A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2428 Super Gossip

After Guan Haishan, Pan Xingzhou called again.

The two just chatted briefly and ended the call. Immediately, Lu Fei sent him a document.

As the car continued to drive, Chen Xiang turned his head and looked at Lu Fei curiously from time to time.

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

"Can you tell me what happened just now?"

"I'm very curious about what riddles you and Xu Shijie are playing, and what does the story you told mean? Why did they react so violently after hearing it?"

Chen Xiang is not a troublesome person.

Under normal circumstances, if Lu Fei didn't take the initiative to speak out, she would never ask more questions. However, what happened today was so dramatic that Chen Xiang was extremely curious.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "This is a bit bloody. Are you sure you want to know?"

Chen Xiang rolled his eyes and said, "Is there anything more bloody than the relationship between the three of us?"

"Pfft. Ahem."

Chen Xiang's words came to an end and almost choked Lu Fei to death.

"Xiang'er, um, am I wronging you too much?"

Chen Xiang immediately regretted what he said just now.

"No, I just said it casually, don't think too much about it."

The car fell silent for a moment, and the atmosphere became depressing.

Lu Fei lowered the car window, lit a cigarette and said, "Let me tell you what happened just now!"

"The reason why Xu Shijie and Shen Lianxi had such a big reaction was because the story I told hit their vitals."

"Early when they went to Jincheng to look for me, I asked the brothers of Baodao Zhulong to investigate them."

"I thought I was just getting to know it and making mental preparations, but I didn't expect that I found out a huge gossip."

After hearing the word "gossip", Chen Xiang

The depression disappeared in an instant, her beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance, she stopped the car on the side of the road with double flashes, turned around and looked at Lu Fei with excitement.

Gossip is the nature of every woman, and Chen Xiang is also a woman, so of course she is no exception.

Seeing Chen Xiang's impatient expression, Lu Fei suddenly felt bad.

Ever since the two confirmed their relationship, especially after the facts came to light, Chen Xiang's personality has been changing every day.

Before, she was a well-educated, innocent and pure lady.

After that, she slowly evolved into a mature woman and a domineering CEO, and then she reached a state of returning to nature, and began to get closer to life.

What worries Lu Fei is whether Chen Xiang will evolve into a housewife like most housewives in China after having children in the future.

If that were the case, it would be a bit scary.

"Hey, tell me!" Chen Xiang asked impatiently.

"Uh. Okay, keep talking."

"Where did I just say that?"

"You said the investigation revealed super gossip." Chen Xiang reminded.

"Oh, right!"

"Brother Zhulong investigated and discovered a rather interesting situation."

"Obviously, Shen Lianxi is a famous collector in Baodao, and his relationship is with Xu Shijie's eldest brother-in-law."

"Actually, that's not the case at all." Speaking of this, Lu Fei couldn't help but laugh.

When he smiled, Chen Xiang became even more curious. He punched Lu Fei and asked anxiously, "You should hurry up and tell me!"

"Hey, don't worry, listen to me slowly!"

"Xu Shijie's wife is called

Shen Aimei is a senior professor at Kaohsiung University of Political Science and Law. On the surface, the two of them are very affectionate, but in reality they are not. In fact, the relationship between the two is not as good as it seems. The reason is that Shen Aimei is not fertile. "

"Xu Shijie's daughter Xu Jiali was adopted by the couple from the countryside. She is not Xu Shijie's biological daughter."

"Isn't this normal?"

"Why is this such gossip?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say."

"Although Xu Shijie's wife Shen Aimei also has the surname Shen, she has no blood relationship with Xu Shijie's so-called brother-in-law Shen Lianxi."


"There is such a thing, then what is their relationship?"

The story became more and more confusing, and Chen Xiang's curiosity was completely aroused.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Most people won't believe it if I tell you. In fact, Shen Lianxi's wife is Xu Shijie's lover."

"And Shen Lianxi's son Shen Guanghui is actually Xu Shijie's biological flesh and blood."


Chen Xiang's eyes suddenly widened.

"This is real?"

"As the saying goes: The hatred for killing one's father and the hatred for taking away one's wife are irreconcilable."

"I think Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie have a very good relationship!"

"If it is true as you investigated, Shen Lianxi should hate Xu Shijie to the core. How could it be like this?"

"Isn't this incredible?" Chen Xiang asked.


"It's nothing incredible. Shen Lianxi and Xu Shijie seem to have a good relationship, but in fact they just get what they need."

"Xu Shijie has a traditional thought and attaches great importance to the so-called inheritance of the family line and the continuation of the incense.

, Xu Shijie's attitude towards her suddenly changed when he learned that his wife Shen Aimei could not have children. "

"If it weren't for the critical moment when Xu Shijie was being promoted, he would have divorced Shen Aimei long ago."

"Although they did not divorce for the sake of their reputation and career, the relationship between the couple has become divorced in name only."

"At that time, Xu Shijie had just been promoted to the leader of Baodao's old bloggers and cultural protection, and he also became a disciple of Chen Haibin, the top leader of Baodao's old bloggers."

"Although my family is not as expected, my career is on the rise."

"Because Chen Haibin likes Xu Shijie, everyone in Gubo is trying to please Xu Shijie."

"It was under this circumstance that Xu Shijie had a relationship with his secretary Meng Haixia, and Meng Haixia was Shen Lianxi's wife."

"Shen Lianxi and Meng Haixia were college classmates and got married after graduation."

"The Meng family has a little background. After graduation, they arranged for Meng Haixia to work at Baodao Gubo."

"But Shen Lianxi just relied on his own ability to find a job as a clerk, and the salary was much lower than Meng Haixia."

"When we were in love, we were committed to each other, but in life, it was no longer the case. As time passed, Meng Haixia began to become dissatisfied with Shen Lianxi's abilities. It was precisely because of this mentality that she hit it off with Xu Shijie."

"The two have been secretly dating for more than half a year, and finally something happened. Meng Haixia is pregnant."

"Meng Haixia threatened Xu Shijie with the child in her belly and asked Xu Shijie to divorce Shen Aimei, but Xu Shijie, whose career was at its peak, refused to agree."

"In that era, personal style issues had a great impact on official career."

"If he really divorced Shen Aimei and got together with Meng Haixia, it would almost be a verdict that his career has come to an end. Of course Xu Shijie would not agree."

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