A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2476 Depressed Fan Di

Wang Xinyi was going to catch Lu Fei, but Wang Xinlei grabbed her.

"Sister, don't worry, don't you know who Brother Fei is?"

"Now that he has taken action, he is sure to escape. Didn't you see that everyone on Weibo supports Brother Fei?"

"You're just caring and causing chaos. You won't be able to help if you go."


"It's nothing, you're all in bed, you... Ouch!"

"Sister, don't hit me. I'm wrong. Isn't that okay?"

"I just want to tell you that you are just too nervous."

"Brother Fei is not reckless. He must have a reason for doing this. Nothing will happen. Just wait at home and wait at ease!"

In the end, Wang Xinyi listened to her brother's persuasion.

In Tiandu City, Chen Xiang also received the news, but Chen Xiang was much calmer. Instead, he called Wang Xinyi and advised her to calm down.

These two women believed in Lu Fei, and the younger brothers also looked relaxed, but Lu Fei's older friends couldn't calm down.

Guan Haishan, Fatty Wang, Ji Dongmin, Lu Tianhao, etc. were all extremely nervous and tried their best to find out more details.

Fan Di, the leader of the city bureau, was already on his way to the police station. However, Fan Di was very upset at this moment.

Because from the moment Xu Qiang posted on Weibo, his phone has never been disconnected.

In the capital city, leaders of the provincial party committee and even the leaders of the General Administration called and asked Fan Di to handle this matter carefully.

The leaders were more reserved in their speeches and let Fan Di understand the rest, but those business leaders were too difficult to deal with.

Entrepreneurs who were friends with Lu Fei in the capital city and big guys in the collection industry got Fan Di's phone number from nowhere, and they called in one after another.


br\u003e The good-tempered one warned Fan Di not to use torture to extract a confession, while the bad-tempered one gave him a direct warning, which made Fan Di doubtful about life.

Damn it!

I am a policeman!

You dare to threaten the police. Do you know that you are seeking death?

However, he could only mutter these words silently in his heart. These big guys were not ordinary people, and their connections were not comparable to his. They wanted to avoid provoking anyone and try to live in peace as much as possible. Therefore, he could only deal with it in a perfunctory way.

Later, I simply turned off my personal phone and it became a little quieter.

Ten minutes later, Fan Di's exclusive car drove two hundred meters in front of the police station and could no longer move forward.

The reason is that the police station in the jurisdiction was surrounded.

That's right, they were surrounded. If the driver hadn't been familiar with the location, Fan Di wouldn't have been able to see the police station sign.

Hundreds of onlookers, dozens of companies, and hundreds of news media members surrounded the police station.

Even Fan Di, who had seen the world, was shocked by this formation.

Asking the driver to pull over, Fan Di planned to quietly enter the village and shoot.

It's a pity that he underestimated the reporters' keen sense of smell. As soon as his car appeared, the reporters rushed over like cats that smelled fishy smell and surrounded Fan Di.

"Mr. Fan, according to the crowd's reaction, Lu Fei took action because his character was aggressively insulted. What do you think of this?"

"Mr. Fan, will Mr. Lu be sentenced if he hits someone?"

"Mr. Fan, the victim Fei Qing was raped by your people

He was brought back directly. According to the procedure, shouldn't Fei Qing be allowed to have his injuries examined and treated first? "

"Mr. Fan"

Fan Dichou's head hurt, and he repeatedly waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, but it was of no use.

Fan Di was also anxious and jumped on the hood of the car and shouted loudly: "Friends from the media, please be quiet and listen to me."

"We are law enforcers. We will not wrongly accuse a good person, let alone let any bad person go." ??

"As for how to deal with it, I can't answer you yet. I want to go in and understand the situation. Can you please give me a way?"

"We are just making assumptions here and cannot solve the problem at all. As for the progress of the case, we will announce it to the public as soon as possible after the investigation. Please give way and do not affect our work."

Under the control of the police, Fan Di finally passed the reporters' interception and successfully entered the police station.

When he came to the mediation room, Fandi was already sweating profusely. It was terrible.

Yes, Lu Fei and the others did not interrogate separately. Both sides were powerful figures. Director Ge Zhiwei thought it would be more appropriate to wait for Fan Di to come over and intervene in person. Before that, he invited both parties to the mediation room and tried to find a way to appease them. The emotions of both parties are what matters most.

Fan Di pushed the door open and walked in. The scene in front of him surprised him.

Before coming in, he thought that there must be a lot of noise inside, but the fact is that there are a lot of quiet people inside.

The four of them, Lu Fei and Bai Zirui, were sitting on the sofa smoking.

Fei Qing, He Caiyun and their driver were hiding far away on the other side, their eyes evasive, and they were trembling a little.

At the scene, Fei Qing dared to yell at Xu Qiang and Ge Zhiwei, but now he is working with Lu Fei

Being in the same room, he didn't dare to explode.

Although he hated Lu Fei deeply and wanted to go to the hospital immediately to check his injuries so that he could find a way to kill Lu Fei and take revenge, but he was more afraid that Lu Fei and others would beat him again.

Fei Qing almost had his hair tied up after being brutally tortured just now. Now, he no longer wants to experience the feeling at that time.

However, when Fan Di came in and reported to the family, Fei Qing seemed to have a backbone.

When he came to Fan Di, he confirmed that Lu Fei did not dare to do anything in front of Fan Di. Now, Fei Qing gave up.

"President Fan, I was injured so badly. Instead of sending me to the hospital, you brought me directly here. Isn't this normal procedure?"

"Also, Lu Fei committed a murder on the street and severely injured my girlfriend and I. You didn't handcuff him. Is this in compliance with the procedures?"

"Now I not only want to accuse Lu Fei of intentional injury, but I also want to accuse the director of lax enforcement of the law. I even suspect that he is deliberately protecting Lu Fei."

"If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, this matter will never end. I will pursue it to the end."

After saying that, Fei Qing did not forget to give Lu Fei a provocative look, which meant that no matter how awesome you are, you are dead this time. However, Lu Fei didn't look at him at all, which made Fei Qing Somewhat discouraged.

What Fei Qing said makes sense. According to normal procedures, no matter whose fault it is, the four Lu Fei must be handcuffed.

But the key point is that except for Fang Mingliang, who is slightly weaker, these four people are not ordinary people, and Fan Di also has a severe headache.

However, he couldn't think about that much for the time being. The most urgent thing now was to understand the situation clearly.

Fan Di comforted Fei Qing and asked Ge Zhiwei about the situation at the scene. As a result, Ge Zhiwei had not been interrogated and he did not know clearly, so he could only give a rough summary.

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