A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2436 Serious Mistake

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Dong Jianye smiled and said: "Don't worry yet, we have also investigated some clues."

puff! !

Lu Fei wanted to give this guy a slap in the face.

your sister!

Where did you get all the research?

Can't you just say it all in one go?

"Previously, it was indeed our guess that Gao Feng had contact with Liu Peiwen. In order to confirm this guess, we are ready to investigate Liu Peiwen's side."

"But at this time, we received reports from colleagues in Hong Kong that Chang Yufei, president of Christie's Asia, and Liu Peiwen disappeared at the same time, and the time they disappeared was very close to the time Gao Feng left Tianducheng."

"What's even more suspicious is that the final destination of Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen was also Chang'an City."

"In addition to the two of them, Hong Kong's famous Feng Shui master Lung Cheng-fai and his apprentice Liu Wei are also missing."

"Moreover, the two of them also came to the mainland, and according to reliable clues, they were hired by Chang Yufei."

"In addition, there are reports from Baodao that the Baodao Zhang family, Zhang Qinghua, and Dou Jingshan left Baodao more than forty days ago and have lost contact since then."

"These two people also came to Chang'an and were also invited by Chang Yufei."

"The location of these people in Chang'an has not yet been found, but it is certain that they came to Chang'an at the same time and had the same purpose."

"In this case, it shouldn't be a coincidence that Gao Feng also left Tianducheng for Chang'an at this time, right?" Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but does it have anything to do with me?"

Although Lu Fei said this, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He has experienced so many things since his rebirth, but this time, Lu Fei felt a little guilty, because this action itself had a huge loophole.

When Lu Fei went to Qinling, he did not take public transportation such as planes or trains. He took dozens of taxis back and forth and changed his makeup. Lu Fei firmly believed that his whereabouts to Qinling would never be exposed.

However, there was a huge loophole when leaving. Chen Xiang should not have been allowed to fly a helicopter to Qinling to pick him up.

Lu Fei's original intention was to walk down the mountain, transfer to several means of transportation to leave Qinling Mountains, and then find a way to leave, but the situation at that time was a bit special.

Lu Fei did not expect that Liu Peiwen and the others would be there with so many people, let alone that it would be delayed for such a long time, and they were not fully prepared.

When he was about to leave, Lu Fei was in ragged clothes and no longer human. He walked down the mountain according to the original plan. He had to be regarded as a monster. That would

will be more noticeable.

In addition, Liu Peiwen's people were stationed outside at that time, and Lu Fei was also worried about being discovered by them.

There is another important reason: Lu Fei is too tired.

For more than a month, he dug holes, cleaned up dozens of people, maintained institutions, and cleaned the exhaust channels, all by himself. It sounds easy, but in fact it is a huge workload. It would be almost impossible for anyone else. Completed tasks.

When leaving, Lu Fei couldn't bear the trouble anymore, so he took the risk and asked Chen Xiang to pick him up.

In addition to the helicopter, Lu Fei also made another mistake.

Liu Peiwen and the others had too many people going this time.

With so many people missing at the same time, it's impossible not to attract attention.

Lu Fei believes that the goal of Liu Peiwen's action this time is an ulterior motive after all. He believes that they will definitely do a good job in dealing with the aftermath. It will not be easy to investigate them. In that case, they will not be associated with themselves. On the body.

But he still overestimates the IQ of these two idiots, Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen. These two idiots are simply idiots. They even used the assistant’s phone number to contact Gao Feng and those people. I really don’t know if their heads were stepped on by donkeys. pass.

Lu Fei was angry in his heart, but he couldn't show it at all on the surface.

As for his situation, Lu Fei is not worried.

Except for the helicopter's mistake, they had done everything else perfectly. They couldn't get any evidence about themselves at all, and they could only suspect it at best.

What Lu Fei is really worried about is that the teacher's graveyard will be exposed, which would be really embarrassing.

Not to mention that the teacher was disturbed, such a large formation will definitely attract the attention of the relevant departments. Those garbage people who are idle but have no real ability are curious and eager to make contributions, and they will definitely find a way to discover the secrets there.

You know, that's not an ancient ruin, let alone a tourist attraction. It's the real Palace of Yama!

If those idiots went there to explore the secrets, they might not know how many people would die. If someone really died, it would be all their own sin!

What's even worse is that even if I want to destroy the mechanism in advance, it's impossible.

From now on, he will never go there. As long as he appears, it will inevitably arouse Dong Jianye's suspicion. By then, even if he is eloquent, he will not be able to explain it clearly.

Damn it!

What a sin!

This time, Lu Fei was really worried.

Lu Fei really wanted to grab Dong Jianye by the collar and tell him that those people deserved to die and ask him to stop the investigation immediately, but it was obviously impossible.

