A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2437 Offended again

Dong Jianye looked at Lu Fei without blinking and said with a smile, "I didn't say that their disappearance had anything to do with you."

"It's just that I heard that your helicopter appeared in the Qinling area two days ago. Gao Feng, Liu Peiwen and the others had a problem with you. You both appeared near Chang'an at the same time. It feels like a coincidence."

Lu Fei's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

Lu Fei was worried that Chen Xiang would expose him, but he did.

Helicopters need to be approved for a flight route before taking off. It is not easy to find the navigation route.

However, regarding the matter of the plane, Lu Fei had already thought of his words. What really worried him was that Dong Jianye would go to the Qinling Mountains to look for clues based on his own navigation route, which would be troublesome.

But I can't care about that for the time being. The most important thing right now is to fool Lao Dong. This guy is so sticky that he's going to become a sperm. You must not let him see any flaws. It's best to divert his attention.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Old Dong, are you trying to trick me on purpose?"


"Where did you start talking about this?" Dong Jianye said innocently.

Lu Fei glared and said, "There are countless people who go to Chang'an every day. Why do you associate me with them? What evidence do you, Boss Dong, have?"

"When I have something good going on here, the first thing I think of is you, but you burn bridges and deliberately target me, Dong Jianye, is this how you fucking do things?"

Dong Jianye would have gotten used to it if others were glaring at him like this, but facing Lu Fei, he was helpless. Not only did he not do anything, but he turned red in the face.

When preparing to mention this matter to Lu Fei, Dong Jianye also had a strong ideological struggle. He even expected that Lu Fei would be impatient.


Think about it for a moment, if it were you

Will also fall out.

However, this case is too big. Not only are there many people involved, but there is also an influential peak in it, which is very difficult.

Dong Jianye really had no choice, so he came to Lu Fei to ask for clues. Now that it was like this, Dong Jianye was extremely embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be angry first. I never said I doubted you from the beginning to the end."

"This case involves so many things that it's difficult for us to do it."

"Please think about it for me. What would you do if you were me?"

"You and Liu Peiwen Gaofeng had a feud. This is a well-known fact. During the period when they were missing, you happened to appear near Chang'an. Whoever handled this case would also want to find out about the situation from you, right? ?”

"We are buddies. It's better for me to come and talk to you in person than to go through the procedures directly with you, right?"

"You have known Dong Jianye and I for more than a day or two. Do you know my character? Am I the ungrateful person who adds insult to injury?"

When Dong Jianye said this, Lu Fei's mood eased a lot. Strike while the iron was hot, Dong Jianye quickly picked up Lu Fei's cigarettes, lit one for him, and put the rest in his pocket.

"That's right, I'm just asking casually, why are you so angry?"

"You are a miracle doctor. You know better than me how anger can harm your body."

"Once again, I don't doubt your intentions at all. I just want to ask why your helicopter went to the Qinling Mountains. Can you tell me no?" Dong Jianye asked.

Lu Fei took a breath of cigarette and said, "Don't play tricks on me. I'll meet with Chang'an Fengming."

Mr. Tuan Yuan is currently working together. Don’t tell me you don’t know about this. "

"I have business there, what's going to happen if I go to Chang'an?"

Dong Jianye chuckled and said: "Of course I know you have business there, but according to the investigation... Bah, as far as we know, your plane only reached the Qinling area and then returned the same way. It did not go to Chang'an, nor did it go to Chang'an with Mr. Yuan. Meet, why is this?”

Lu Fei frowned and said, "That's what you're asking?"

"Yes, that's what I'm asking."

Lu Fei spat hard: "Damn, since you're asking this, why are you talking nonsense?"

"What's wrong with you?"


"Okay, my boss Lu, no one of us will mention what happened before. Can you tell me why your plane returned the same way it came?" Dong Jianye said awkwardly.

Lu Fei pouted and said, "Don't you know why I returned the same way?"

"If I knew, why would I ask you? Am I not sick?"

"Do you think I want to be scolded by you?" Dong Jianye said aggrievedly.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Well, maybe, what if you, Boss Dong, do something stupid?"


"Can we have a nice chat?"

"All right!"

"Xiang'er and I originally planned to go to Chang'an, but when we were walking to Qinling, we received a call from Mr. Pan. We turned around and went back to Xianyang to meet with Mr. Pan."

"I went back to Tiandu City immediately the next day and met with Leader No. 3. You should know what happens next!"

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Mr. Pan for confirmation." Lu Fei said.

Dong Jianye

He frowned slightly and murmured: "That's right!"

"But, I heard that when your helicopter departed from Tiandu, the eldest lady was the only one and you were not on the plane. What's going on?"

After Dong Jianye finished speaking, Lu Fei stood up directly: "Dong Jianye, you fucking sent someone to monitor our home?"

Dong Jianye also stood up after hearing this: "Don't talk nonsense. How could I spy on your family? You have wronged me."


"You didn't monitor our home. How did you know that Xiang'er was the only one on the plane?" Lu Fei shouted.


"This shouldn't be difficult. If you can't even understand this, there is no need for our special department to exist." Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei said nothing, his falcon-like eyes locked firmly on Dong Jianye, with monstrous anger bursting out of his eyes, which made Dong Jianye shudder.

After half a minute, Lu Fei said coldly: "I was indeed not on the plane at that time. Xiang'er picked me up in Xianyang. If you think I have something to do with their disappearance, then you can provide evidence." Come."

"You're right, Liu Peiwen, Gaofeng, did have issues with me. I wish they would die."

"As long as you have evidence to prove my guilt, I have no objection to how you handle it. If you don't have evidence, don't fucking compare with me. I, Lu Fei, don't rub sand in my eyes."

"I'm warning you again, don't affect my family. If you let me know that you are spying on my family, don't blame me for turning against you."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he kicked over the chair next to him, picked up his bag and left the private room angrily.

"Aaaaaaaaah, you still have this temper, you're really useless."

Dong Jianye shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he had offended this man again this time.

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