A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2477 You are not qualified

Ge Zhiwei didn't particularly understand the situation, and Fan Di was so angry that he almost cursed.

Fortunately, everything at the scene had been captured by surveillance equipment. Fan Di immediately asked someone to cut the live video into Ge Zhiwei's computer and watch the playback himself.

When Fan Di was watching the replay, Fei Qing was also there. While watching, he explained to Fan Di directly and humiliatedly.

"Now, look, Lu Fei's car showed no sign of slowing down at all, and they crashed straight into it."

"My girlfriend and I were shocked and got out of the car to ask about the situation. But before we could understand what was going on, Lu Fei knocked him to the ground."

"Now, look, look, how cruel Lu Fei and the others are. This is no longer intentional harm. I think this is murder by Lu Fei!"

"If the police hadn't arrived in time, I would have been beaten to death by them."

"Also, Lu Fei made it out of nothing and said that I scolded them. In fact, there was no such thing at all. I didn't scold them at all. I didn't even see Lu Fei in the car."

"Lu Fei is deliberately retaliating because, when we were at the airport, I once said something gossip about him and his woman. Lu Fei held a grudge and deliberately wanted to kill me."

"Comrade police, the facts are here. The prince committed the same crime as the common people. You must make the decision for me!"

"If you favor Lu Fei and the others, I will never give up. Ouch. I lost more than a dozen teeth and it hurts me to death, as well as my lumbar disc. Ouch." Fei Qing finished speaking and twisted. Sitting on the sofa awkwardly, his expression was in pain.

Even so, he still didn't forget to give Lu Fei a provocative look.

After watching the video, Fei Qing's face didn't look good.

"Mr. Lu, let's not talk about whether Mr. Fei Qing insulted you. Even if he did, you can sue him, but you have no right to beat people in the street. These are two cases of different natures."

"Now the fact that you hit someone is clear. According to the procedures, we will temporarily detain you until the case is fully investigated and then transferred to the procuratorate and court for sentencing."

"Do you have any objection to our processing results?"

Fandy strictly followed the procedures, and in this way, no matter where he went, he made no mistakes.

Hearing what Fan Di said, Fei Qing and He Caiyun suddenly became excited.

Lu Fei, aren't you very arrogant?

Will you survive this time?

And Bai Zirui.

Damn it, the entertainment industry in China can’t let you go. Do you want to fly?

Let’s see if you are still awesome this time. If I defeat you, not only will your reputation plummet, but your Great Wall Live Broadcast Platform will also be affected. By then, if I run it properly, I may be able to convert the traffic of your platform into our elves. traffic, in this case, our market value will increase by at least 30%.

And Di Ruilong, as a foreign guest, if you don't want to be romantic and happy, you have to fool around with Lu Fei, and you won't get better this time.

When the time comes, your father, Di Chaodong, wants to fish you out, so he must beg me to withdraw the lawsuit in a humble manner. Hey, by then, we will have to discuss the terms.

You can't even think of it without a loan of RMB 500 billion and Baihua Bank's Purple Card.


Unexpectedly, Lu Fei, the richest man in China, who is so famous, and Bai Zirui's little puppy are in his hands. This glorious history is enough for him to brag about his awesomeness for a lifetime. Just here, the beating he gets today is worth a thousand dollars. ah!

At this moment, what Fei Qing wanted to see most was the panicked expressions of Lu Fei and Bai Zirui. However, he was soon disappointed.

Lu Fei sat there looking at ease, and Bai Zirui and Fang Mingliang were also calm and composed, with no sign of any nervousness at all.

Damn it!

This is impossible, how could they be so calm?

They are pretending, they must be pretending, in fact, they are extremely scared in their hearts, that must be the case.

In fact, Fei Qing guessed wrong, Lao Bai and the others were really not nervous.

These buddies know Lu Fei very well. Lu Fei has always taken steps and never fought an uncertain battle.

With Lu Fei's current social status, how could he beat someone in public just because of a word?

Lu Fei is not crazy or stupid, it is simply impossible.

The reason why Lu Fei dared to attack in public must be confident. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to follow Fei Qing and find a place where no one is around to deal with him?

Why do we have to choose a downtown area or such a special location as a crossroads?

The brothers have enough confidence in Lu Fei's ability, so they are not nervous at all.

"Mr. Lu Fei, do you have any objection to our handling of the matter?"

Lu Fei didn't answer just now, so Fan Di asked again.

This time, Lu Fei slowly raised his head, lit a cigarette and asked lightly: "Who are you?"


The people in the room were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

Bai Zirui squirted tea and the puppy was all over his body, giving Lu Fei a big eye roll, thinking that he was going too far this time!

Fei Qing almost burst out laughing when he reacted, thinking to himself, Lu Fei, you are dead, you are really dead, not even God can save you.

Fan Di blinked, feeling a little confused.

Good guy, I’ve been here for so long and I’ve talked so much, but you still don’t know where I am.

One person?

Do I have no sense of existence?

You are awesome, but in my territory, please respect me a little bit, okay?


"Since Mr. Lu Fei doesn't know me, let me introduce myself."

"My name is Fan Di, and I am the first bureau chief of the Magic City Bureau. The case of your fight is serious and has a bad impact. Our city bureau will take over the case. Do you have any objection to my handling of it?" Fan Di said.

Lu Fei took a puff of cigarette and said calmly: "Yes!"

This answer was also within Fan Di's expectation. Originally, there were a few people who committed crimes but didn't say they were wronged, right?

If you are not convinced, then present facts and evidence until you are convinced.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I know what you want to say. You are just saying that Mr. Fei Qing insulted you, but"

Before Fan Di could finish speaking, Lu Fei interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"No, you don't know what I'm going to say."

"I'm not trying to defend myself, I'm just telling you that you are not qualified to handle my case!"


Lu Fei's words were like a thunder exploding in the office. Everyone was stunned and did not wake up for more than ten seconds. Even Fei Qing was stunned.

He had heard that Lu Fei was arrogant, but he didn't expect him to be so arrogant.

Good guy, a big leader of the Shanghai Police Department is here, and you say he is not qualified. Are you going crazy?

The earth can't let you go anymore. Do you want to survive the tribulation and ascend?

You can even say such treacherous and unethical things, you are committing great suicide!

However, I like it, you continue, don’t stop, it’s best to go up and beat Vandy like you beat me, that would be great!

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