A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2434 Chapter 2444

While Xu Shijie and the others were worried and racking their brains to deal with the aftermath, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang had already returned to Chen's house.

After saying hello to Wang Wu Jia Ming, Lu Fei and Lu Fei tiptoed to return to the room.

It's one o'clock in the afternoon, which is the time for the old man's lunch break.

As he gets older, he sleeps less easily and will be awakened by the slightest movement. It would be a sin if it really disturbed his old man's rest.

Seeing the behavior of the two, Wang Wu pursed his lips and smiled: "Stop pretending, the old man didn't sleep at all. He is waiting for you in the house!"


Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief. .??.

"Does the old man know we are coming back?" Lu Fei asked.

Wang Wu rolled his eyes and said, "This old man has been waiting for you all day. If you don't come, I guess he should order me to arrest you."


When he came to the living room, Chen Yunfei was drinking tea and watching TV.

Seeing Lu Fei and the others coming back, he immediately grinned.

Today, Chen Yunfei is full of energy and radiant. He looks as if he is more than twenty years younger. This is extremely unimaginable.

Lu Fei was startled, thinking that the old man had come back to his senses, and broke into a cold sweat. He hurried over to check the old man's pulse, but was slapped away by Chen Yunfei.


"I know what you are thinking, An. I won't die yet."


This is embarrassing.

Lu Fei could only respond with the most embarrassing smile.

"Old man, you seem to be in a good mood today!"


"You finally got the idea. Of course I'm happy. I'll have a nice drink with you tonight."

Chen Yunfei was in a good mood, of course, because Lu Fei agreed to take over as the general consultant of China's history and archeology.

Others don't know this yet, but it's impossible to hide it from him. \u003c


The old man has two sons, one is in the army and the other is in business.

On the surface, it looks great, but the old man is not at ease at all.

Chen Yunfei has an upright personality and a hot temper. He has offended many people in high positions for many years.

When he was around, no one dared to complain, but if he was gone, it would be hard to say.

The boss, Chen Hongyi, is in business today. The reason why he has achieved today's achievements is entirely because of the backbone of the old man. Without Chen Yunfei, it would not be what it is now.

Although the second eldest brother Chen Honggang has a high military rank and real power, it is not easy to expect him to take care of the family.

It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. Without orders, he would not dare to act rashly, let alone interfere in local internal affairs. Therefore, those senior leaders would not be too afraid of him.

It is precisely because of this that the old man is worried.

When Kong Fanlong died, the old man insisted on Lu Fei taking over. The purpose was to push Lu Fei up and let him take care of the family in the future.

The old man has enough confidence in Lu Fei's ability and courage.

In this way, with Chen Honggang in the military and his grandson-in-law at the top, the Chen family would be infallible. Unfortunately, Lu Fei, that melon-headed donkey, just wouldn't agree.

Now Lu Fei finally understood and agreed to take over this position, which completely fulfilled Chen Yunfei's wish. How could he not be happy!

Of course Lu Fei knew what the old man was thinking, and squatted in front of him and whispered: "Don't worry, old man, as long as I, Lu Fei, don't lie down, I guarantee that no one will dare to bully our family."

"Okay, good point!"

"With your words, even if I die now, I can feel at ease."



Yun Fei laughed loudly, but Chen Xiang rolled his eyes: "Grandpa, what are you talking about? How unlucky!"

"Hahaha, man's fate is destined by God."

"The King of Hell tells you to die at the third watch, but you won't live until the fifth watch. If it's auspicious or unlucky, what's the use of a hammer?"

"I have lived a long enough life, I am not afraid of anything."

"If you hurry up and give me the whole great-grandson, I will be even happier. Maybe I can live for ten more years."

Chen Yunfei was extremely excited today, and Lu Fei was really worried. After coaxing him for a while, the old man allowed him to take his pulse.

After personally checking and confirming that there was nothing serious, Lu Fei felt relieved, and then he and Chen Xiang pushed the old man back to the room to rest.

In the evening, Lu Fei personally cooked some authentic Sichuan dishes and made an exception to allow Chen Yunfei to drink two taels, which made the old man extremely happy.

After dinner, after chatting with the old man for a while, Chen Yunfei went back to rest. ??

Tonight, Lu Fei and his wife planned to stay here. It was still early, and Lu Fei planned to discuss two moves with Wang Wu Jia Ming, but he was called out by Dong Jianye's phone call.

Xisi, Nanshan Tea House.

This is a quiet place where Lu Fei and Dong Jianye often come.

It was still the private room where the two of them often sat, and Dong Jianye had been waiting for it for a long time.

"It's so late. Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow?" Lu Fei asked.

Dong Jianye smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, you are a very busy man. Who knows if you will be in Tiandu City tomorrow?"


"You promised to treat me to a good meal, and that's it?" Lu Fei asked, pointing to Bi Luochun in 888 in front of him.

Dong Jianye rolled his eyes and said, "My Mr. Lu, just be satisfied. Do you think everyone is as wealthy as you?"

"Normally at home, I am Zhang Yiyuan's high-definition lover. This is already very luxurious for me.

OK? "

Lu Fei smiled and said: "With your current status as Mr. Dong, even the Mother Tree Dahongpao can come here as soon as he is summoned, and you are still doing a miserable job with me. Do you want some green lotus?"


"Don't talk nonsense. You know best who I am." Dong Jianye looked ashamed.

Lu Fei took a sip of tea and said, "Come on, stop talking nonsense, what's the point of calling me out?"


"You have been promoted to general counsel. I am not allowed to report this to you. Do you want to hug me in advance?"

"Get out!"

"Hurry up and get down to business."

Dong Jianye is now a big leader in China's special department. Looking at China, who dares to talk to him like this?

That’s why Lu Fei is so awesome.

However, Dong Jianye didn't mind at all.

The relationship between the two of them is very delicate. They have been blushing before, and even Dong Jianye almost tried to deal with Lu Fei. Logically speaking, the two of them should not fight each other, but strangely enough, instead of having any grudge, the two of them became friends. Speaking of which, They themselves were surprised. Maybe it was because they had similar odors!

Dong Jianye took a sip of water and stared at Lu Fei with his big eyes without saying a word, which made Lu Fei tremble.

"What's going on with you? Were you possessed by something when you came here?"

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Dong Jianye grinned, handed Lu Fei a cigarette, and then said: "Brother, I want to ask you something on my own behalf. Can you tell the truth to us?"

Lu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

Dong Jianye rarely looked so serious in front of him. It was strange that he was so solemn today.


"It depends on what you ask. Let me first state that you don't even think about personal privacy. It is impossible to tell you."

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