A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2438 Diversion of sight

I'm anxious again!

Lu Fei left angrily, and Dong Jianye was deeply helpless.

This time he offended Lu Fei again, and he probably won't talk to him for at least two months.

Dong Jianye shook his head and dialed his subordinate's phone number.

"Order, all brothers observing Lu Fei evacuate." ??


"Mr. Dong, what about the peak case?"

"Bullshit, of course we will continue to investigate. No matter who is involved, we must investigate to the end!"


In the taxi, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and looked out the window thoughtfully.

He is not really in a hurry with Dong Jianye. It is Dong Jianye's mission to investigate the case, and this is also his responsibility.

Lu Fei acted like this just to deceive Dong Jianye.

With Dong Jianye's ability and experience, this will not have any effect, but at least he should be able to see that he has "no regrets."

In addition, what Dong Jianye said just now, Lu Fei was sure that the old guy arranged for someone to monitor him, and he did this to warn him that he would be harassed.

It's such a terrible feeling to always be under the surveillance of others.

What Lu Fei is most worried about at this time is the exposure of the Qinling Stone Forest.

Based on his understanding of Dong Jianye, he will definitely pursue it.

He would definitely not completely believe what he had just explained about the helicopter. It would be impossible and fruitless to cross-examine Chen Xiang, but he would definitely go to Pan Xingzhou to learn about the situation. Fortunately, what he said was all the truth.

I've done it covertly enough, I believe they won't be able to find anything.

But the IQs of those two idiots Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei are really worrisome. If their trip to Qinling is discovered by Dong Jianye, it will be ruined. I'm afraid there will be a big situation by then.

However, Lu Fei really couldn't think of a perfect solution at the moment, which made him extremely worried.

Damn it!

Since you can't think of it, think about it slowly. They won't know it anyway.

Then we found Qinling Mountains quickly.

It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. If you think about it any more, it will only increase your troubles. Lu Fei believes in his luck, so he should adapt to circumstances!

He originally planned to ask the driver to take him back to Chen's house, but after looking at the time, Lu Fei changed his mind and asked the driver to take him to Lao Bai's villa.

The driver agreed and turned around at the intersection ahead.

Just when the car turned around, Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Turn around?"

"change direction?"

"Hey, I got it!"

Lu Fei slapped his thigh and immediately called Guan Haishan.

"what's up?"

Guan Haishan missed the perfect opportunity to show off today. He was inevitably angry and his attitude was not very friendly.

"Are you sleeping?" Lu Fei asked.

"Nonsense, how can you answer the phone so quickly when you're asleep?"

"What on earth is going on?" Guan Haishan snorted.

"Depend on!"

"At this old moment, your attitude is not very friendly!"

"Are you okay?" Guan Haishan asked impatiently.

Lu Fei sneered and said, "Originally I planned to tell you an unexpected news, but with your attitude, I don't even want to say it anymore. Goodbye."


Lu Fei said there was unexpected news, and Guan Haishan was instantly frightened, and his urgent shouting came out on the phone.

"Don't hang up. Can you tell me clearly what is going on?"

"I have a bad attitude and I don't want to talk about it."

"Damn, you're doing this again. I was angry with my wife just now. It has nothing to do with you. Can I apologize? What's going on?" Guan Haishan asked eagerly.

Lu Fei felt funny in his heart, "Master, if I can't stand the test, your life will be in vain."

After clearing his throat, Lu Fei asked: "How long has it been since you last seen your senior brother?"


"My senior brother?"

"Why did you suddenly mention him?" .??.??

No one knows the relationship between Lu Fei and Gao Feng better than Guan Haishan. He suddenly mentioned Gao Feng. Guan Haishan was not an ordinary accident, it was quite unexpected. He was a little confused for a moment.

Lu Fei didn't want to talk nonsense and said directly: "I just received the news that your senior brother has disappeared. He has been missing for more than forty days. Don't you know?"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Guan Haishan jumped up from the sofa on the other side of the phone.

"What did you say?"

"Baolan Fei, it's your uncle's fault. Although you have a problem with my senior brother, I don't dare to joke about this matter."

Guan Haishan also strongly disapproved of Gao Feng's approach. Some time ago, Gao Feng had turned against him, and the two brothers had a huge quarrel.

But after all, Gao Feng is his senior brother. After decades of friendship, he is no different from a biological brother.

The master is gone, and the brothers are the closest friends.

As a junior brother, Guan Haishan could not take his mind off even if his senior brother scolded him a few words or even scolded him. Even if he was angry, it was an internal conflict among the people. If an outsider stood up and pointed fingers, Guan Haishan would not hesitate to side with his senior brother.

This is a brotherhood that is close to family affection.

Now that Lu Fei said that his senior brother was missing, how could Guan Haishan not be anxious?

In the taxi, Lu Fei grinned, but immediately returned to his natural state and said seriously: "Nonsense, do I dare to joke with you about this?"

"Think about it carefully. It has been more than forty days recently. Have you had any contact with your senior brother?"


On the other side of the phone, Guan Haishan was speechless, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

It has been almost half a year since the last time I quarreled with Gao Feng. The two have indeed never met or even made a phone call.

"Baolan Fei, what is going on? Where did you hear about it?" Guan Haishan asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I don't know much."

"I was having tea with Dong Jianye just now. Dong Jianye told me that your sister-in-law went to the police station to report the case. The police station transferred the case to the special department. So far, there is no clue."

"Although your senior brother and I have some differences, for Mr. Kong's sake, I don't want anything to happen to him. Why don't I call you and ask if you have any clues."

"If you want to know more, call Dong Jianye yourself. He knows more details."

After speaking, Lu Fei hung up the phone directly, smiled slightly and said to himself, Dong Jianye, you are busy this time.

On the other side, Guan Haishan wanted to ask Lu Fei, but the latter hung up the phone, and Guan Haishan cursed his mother angrily.

Damn it, you should tell me clearly!

Oh, by the way, Bao Bao Fei said that Dong Jianye understands, then I will find the grandson.

Guan Haishan was about to call Dong Jianye, but after finding out the number, he decided to inform other brothers first and call Jia Yuan immediately.

"Lao Wu, what are you doing?"

"What, don't sleep yet. Something big happened. Senior brother is missing. Come to my house right away."

"Hello, second senior brother?"

"I'm telling you something, you have to hold on!"

"Elder brother seems to have had an accident. No, no, no, it's not a car accident, he just disappeared. You can come to my house to discuss the details."

"Hey, Fourth Brother, come to my house and report right away."

"What, you are at the airport preparing to go back to Magic City?"

"Refund the ticket and come over here immediately, something big has happened."

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