A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2449 Low-key

Lu Fei was very satisfied with Sun Xiaohai's reaction and wanted to bring him to his side.

But everything will have to wait until the investigation is clear. However, Lu Fei has decided to pay more attention to him, and tonight's underground auction is the best time to test him.

"Very good, when will we set off?" Lu Fei asked.

Sun Xiaohai looked at the time and said, "There's still half an hour left. Mr. Lu, go inside and rest for a while?"

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "There's no need to rest. Find me a quiet place while I tidy up my clothes."


Half an hour later, Lu Fei came out of the room. When he saw Lu Fei again, Sun Xiaohai opened his mouth in surprise.

At this time, Lu Fei looked obviously fatter than usual, and there were a few wrinkles on his face that were not obvious, but these wrinkles made Lu Fei age more than ten years older, and he looked the same as four years ago. Middle-aged teenagers are no different.

Moreover, Lu Fei's hairstyle has also changed.

When he entered, he had a clean and neat haircut, but now it has grown two or three inches and has been changed to a side parting. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which made him look a little more artistic. Sun Xiaohai almost didn't recognize him.

"Mr. Lu?" Sun Xiaohai asked in surprise.

Lu Fei nodded: "It's me, it's time to set off, right?"

"Oh, let's go now."

"Mr. Lu, even I can't recognize you in your outfit. It's amazing."

Sun Xiaohai looked surprised and invited Lu Fei into an Audi car.

The two people sat in the back seat, and the middle-aged driver drove the vehicle.

"Mr. Lu, the auction has a request for everyone to keep a low profile as much as possible. The car is very ordinary. Brother Fei, don't mind it!"

Sun Xiaohai was afraid that Lu Fei would be angry, so he quickly explained.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "I also like to keep a low profile. This car is already very good."

"Also, don't forget that I'm working for you, so don't be a gangster!"

"Hey, don't worry, Mr. Lu, absolutely not."

The car got on the main road. Lu Fei looked at Sun Xiaohai and asked, "What do you usually do? Do you take care of your family's business?"

Sun Xiaohai curled his lips and said, "No, I'm not interested in my family's business."

“Our business is mainly catering, so it’s not challenging to hire a professional manager to take care of it.”

"After I retired from the army, I played a real-life CS in the suburbs, where I usually stay." Sun Xiaohai said.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "The rich second generation I know usually spend their days drinking and partying every night. I think your body is very good. This is quite different!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Sun Xiaohai scratched his head in embarrassment, a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Lu talks a lot. I also play with it occasionally. Food, sex, and sex. If a man doesn't have these needs, he is not a man. Don't you think so?"

"However, I am different from them. I think that in this kind of thing, you must grasp the scale and control your own desires."

"It's okay to play occasionally, but once you get addicted to it, it will become a person's fatal weakness. If someone is caught and exploited, the consequences will be serious." Sun Xiaohai said.

Lu Fei nodded, looking at the young man a few more times in his mind.

Sun Xiaohai's words are simple, but those who can really control desires are very rare. To have this ability is enough to prove that this young man is very extraordinary.

The power of the Sun family and the Qian family are very different. Logically speaking, Sun Xiaohai and Qian Chaoyue are not in the same circle at all, and they should not be able to play together.

But Lu Fei could see from Qian Chaoyue's words that Chaoyue was very fond of Sun Xiaohai, and it was probably for this reason!

"You are right. Controlling one's desires is an essential quality for those who achieve great things."

"However, the phrase food and sex should not be used here."

"Shise, Xing also means: liking beautiful things is a natural result. Shi: Here is the verb name, which means to like. Se: Here is the attitude and the meaning of beauty, which has nothing to do with foodies and lust. , read more books at ordinary times, it will be good for you."

"Hehe, what Mr. Lu said is that I will study hard later."

The two chatted for a while and then the car got on the highway.

"Mr. Lu, let me tell you about the rules at the auction!"

"Their auctions are very rigorous. The last time I participated, I had to hand over my cell phone and all electronic devices temporarily to prevent anyone from taking photos and posting videos."

"This time, I guess it will still be like this. Mr. Lu, can you accept it?"

Sun Xiaohai knew Lu Fei's temper, so he thought it was necessary to inform Lu Fei in advance. If Lu Fei couldn't accept it when he arrived at the scene, it would be a disadvantage for him to do things.

Lu Fei nodded: "No problem. This is the process for general underground auctions. For more serious ones, there is also a body search."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to take a look. If there's anything I like in the photo, I'll buy one or two. I won't cause any trouble."

Sun Xiaohai let out a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lu, the auction process is like this."

"Their auction

Yes, ten objects will be photographed in one session. Please bring the objects out. Close-ups and specific data will be shown on the big screen. However, you are not allowed to go on stage to appreciate them and can only watch them from a distance. "

"And it's still a traditional bidding process. You are not a member, so you are not qualified to bid."

"If there is any object you like in the photo, you can tell me quietly and I will bid on it."

"Also, it is forbidden to make loud noises in the venue, otherwise you will be kicked out by the security guards. Please pay attention to this, Mr. Lu!" Sun Xiaohai said.

"No problem." Lu Fei said.

The two chatted all the way, and after more than an hour, the car got off the highway and entered the city of Rehe.

The Rehe area is not big, with mountains on both sides and a Wulie River in the middle. This city is separated from the east and west by this river.

Rehe has a permanent population of only four to five million, but its reputation and consumption level are not low at all because Rehe is a famous tourist city.

The Royal Summer Palace, rated as a world cultural heritage site, is here.

In addition, there are the Eight Outer Temples, the Twelve Famous Mountains, etc. The tourism resources are quite rich, and it is close to Tiandu City, so the consumption level is not as high as usual.

At the same time, this is also the only way to go to Bashang Grassland from Tiandu. Lu Fei has passed here many times since his rebirth, but this is the first time Lu Fei has seen the prosperity of Rehe at night.

The car entered the city and soon arrived at the Yunshan Hotel in the city center.

This is a four-star hotel. There are no five-star hotels in Rehe. Four-star hotels are already the highest quality.

In the hotel parking lot, million-dollar luxury cars can be seen everywhere. The Audi arranged by Sun Xiaohai is among these luxury cars. It is quite low-key and will definitely not attract anyone's attention.

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