A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2469 The sun and the moon can teach you

"Xinyi is pregnant, I have to give her an explanation."

In Tiandu City in the evening, Lu Fei sat between the two girls, holding their hands and facing everyone in the Chen family calmly.

This hurdle will pass sooner or later, and the Chen family is well aware of the relationship between the three of them. There is no need for Lu Fei to hide it.

Wang Xinyi didn't dare to come with Lu Fei at first, but she would have to face this kind of thing sooner or later. Otherwise, she would never be able to hold her head high in front of the Chen family for the rest of her life.

With Lu Fei's encouragement, Wang Xinyi boldly took this step.

At this moment, Wang Xinyi's face was flushed and she pressed her head as low as possible.

On the way here, Lu Fei had already communicated with Chen Xiang, and Chen Xiang had already been mentally prepared and was much calmer than Wang Xinyi.

But Lu Fei knew that Chen Xiang was also struggling in his heart. Lu Fei could clearly feel the warmth from her face and hands.

As for the Chen family at this moment, they collectively remained silent.

The second uncle, Chen Honggang, was playing with the wine glass in his hand, lowering his head and saying nothing. The second aunt was holding an egg and couldn't peel off the egg skin for several minutes.

Lao Taishan Chen Hongyi held the dining table with both hands and his lips kept trembling. His mother-in-law lowered her head and two tears fell uncontrollably.

Mother-in-law is aggrieved!

Really aggrieved.

The Chen family is the most prestigious family in China. With their family's conditions and Chen Xiang's beauty, you can choose at will in China. No matter which family you marry, it will be a blessing that the other party has cultivated for several lifetimes.

Before Lu Fei appeared, she had imagined countless possibilities, but she never thought that one day, the daughter who thought she was the best would be reduced to sharing a man with other women. This was simply too ironic.

Previously, the Chen family and the Wang family had a very close relationship. Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi had been good best friends for more than ten years. They treated Wang Xinyi as if they were their own daughters.

But when things have developed to this point, Wang Xinyi seems not so perfect in their eyes.

Compared with them, there are two different people at the dinner table, namely Chen Yunfei and Lu Fei.

An old man and a young man sat opposite each other, staring at each other with two pairs of tiger eyes. Chen Xiang could see that their eyes were full of stories.

"What do you think?" Chen Yunfei asked.

Of course, he was asking his children and Chen Xiang, but the old man asked three times in a row, but no one answered.

Chen Yunfei drank the wine in one gulp, put down the glass and said, "If you don't want to say anything, I'll say a few words."

"As long as a person lives, the vegetation will fall."

"To live with vigor and magnanimity, there is nothing that is difficult to say."

"We understand the character of Lu Fei.

, you all know his ability, I believe that he is not a random person. "

"I have also married two people. As long as we treat them sincerely, there is nothing wrong with them."

"I have no objection to this. I believe Lu Fei will not bully Xiang'er."

As he said that, Chen Yunfei looked at Chen Xiang: "What grandpa said just now only represents his personal attitude. The most important thing is you. What do you think?"

After the old man finished speaking, everyone at the table except Wang Xinyi and Lu Fei looked at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang bit her lip, suddenly picked up Lu Fei's wine glass, drank three ounces of high-strength liquor in one gulp, and coughed violently.

After regaining his composure, Chen Xiang put down his glass and said, "I know Xinyi. She is devoted to Lu Fei wholeheartedly. Moreover, she and Lu Fei have experienced life and death. This relationship is definitely the most sincere."

"Although Lu Fei and I have not experienced their passion, I can feel that Lu Fei is also sincere to me."

"I love Lu Fei. I can accept anything for Lu Fei. I have no objection."

After saying this, Chen Xiang lowered his head indifferently, tears falling uncontrollably.

Lu Fei grabbed her hand a little harder, feeling very moved in his heart.

"Okay, now that my granddaughter has an attitude, what's your attitude as parents?" The old man looked at his eldest son.

"I, I, I have no objection." Chen Hongyi said through gritted teeth.

"Dad, I don't have any objection. I believe Xiaofei will be good to Xiang'er." Mother-in-law said with choked sobs.

"What about you?" The old man looked at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei glanced at everyone present with a serious look on his face, and finally fixed his gaze on Chen Yunfei.

"I won't say anything unnecessary."

"I, Lu Fei, swear here that I will never let down Chen Xiang, let alone the Chen family, in this life."

"As long as I, Lu Fei, am here, Chen Xiang will never be bullied."

"As long as I am here, no one in China will dare to provoke the Chen family."

"When I come back from England, I will send out invitations right away. On National Day, I will give Xiang'er the grandest wedding."

"In order to continue the good relationship of the Chen family, Xiang'er and I's first child, regardless of gender, will be named Chen in the household registration book."


After Lu Fei said his last words, the old man's old body was shaken up. Chen Hongyi and Chen Honggang stood up directly. Chen Xiang's body trembled uncontrollably for a few times. His eyes looking at Lu Fei were filled with emotions. Horrified.

"Boy, are you serious?" Chen Yunfei asked, holding the wheelchair with both hands and staring.