Because, when it came to this, Dong Jianye became even more excited. After Lu Fei finished speaking, Dong Jianye smiled and said: "Don't worry yet, we have also investigated some clues."

puff! !

Lu Fei wanted to give this guy a slap in the face.

your sister!

Where did you get all the research?

Can't you just say it all in one go?

"Previously, it was indeed our guess that Gao Feng had contact with Liu Peiwen. In order to confirm this guess, we are ready to investigate Liu Peiwen's side."

"But at this time, we received reports from colleagues in Hong Kong that Chang Yufei, president of Christie's Asia, and Liu Peiwen disappeared at the same time, and the time they disappeared was very close to the time Gao Feng left Tianducheng."

"What's even more suspicious is that the final destination of Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen was also Chang'an City."

"In addition to the two of them, Hong Kong's famous Feng Shui master Lung Cheng-fai and his apprentice Liu Wei are also missing."

"Moreover, the two of them also came to the mainland, and according to reliable clues, they were hired by Chang Yufei."

"In addition, there are reports from Baodao that the Baodao Zhang family, Zhang Qinghua, and Dou Jingshan left Baodao more than forty days ago and have lost contact since then."

"These two people also came to Chang'an and were also invited by Chang Yufei."

"The location of these people in Chang'an has not yet been found, but it is certain that they came to Chang'an at the same time and had the same purpose."

"In this case, it shouldn't be a coincidence that Gao Feng also left Tianducheng for Chang'an at this time, right?" Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, but does it have anything to do with me?"

Although Lu Fei said this, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He has experienced so many things since his rebirth, but this time, Lu Fei felt a little guilty, because this action itself had a huge loophole.

When Lu Fei went to Qinling, he did not take public transportation such as planes or trains. He took dozens of taxis back and forth and changed his makeup. Lu Fei firmly believed that his whereabouts to Qinling would never be exposed.

However, there was a huge loophole when leaving. Chen Xiang should not have been allowed to fly a helicopter to Qinling to pick him up.

Lu Fei's original intention was to walk down the mountain, transfer to several means of transportation to leave Qinling Mountains, and then find a way to leave, but the situation at that time was a bit special.

Lu Fei did not expect that Liu Peiwen and the others would be there with so many people, let alone that it would be delayed for such a long time, and they were not fully prepared.

When he was about to leave, Lu Fei was in ragged clothes and no longer human. He walked down the mountain according to the original plan. He had to be regarded as a monster. That would

will be more noticeable.

In addition, Liu Peiwen's people were stationed outside at that time, and Lu Fei was also worried about being discovered by them.

There is another important reason: Lu Fei is too tired.

For more than a month, he dug holes, cleaned up dozens of people, maintained institutions, and cleaned the exhaust channels, all by himself. It sounds easy, but in fact it is a huge workload. It would be almost impossible for anyone else. Completed tasks.

When leaving, Lu Fei couldn't bear the trouble anymore, so he took the risk and asked Chen Xiang to pick him up.

In addition to the helicopter, Lu Fei also made another mistake.

Liu Peiwen and the others had too many people going this time.

With so many people missing at the same time, it's impossible not to attract attention.

Lu Fei believes that the goal of Liu Peiwen's action this time is an ulterior crime after all. He believes that they will definitely do a good job in dealing with the aftermath. It will not be easy to investigate them. In that case, they will not be associated with themselves. On the body.

But he still overestimates the IQ of these two idiots, Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen. These two idiots are simply idiots. They even used the assistant's phone number to contact Gao Feng and those people. I really don't know if their heads were stepped on by donkeys. pass.

Lu Fei was angry in his heart, but he couldn't show it at all on the surface.

As for his situation, Lu Fei is not worried.

Except for the helicopter's mistake, they had done everything else perfectly. They couldn't get any evidence about themselves at all, and they could only suspect it at best.

What Lu Fei is really worried about is that the teacher's graveyard will be exposed, which would be really embarrassing.

Not to mention that the teacher was disturbed, such a large formation will definitely attract the attention of the relevant departments. Those garbage people who are idle but have no real ability are curious and eager to make contributions, and they will definitely find a way to discover the secrets there.

You know, that's not an ancient ruin, let alone a tourist attraction. It's the real Palace of Yama!

If those idiots went there to explore the secrets, they might not know how many people would die. If someone really died, it would be all their own sin!

What's even worse is that even if I want to destroy the mechanism in advance, it's impossible.

From now on, he will never go there. As long as he appears, it will inevitably arouse Dong Jianye's suspicion. By then, even if he is eloquent, he will not be able to explain it clearly.

Damn it!

What a sin!

This time, Lu Fei was really worried.

Lu Fei really wanted to grab Dong Jianye by the collar and tell him that those people deserved to die and ask him to stop the investigation immediately, but it was obviously impossible.

Because, when it came to this, Dong Jianye became even more excited.

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