. , all he was thinking about was how to regain face in front of Xu Shijie and the others.

But he never expected that Lu Fei would take advantage of this good opportunity to show off, and Guan Haishan was so depressed that he died.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You yelled at me and they came to the door on their own initiative. Can you blame me?"

"It's too late for me to contact you again!"

"Don't be depressed. This is just a small episode. Don't worry, I have a lot of arrangements for you in the future. There are plenty of opportunities."


"When have I ever fooled you?" Lu Fei said.

"That's pretty much it. By the way, you told them that you will go to Baodao Gubo to bring back the corresponding cultural relics in half a year. Is it true?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Nonsense, of course it's true."

"They come from the mainland, pretend to be good and then want to escape. How can it be so cheap?" Lu Fei said.

"That's the truth, but can it be done?" Guan Haishan asked.


"You definitely can't. I should be fine. This is the difference between you and me."

"Pfft, die!!"

Although Guan Haishan was depressed, he couldn't change the reality. After nagging a few words, he hung up the phone angrily.

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