A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2485 Two together?

After hearing Ma Xiaodong's solution, all seven shareholders were dumbfounded.

Ma Xiaodong has two methods. The first method is to fish out Fei Qing.

Speculations and rumors about Elf Live are currently flying everywhere.

Some people say that Lu Fei beat Fei Qing because he acted bravely, and that Fei Qing bumped into the old lady and not only refused to apologize but also cursed her. Lu Fei couldn't stand it, so he taught him a lesson.

Some said that Fei Qingli had connections with foreign countries, betrayed state secrets, and had dealings with foreign spies. This is why Bai Zirui and Lu Fei jointly blocked Fei Qing.

Others say that Fei Qing laundered money for foreign forces. Anyway, no matter what version it is, Fei Qing has been rumored to be a heinous bastard.

This is not to blame for people's random speculation. After all, Bai Zirui's statement was too general and did not explain in detail at all.

But no matter what, people firmly believe that Fei Qing is nothing.

If Fei Qing is fished out in time and a press conference is held to clarify it, the reputation of the platform can be restored to the greatest extent.

Although Bai Zirui and Lu Fei are blocking the market, the stock market will not collapse like a cliff, leaving them room to think of ways to operate.

However, when this method was revealed, all the shareholders who had just shouted to go all out became mute.

The driver came back and told Zhang Xiaodong that Fei Qing had been taken away by the military. This must be said. After all, people had to know Fei Qing's whereabouts. As for the fact that Lu Fei was the chief instructor of Wulong, the driver did not dare to reveal a word.

But just this sentence has stumped everyone.

If Fei Qing was imprisoned by the police, he might be able to get bail if he found some connections, but if he was taken away by the military, there would be nothing he could do.

These shareholders have no military connections at all, so how can they make money?

It’s unrealistic!

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid it's not that simple to get people. Didn't you say there are two ways? Please tell me what the other way is?" Han Shaoguang asked.

"The second way is to ask Lu Fei."

"It's obvious that Lu Fei wants to deal with Mr. Fei. It can also be said that Lu Fei is responsible for all this.

Made it. "

"We don't know how Mr. Fei offended Lu Fei, but no matter what, as long as we can ask for Lu Fei's forgiveness, all problems will be solved."

"Even if Mr. Fei cannot come out, as long as Lu Fei and Bai Zirui unblock our platform, we will have buffer time."

"Everyone, there are less than ten hours until the stock market opens at 9:30. Asking Lu Fei for forgiveness is the only way we can resolve the crisis now. Whoever can get in touch with Lu Fei, hurry up and find a way!"

"I, Zhang Xiaodong, am just a small manager. I can't do anything. I still have to rely on the bosses." Zhang Xiaodong said.


Looking for Lu Fei?

This difficulty is not much less than going to the military to recruit people. Let’s not talk about Lu Fei’s temper. The problem is that these little shrimps have no contact with Lu Fei at all!

Lu Fei went out of his way to deal with Fei Qing. It was obviously Fei Qing who had offended him so badly. If we just rashly go to him to ask for forgiveness, is this going to work?

Does Lu Fei know who we are?

Why are you giving us face? Isn’t this a joke?

Several shareholders discussed it, shook their heads and sighed, no one has such a big face.

"Mr. Zhang, besides begging Lu Fei, is there any other way?" asked a shareholder.

Zhang Xiaodong shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Even if you ask Lu Fei for forgiveness, it can only relieve an urgent need. In other words, it can give us some time to liquidate the shares in our hands. As of now, the elf's defeat has been determined, and no one can do anything about it. "

"Everyone, we don't have much time left."


Everyone looked at each other and was helpless.

No matter what they thought, Lu Fei looked relaxed.

Although it is not perfect, it has basically achieved the effect. Lu Fei only hopes that through this incident, those self-righteous people can be more open-minded and never provoke Wang Xinyi, otherwise, they will become the second Fei Qing .

On the way, Li Shengnan called. Fei Qing and He Caiyun had been taken over by the Xuanlong brothers and were currently on their way to the Jinling branch. He asked Lu Fei what to do with these two people.

"Take the person back first, prohibit communication, and prohibit anyone from visiting until I notify you."

"Brother Fei, are you avenging your personal revenge?"

"Don't talk nonsense, am I that kind of person?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.


"Okay, stop making trouble, let me tell you something serious, hand over the work you are doing, bring your old man to the Magic City to gather together tomorrow, and follow me to London the day after tomorrow." Lu Fei said.

"No, I don't have time to go out and hang out." Li Shengnan said. ??

"You must go."

"Is something wrong?"


"Why do you want me to take action personally?"

"When I get married to your brother, won't you come?"




Not only Li Shengnan, but Bai Zirui, the little nanny and others in the car also screamed.


"What's going on? My dear brother, you are getting married. Why didn't I know?"

"Who do you want to marry?"

"Are you two together?" the little puppy asked with his mouth wide open.

Lu Fei ignored him and waited quietly for Li Shengnan's reply.


"Well, come?"

"I have to go. I missed you, but I can't miss your wedding. Wait for me and go there early tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Li Shengnan hung up the phone directly, but Lu Fei was shocked by her reaction. \u003c


Good guy, after all this time, does this eldest sister still have thoughts about me?

"Brother, are you serious?" Little Milk Dog grabbed Lu Fei's arm and asked.


"I'm going, why didn't you tell me earlier so that everyone could be prepared?"

"I'm getting married, you guys prepare some yarn, yes, that's right, I've prepared the gift!" Lu Fei said.

"Brother, it's too sudden for you. Why are you talking about such a big thing now?" Bai Zirui asked.

"I called you here just to tell you. I will officially announce it when I get home."

"Why do you want to get married in England?"

"I'll explain it to you when I get back."

If Lu Fei didn't say anything, it would be hard for everyone to ask questions. However, judging from everyone's expressions, it was obvious that they were still in shock and speculation.

Shocked because it was so sudden.

Also, I'm guessing whether Lu Fei wants to play a big game, and the two of them can do it together?

Well, it is very possible. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to the UK to hold a wedding, right?

Lu Fei was too lazy to pay attention to them, and was looking at the caller ID in worry.

The phone rang, and the caller ID showed Wang Hongbin’s number.

This father-in-law rarely takes the initiative to call him. This time, he must have known that he came to the magic city.

Normally, he felt no pressure when talking to Wang Hongbin on the phone, but Lu Fei couldn't help but feel nervous when he thought about the purpose of coming to the Magic City this time.

"Hello, Uncle Wang."

"Xiao Fei, are you okay?" Wang Hongbin asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Fei Qing made such a big fuss, the whole world knows about it."

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. I'm out now." Lu Fei said.

Wang Hongbin was silent for five seconds and said, "Take Xinyi home for a meal tonight. The old man has something to tell you."


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