A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2429 Prodigy

Xu Shijie did not agree to the divorce, and Meng Haixia was very unhappy. What she thought about every day was how to make Xu Shijie change her mind.

But at this moment, something happened again at her home.

Because Shen Lianxi knew about Meng Haixia's pregnancy.

Originally, it was a good thing that his wife was pregnant, but for Shen Lianxi, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The reason is that Shen Lianxi has no reproductive function.

The two have been married for almost two years and still have no children.

At first, the two thought it was due to high work pressure, and it would be nice if their jobs were stable in the future.

However, for more than a year, Meng Haixia's stomach remained silent. .??.

Shen Lianxi suspected that something was wrong with his wife, but Meng Haixia was so strong that every time he tried to take her to the hospital for a check-up, he would always quarrel and end the matter.

So, Shen Lianxi went to the hospital for a physical examination. If it turned out that there was nothing wrong with him, it must be his wife's condition.

With the diagnosis result, Meng Haixia can be persuaded to receive treatment.

But no one would have imagined that the problem turned out to be with him during this examination. The sperm survival rate was extremely low and almost all were carbohydrates. According to his standards, it was impossible to have a child.

Seeing this result, Shen Lianxi was completely stunned.

Out of inferiority, he did not dare to tell Meng Haixia honestly.

At that time, Shen Lianxi was terribly depressed and didn't know how to face his wife. However, he didn't expect that the matter that had been bothering him for half a year would be solved so easily. His wife was pregnant.

Logically speaking, he should be happy that the problem that troubled him has been solved?

But if you think about it carefully, whose turn it is to blame this matter, you can’t be happy.

My wife is indeed pregnant, but she is infertile, so what about this child?

Photo by Shen Lianxi

Looking in the mirror, there is a vast expanse of green grassland in front of me!

Although Shen Lianxi loved his wife deeply and could tolerate everything about her, he couldn't bear this matter no matter what. At that moment, Shen Lianxi beat his wife violently and forced Meng Haixia to confess.

That era was not as open as it is now. A woman's reputation is her life.

She and Xu Shijie got together. If Xu Shijie divorced, Meng Haixia would find an excuse to divorce Shen Lianxi, and then marry Xu Shijie to reorganize their family. There would be no problem with this operation.

But if there is a problem with her style and she is labeled as a broken shoe, then this woman's reputation will be ruined.

Not to mention her work unit, even her parents' family couldn't tolerate her. She could be drowned by gossips and spittle, and she could no longer hold her head up in front of others or behind her back.

Therefore, Meng Haixia, who had always been strong, could no longer be strong when faced with such a problem, so she had no choice but to give a frank explanation.

Although Shen Lianxi resented this couple, he also cared about face.

He would not dare to kill people and silence them.

When word spread that he was cuckolded by his wife, he couldn't stand the public opinion even more.

Not willing to live alone, after much deliberation, Shen Lianxi finally decided to ask Meng Haixia to call Xu Shijie, and the three of them met face to face to discuss a proper solution.

Xu Shijie was frightened to death when he found out about this. He was even more worried that if the negative news spread, he would be the worst off, and his family and career would be ruined.

Therefore, Xu Shijie agreed to meet without hesitation.

In Shen Lianxi's home, the three of them did not have a fierce quarrel.

all adults

Okay, I know that won't solve the problem.

After more than two hours of discussion, Xu Shijie finally made a suggestion.

Xu Shijie promised not to associate with Meng Haixia again, and promised to do his best to help them improve their lives.

Xu Shijie meant to let both Shen Lianxi and Meng Haixia resign. He used his connections and industry channels to help them open an antique store.

With his connections and channels in this industry, he can guarantee that this consulting shop will have a prosperous business. I dare not say that there will be more than 100,000 net profits every year. It will definitely be no problem.

One hundred thousand dollars at that time was much more powerful than two million dollars now. When this idea was proposed, both Meng Haixia and Xu Shijie were tempted.

Meng Haixia still has feelings for Shen Lianxi, otherwise she wouldn't have had a flash marriage with him after graduation.

The reason why she had an affair in marriage was that she was really dissatisfied with her current life and also a little disappointed with Shen Lianxi's work.

If they accept Xu Shijie's method, their lives will definitely change qualitatively in the future.

As for the rift in her marriage with Shen Lianxi, Meng Haixia believes that with the passage of time, the old relationship can be restored.

Shen Lianxi did not immediately agree to Xu Shijie and asked him to go back first, and then discussed it carefully with Meng Haixia.

Meng Haixia knelt down and promised that she would never do anything wrong to him in the future. On the one hand, Shen Lianxi didn't want to expose the family scandal, but on the other hand, she couldn't let go of Meng Haixia, so she finally agreed to accept it.

His wife can forgive him, but on Xu Shijie's side, Shen Lianxi doesn't intend to let him go so easily.

When they met again the next day, Shen Lianxi first expressed his attitude that he could accept Xu Shijie's method, but he had a condition, that is, Xu Shijie must handle it to the end.

In other words, their business

, No matter what situation arises in the future, as long as it is within Xu Shijie's ability, he must help.

Xu Shijie said he could accept this, but he also had a condition, that is, Meng Haixia must let the child in her belly be delivered.

At first, Shen Lianxi was relatively repulsive, but then she thought about it again. She was infertile anyway and would never have offspring in this life. In order to give an explanation to her family, she might as well accept this cheap child.

In the end, Shen Lianxi compromised, but no matter whether the child was a boy or a girl, the surname must be Shen, and Xu Shijie must not disturb the child's life.

Xu Shijie agreed, and the two parties even signed a contract, and the matter was over.

She was pregnant for ten months and once she gave birth, Meng Haixia gave birth to a eldest son.

Shen Lianxi firmly believed that as long as the child did not know that his biological father was Xu Shijie, their family could live like a normal family. Therefore, the moment he saw the child, Xu Shijie was quite happy and personally named the child Shen Guanghui, which means I want my children to have a bright and glorious future.

Not to mention, this child is really up-to-date. He has been obedient and sensible since he was a child, and he is also very smart. His academic performance is always among the best.

In particular, Xu Guanghui was extremely attached to his "father" and was much closer to him than to his mother.

Shen Lianxi's heart melted as he called "Daddy" one after another. As for the child's true identity, it didn't matter anymore.

Since having this child, it can be said that everything has been smooth sailing for their family.

Thanks to the channels introduced by Xu Shijie, the business of their antique shop was booming, far exceeding previous expectations. In that era, the annual net profit was seven figures.

Shen Guanghui's academic performance has been soaring all the way, and he has won awards so easily that he is called a little prodigy.

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