A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2450 Conflict

The last venue was Sun's five-star hotel, this time it was a four-star hotel in the most prosperous area of ​​Rehe.

The so-called darkness under the lamp means that the more you are in such a prosperous place, the less likely it will arouse suspicion from others.

This underground auction is completely different from any underground auction, and the organizers have really extraordinary minds.

The car stopped, but Sun Xiaohai didn't get out of the car.

"Mr. Lu, wait a little longer. Under normal circumstances, the specific location will be sent to each member fifteen minutes before the auction starts. There is still more than an hour before ten o'clock, so let's rest in the car!"

"Isn't it in this hotel?" Lu Fei asked.

"It must be in this hotel, but on which floor and in which hall, we have to wait for specific notification."

Lu Fei nodded, becoming more and more curious about this auction.

Lu Fei looked out through the car window. In the parking lot, the windows of two cars opened a crack, and wisps of green smoke floated out.

It seems that the people in the car have the same purpose as them, and they are all waiting for the final notification.

In the car, Sun Xiaohai was worried that Lu Fei was lonely and chatted with him all over the world. Lu Fei was perfunctory and took out his mobile phone to send a text message to Yang Yi.

【Cha Sun Dakui】

After sending, delete the message immediately.

Along the way, Lu Fei got to know Sun Xiaohai a little bit. This young man was stable beyond his age, and he also had a flexible mind and quick reactions.

After some investigation, if the Sun family didn't have a big criminal record, Lu Fei decided to bring Sun Xiaohai to his side.

At nine forty-five, Sun Xiaohai's cell phone buzzed.

"Mr. Lu, the location has been sent to me. Yunhai Pavilion on the ninth floor is the venue for tonight's auction. Let's go up!"

Lu Fei nodded, and at Sun Xiaohai's prompt, the two left their phones in the car, opened the door and got out.


Sun Xiaohai walked in front, and Lu Fei followed half a step behind. They seemed to have clear priorities.

At the same time, the people on the dozen or so cars also got off. Some of them knew Sun Xiaohai, but they just nodded politely to each other. The two parties were in perfect harmony, neither spoke to each other, and looked very mysterious. .

When I entered the hotel, there was no one to greet me. I took the elevator to the ninth floor. The elevator door opened, and two beauties in cheongsam were guarding the elevator sign.

"Hello distinguished guest, do you have a reservation?"

Sun Xiaohai took out a red card, shook it and said: "Yunhai Pavilion."

"Okay distinguished guest, please come this way."

Following the direction guided by the cheongsam beauty, the two entered the corridor.

At the corner at the end of the corridor was the Yunhai Pavilion, the largest banquet hall on the ninth floor. At this time, four young people in security uniforms were already waiting at the corner.

Lu Fei looked at the four security guards as he walked forward.

These four people were tall and tall, with standard postures, bronzed skin, and a strong aura of murder in their eyes.

This kind of temperament is not what a security guard should have, at least he is a retired soldier.

Such a person was responsible for standing guard, which made Lu Fei even more curious about the organizer of this auction.

When he reached the end of the corridor, Lu Fei discovered that there was a T-junction at the end. Turn right and you'll find Yunhai Pavilion, today's main venue. There was an eye-catching sign "WC" hanging above the first door on the left.

When I got here, I discovered that there were not only four security guards, but also four cheongsam beauties dressed in the same cheongsam as at the elevator. There were also five middle-aged people in suits who were giving greetings to the incoming meeting.

The officer verified his identity.

In front of Lu Fei and the others, there were already three members waiting in line with Mr. Zhangyan whom they invited.

The member at the front took out the same red IP card as Sun Xiaohai and handed it to the cheongsam beauty. The beauty smiled and took it with both hands, and then handed it to the middle-aged man in a suit next to her.

Two middle-aged men took out an instrument similar to a credit card machine to verify the authenticity of the membership card. The other two middle-aged men explained in a low voice, asking the member and his people to hand over their mobile phones and keep them for the time being.

The remaining man in a suit stood back without saying a word. This man was not tall, looked to be in his fifties, and had a very serious expression.

The membership card verification process only takes a few seconds. If there are no problems, they will be released immediately. Soon it will be Lu Fei's turn.

In the same process, Sun Xiaohai handed over his membership card to them and verified that it was correct. The other party asked to hand over his mobile phone. Xiaohai said he didn't bring it with him, but the two men in suits were very responsible and took out the equipment to scan Xiaohai's body.

After making sure there was no mobile phone with him, he let him go and prepared to check Lu Fei.

At this moment, the door to the toilet opposite opened and four drunken young men staggered out. ??

The four drunkards glanced here and were stunned at the same time. One of them, a tall young man, wandered over, but was stopped by the security guard.

The young man chuckled, hugged the security guard's shoulders and asked with a smile: "Brother, what's going on there? Why is it so lively?"

The security guard said expressionlessly: "Sir, this is an internal event of our company."


The young drunk looked very curious, stepped forward and looked in the direction of Yunhai Pavilion: "What company are you in? Do you have any good-looking girls?"


The security guard frowned and said, "Sir, you have drunk too much."

The young man's face also fell: "I'm asking you, do you have a girl?"

"Sir, this is an internal party. Please leave." The security guard said calmly.

But now, the drunken young man was impatient.

"Cao Nima, I have a question for you."

"You really don't understand people's words, do you?"

This drunken young man is different from the other three drunkards behind him.

The drunkard who was yelling at the security guard was named Yang Xu. He was a well-known gangster in Rehe. He was quite the number one in the city of Rehe and had connections with both black and white.

The three young men behind him are all local rich second generation and well-known local dudes. One of them is a fat young man named Huang Xiaolong. This Yunshang Hotel is their family's property.

Tonight is Yang Xu’s thirty-third birthday. After the fun outside, Huang Xiaolong specially arranged for Yang Xu and several other friends to have a few school girls waiting in Huang Xiaolong’s exclusive suite on the ninth floor.

The four of them came up from the internal elevator on the other side of the corner and went straight into the bathroom to drain the water. When they entered, they also saw the four security guards, but there were only those four security guards at the time, and they did not attract their attention.

But when he came out of the bathroom, he found that the outside was suddenly busy, and there were four other beauties in cheongsam. This aroused the ideas of Yang Xu and these dandies.

It was so late, the place suddenly became lively, and there were beautiful women. Yang Xu and the others were in high spirits. Out of curiosity, they came over to ask about the situation, but they didn't expect that the black-faced security guard was quite disrespectful. Yang Xu was immediately annoyed.

Huang Xiaolong behind him thought the four were his own security guards and dared to contradict Brother Xu. Huang Xiaolong became furious and rushed over with a curse.

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