Lu Fei's words shocked everyone in the Chen family.

His first child’s surname is Chen, which sounds simple to say, but how much courage does it take?

A few simple words, but the meaning contained in them is extraordinary.

In China's thousands of years of history, men have an absolutely lofty status. In ancient times, not only children, but also wives had to take their husband's surname. This is respect for men and a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is the dignity of a man.

In today's society, it is almost impossible for a child to take his maiden name, and even a man would not agree to it.

This would only happen if the son-in-law came from a remote mountainous area and had no status in his wife's family.

Is Lu Fei cowardly?

of course not!

Is Lu Fei a man?

Who dares to say otherwise?

Even Chen Yunfei didn't dare to say that.

The Chen family understands that when Lu Fei said this, he did not put down his dignity, nor did he force him to give in, but to give the Chen family an attitude.

This attitude is that from now on, I, Lu Fei, will be responsible for the Chen family.

If someone else had expressed this attitude, the Chen family would have kicked him out without hesitation, but Lu Fei was not an ordinary person.

With a net worth of hundreds of billions and connections all over the world, the Chief Instructor of Wulong will also take over as the Chief Counselor of China’s historical and archeology in half a year.

Coupled with the high recognition of Lu Fei from the leaders above, it is no exaggeration to say that by that time, almost no one in China can offend Lu Fei.

With such an outstanding person supporting the Chen family, not only will the Chen family not collapse, but they can even make further progress.

Therefore, Lu Fei's promise is more important than Mount Tai.


Chen Yunfei slapped the dining table hard and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, with your words, I can feel relieved even if I die now."

"Second brother, pour me some wine, I want to toast Lu Fei

One cup. "

In normal times, the family strictly controls the amount of alcohol the old man drinks. How strict is it?

It is as strict as it needs to be, and it can even be as accurate as a "gram".

But today, no one stopped the old man. Chen Hong just agreed and took the initiative to pour half a glass for his father.

Chen Yunfei tremblingly picked up the wine glass and said, "Boy, I did not misjudge you. You are a man. I will leave Xiang'er to you. Don't worry."

"After having this drink with me, I will ask your second uncle and second aunt to go to England to watch the ceremony on behalf of the Chen family."

Chen Yunfei's words were too generous.

This sentence not only expressed the Chen family's recognition of Lu Fei, but also represented their complete acceptance of Wang Xinyi. Wang Xinyi could no longer control it, covering her face and sobbing.

"Girl, why are you crying on your big day?"

"Come on, all three of you, grab some and have a drink with me."

This wine must be drunk, no one can refuse it, and no one can refuse it.

Lu Fei and the other three stood up with wine glasses in their hands, and Wang Xinyi bowed to everyone in the Chen family.

"Thank you, grandpa, thank you everyone. I will definitely be good to Xiang'er, thank you."

Wang Xinyi shed tears throughout the whole process and drank all the Coke in the cup.

That's right, you can't drink alcohol when you're pregnant. What Wang Xinyi drinks is not wine or cola, but happiness.

After drinking this glass of wine, she will have no worries anymore.

Everyone sat down again and the atmosphere relaxed instantly.

"Boy, what are you and girl Xinyi going to do?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"I have a private estate in London. When the time comes, I will invite some foreign friends to watch the ceremony and keep it as low-key as possible. This will be good for everyone." Lu Fei said.

Chen Yunfei nodded and locked eyes with Wang Xinyi: "Girl, your situation is a bit special. What Lu Fei said is the best way. However, you may have to suffer some grievances. Don't say that our Chen family is bullying you! "

Wang Xinyi waved her hands repeatedly: "Grandpa, you are serious. I can't thank you enough for allowing me to stay with Lu Fei. I will not be wronged."

"Well, he is a sensible and good boy, but you don't have to worry. When the time comes, I will ask the second child to go there. He will represent the Chen family and give your Wang family an attitude. Otherwise, your family will not look good. !" Chen Yunfei said.

"Thank you, grandpa!" Wang Xinyi burst into tears of gratitude.

Chen Yunfei thought carefully. The Chen family had passed this test, but it was hard to say what the attitude of the Wang family was.

In fact, the Wang family has long known about the good relationship between Lu Fei and the three of them, but everyone has a tacit understanding and has never revealed it.

But things are different now. It has escalated to the point of discussing marriage, and it is impossible for the Wang family not to face it.

Regarding their relationship, the Wang family must have scruples, and the one with the most scruples must be the Chen family. Chen Yunfei allowed Chen Honggang to attend the ceremony, which showed the Chen family's position and gave the Wang family no worries. This was the greatest support for Wang Xinyi, Lu Fei was also very grateful.

However, when Chen Honggang was asked to attend the ceremony, his old father-in-law Chen Hongyi frowned.

"Dad, is this appropriate?"

"If the news leaks out, I'm afraid there will be some rumors outside. Is that okay?"

Before the old man could speak, Lu Fei stood up first.

"Dad, don't worry, what can they say?"

"With me, Lu Fei, poking around here, let me see what they dare to say?"


When Lu Fei said this, he was extremely powerful and domineering, and his whole body revealed the aura of looking down on the world.

The situation made the Chen family take a breath of air.

Good guy, this momentum is no less impressive than when the old man was young. It's so domineering.

Chen Hongyi suddenly stopped talking, but the old man smiled from ear to ear.

"Hahaha, well said, well said!"

"Young man Lu Fei and I are poking around here. I wonder which one of them dares to talk too much?"

The old man made the decision, and the matter was settled smoothly.

After the arrangements were made in the UK, Lu Fei arranged for Chen Honggang to attend the ceremony.

After dinner, the two women entered Chen Xiang's room. Lu Fei also planned to go in, but was pushed out by Chen Xiang. Lu Fei had no choice but to chat with Wang Wu.

Yes, I must go out. I absolutely cannot face my mother-in-law and my old father-in-law alone at this time.

They say they have no objections, but that doesn't mean they really have no objections.

Lu Fei completely understood, and even if he thought about it from his perspective, he would not agree.

The reason why they didn't say anything was because Chen Yunfei was watching over them and they didn't dare to say anything.

Now that the old man has gone back to his house to rest, they will not have any scruples when facing him, so at this time, it is better for Lu Fei to avoid the edge temporarily.

In the boudoir, after closing the door, Wang Xinyi solemnly bowed to Chen Xiang.

"Xiang'er, thank you."

Chen Xiang smiled slightly and said, "What are you talking about? We are good best friends and will be good sisters in the future. We should not be like this as a family."

"Also, don't cry all the time. You are a pregnant woman now, so you must pay attention to your health!"

The two of them sat by the bed, chatting with each other. Finally, at a certain point, the two women hugged each other and cried.

Wang Xinyi felt guilty, and Chen Xiang felt wronged, but after crying, all the emotions were vented, and there was no longer any barrier between the two.

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