A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2435 Objective Factors

When Dong Jianye talks to Lu Fei, no matter what the topic is, it will be very relaxed.

Dong Jianye's expression was serious just now, and the atmosphere was a little abnormal, but it was quickly adjusted by Lu Fei's joke.

Dong Jianye handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said, "I'm not kidding you this time. Something big happened in Tiandu City."


"what's up?"

For Dong Jianye to call it a big deal, it must be extraordinary, and Lu Fei became serious. ??

"Lao Kong's eldest disciple Gao Feng has disappeared. Is this a big deal?"

After Dong Jianye finished speaking, his eyes immediately locked on Lu Fei, trying to see something in Lu Fei's eyes.

Lu Fei also frowned upon hearing this.

He didn't expect that Dong Jianye would ask Gao Feng.

Speaking of which, Lu Fei was a little surprised.

In total, it had been more than a month and a half since Gao Feng followed Liu Peiwen and the others to the Qinling Mountains. However, when he came to Tianducheng this time, he did not hear any news about Gao Feng's disappearance. Not even Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan and the others mentioned it. There is no news that Gao Feng's family is looking for him.

Although Gao Feng is retired at home, after all, he carries the aura of being Kong Fanlong's great disciple and a great leader of the former Guobo University.

Even if he is not at his post, he still has connections. What's more, there are several apprentices under Gao Feng. Don't they usually move around?

After more than a month without seeing anyone alive or dead, and unable to be contacted by phone, aren't Gao Feng's family, friends and disciples anxious?

Although Lu Fei had already thought of a way to escape, he was still surprised to find this situation.

When he came to Tiandu this time, Lu Fei was ready to make some inquisitive inquiries. Unexpectedly, Dong Jianye brought it up tonight and asked himself very seriously, didn't he know something?

Seeing Lu Fei frowning, Dong Jianye quickly asked.

"you know?"

Lu Fei waved his hand and said: "How could I know, but I feel very surprised.


"Isn't Gao Feng retired? How come he still disappears when he is at home every day?" Lu Fei asked.

"You really don't know?" Dong Jianye asked again with narrowed eyes.

When Lu Fei heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

"I said Boss Dong, what do you mean?"

"Should I know?"

"Whether he is missing or not, he has something to do with me. You won't doubt me just because the two of us have a problem, right?"

Seeing Lu Fei's anxious look, Dong Jianye chuckled and said, "Look at you, I'm just asking, what are you anxious about?"


"You, Mr. Dong, are a very big leader now. If you ask me this, you are doubting me."

"When I had a good opportunity to make a meritorious deed, the first thing I thought of was you. I pulled you up, but then you turned around and plotted against me."

"Is this how you repay me?" Lu Fei said displeased.

"Depend on!"

Dong Jianye was also speechless.

"I'm just asking casually, are you okay?"

"Just asking?"

"What is your identity? Is there any word "casual" in your words?" Lu Fei shouted.

Dong Jianye bowed quickly and said with a smile: "Okay, can you please stop saying that? Even if I am not a human being, can I apologize to you?"

"Actually, you really wronged me. I really didn't doubt you."

"What happened is this. A few days ago, Mrs. Gao went to the police station to report that Gao Feng was missing."

"Because Gao Feng's identity is somewhat special, the people at the police station are worried that if the news spreads, it will create public opinion. After all, the matter is not clear yet, and if the news spreads, it will have an impact.

Doesn't sound good? "

"So, the police station transferred the case to the Special Branch."

"In the past few days, after our investigation, we found that Gao Feng has never contacted his family since he left Tianducheng at the beginning of last month. It has been forty-six days now."

"We investigated Gao Feng's movements and phone calls, and learned that on the day of his disappearance, he took the high-speed train to Chang'an."

"Before leaving Tianducheng and after arriving in Chang'an, Gao Feng contacted a number ending in 2212 three times. According to our investigation, this number was not registered with a real name." Dong Jianye said.

"Whether he has registered or not, and whether Gao Feng went to Chang'an, what does it have to do with me?" Lu Fei asked with a dark face.

Dong Jianye smiled bitterly and shook his head: "My Mr. Lu, will you listen to what I have to say?"

"The clues here are broken, but we have found new clues in other places."

"Following Feng Feng's call records, we found that after the Spring Festival this year, Feng Feng didn't have many daily calls, but he contacted the same number nine times, and the number was registered in Hong Kong Island." ? ?

"After careful investigation, we found that the owner of this number is named Li Wei, and Li Wei's identity is the personal assistant of Chang Yufei, the president of Christie's Hong Kong."


Hearing this, Lu Fei cursed in his heart.

What plane are Cheng Yufei and Liu Laoer working on?

When you talk to Gao Feng, why do you use the number registered with your real name? Isn’t this stupid?

In vain, I have always regarded you as a person. Now it seems that you are nothing. It is pure luck that you can survive until now.

Although Lu Fei despised him in his heart, he had to be cautious after hearing what Dong Jianye said.

Dong Jianye continued: "

We continued our investigation and found that Gao Feng had never had any contact with this Li Wei before, and that given his status, it was impossible for him to interact with Chang Yufei's personal assistant. "

"So, we guess that the person who actually came into contact with Gao Feng was not Li Wei, but Chang Yufei or Liu Peiwen."

"Why is this related to Liu Laoer again?" Lu Fei asked.

Dong Jianye chuckled and said, "This is very simple. Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei are inseparable and inseparable. Gao Feng and Chang Yufei are not familiar with each other, so it should be Liu Peiwen who actually comes into contact with him."

Lu Fei took a sip of water and said, "Where are we?"

"Gaofeng is not familiar with Chang Yufei, why does he have to be familiar with Liu Peiwen?"

"Don't forget, the Liu family and Kong Lao were clamoring and causing trouble."

"Although Gao Feng's character is a little messed up, he still respects Mr. Kong quite a bit. From Mr. Kong's perspective, Liu Peiwen should be the opposite of Gao Feng. How could he be in a relationship with Liu Peiwen?"

"This is not true at all!"

Dong Jianye said with a smile: "What you said makes sense. According to normal thinking and logic, Gao Feng should not be dating Liu Peiwen, but you ignored a considerable factor."

"What objective factors?" Lu Fei asked.

"You!" Dong Jianye pointed at Lu Fei and said.

"Me?" Lu Fei pointed at his nose with an innocent look on his face.

"Yes, it's you, because you are the common enemy of both of them."

"As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. It's absolutely possible for them to join forces to get revenge on you," Dong Jianye said.


Lu Fei took a breath of air: "What you said seems to make sense. However, this is just your guess. It is unknown whether this is the case?"

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