"The sun and the moon can serve as a guide. If your words don't match your heart, you will be punished by heaven and earth." "Xinyi is pregnant, and I want to give her an explanation."

In Tiandu City in the evening, Lu Fei sat between the two girls, holding their hands and facing everyone in the Chen family calmly.

This level will be passed sooner or later, and the Chen family is well aware of the relationship between the three of them. There is no need for Lu Fei to hide it.

Wang Xinyi didn't dare to come with Lu Fei at first, but she would have to face this kind of thing sooner or later. Otherwise, she would never be able to hold her head high in front of the Chen family for the rest of her life.

With Lu Fei's encouragement, Wang Xinyi boldly took this step.

At this moment, Wang Xinyi's face was flushed and she pressed her head as low as possible.

On the way here, Lu Fei had already communicated with Chen Xiang, and Chen Xiang had already been mentally prepared and was much calmer than Wang Xinyi.

But Lu Fei knew that Chen Xiang was also struggling in his heart. Lu Fei could clearly feel the warmth from her face and hands. ??

As for the Chen family at this moment, they collectively remained silent.

The second uncle, Chen Honggang, was playing with the wine glass in his hand, lowering his head and saying nothing. The second aunt was holding an egg and couldn't peel off the egg skin for several minutes.

Lao Taishan Chen Hongyi held the dining table with both hands and his lips kept trembling. His mother-in-law lowered her head and two tears fell uncontrollably.

Mother-in-law is aggrieved!

Really aggrieved.

The Chen family is the most prestigious family in China. With their family's conditions and Chen Xiang's beauty, you can choose at will in China. No matter which family you marry, it will be a blessing that the other party has cultivated for several lifetimes.

Before Lu Fei appeared, she had imagined countless possibilities, but she never thought that one day, the daughter who thought she was the best would be reduced to sharing a man with other women. This was simply too ironic.

Previously, the Chen family and the Wang family had a very close relationship. Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi had been good best friends for more than ten years. They treated Wang Xinyi as if they were their own daughters.

But when things have developed to this point, Wang Xinyi seems not so perfect in their eyes.

Compared with them, there are two different people at the dinner table, namely Chen Yunfei and Lu Fei.

An old man and a young man sat opposite each other, staring at each other with two pairs of tiger eyes. Chen Xiang could see that their eyes were full of stories.

"What do you think?" Chen Yunfei asked.

Of course, he was asking his children and Chen Xiang, but the old man asked three times in a row, but no one answered.

Chen Yunfei drank the wine in one gulp, put down the glass and said, "If you don't want to say anything, I'll say a few words."

"As long as a person lives, the vegetation will fall."

"To live with vigor and magnanimity, there is nothing that is difficult to say."

"We understand the character of Lu Fei.

, you all know his ability, I believe that he is not a random person. "

"I have also married two people. As long as we treat them sincerely, there is nothing wrong with them."

"I have no objection to this. I believe Lu Fei will not bully Xiang'er."

As he said that, Chen Yunfei looked at Chen Xiang: "What grandpa said just now only represents his personal attitude. The most important thing is you. What do you think?"

After the old man finished speaking, everyone at the table except Wang Xinyi and Lu Fei looked at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang bit her lip, suddenly picked up Lu Fei's wine glass, drank three ounces of high-strength liquor in one gulp, and coughed violently.

After regaining his composure, Chen Xiang put down his glass and said, "I know Xinyi. She is devoted to Lu Fei wholeheartedly. Moreover, she and Lu Fei have experienced life and death. This relationship is definitely the most sincere."

"Although Lu Fei and I have not experienced their passion, I can feel that Lu Fei is also sincere to me."

"I love Lu Fei. I can accept anything for Lu Fei. I have no objection."

After saying this, Chen Xiang lowered his head indifferently, tears falling uncontrollably.

Lu Fei grabbed her hand a little harder, feeling very moved in his heart.

"Okay, now that my granddaughter has an attitude, what's your attitude as parents?" The old man looked at his eldest son.

"I, I, I have no objection." Chen Hongyi said through gritted teeth.

"Dad, I don't have any objection. I believe Xiaofei will be good to Xiang'er." Mother-in-law said with choked sobs.

"What about you?" The old man looked at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei glanced at everyone present with a serious look on his face, and finally fixed his gaze on Chen Yunfei.

"I won't say anything unnecessary."

"I, Lu Fei, swear here that I will never let down Chen Xiang, let alone the Chen family, in this life."

"As long as I, Lu Fei, am here, Chen Xiang will never be bullied."

"As long as I am here, no one in China will dare to provoke the Chen family."

"When I come back from England, I will send out invitations right away. On National Day, I will give Xiang'er the grandest wedding."

"In order to continue the good relationship of the Chen family, Xiang'er and I's first child, regardless of gender, will be named Chen in the household registration book."


After Lu Fei said his last words, the old man's old body was shaken up. Chen Hongyi and Chen Honggang stood up directly. Chen Xiang's body trembled uncontrollably for a few times. His eyes looking at Lu Fei were filled with emotions. Horrified.

"Boy, are you serious?" Chen Yunfei held the wheelchair with both hands and asked with eyes wide open.

"The sun and the moon can teach you. If your words don't match your heart, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth."

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