A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2486 Thank you brother-in-law

In the main living room of Lu Mansion, Lu Fei held Wang Xinyi's hand and sat in the main seat, looking around at his twenty best friends opposite.

"Everyone is brought together today just to announce one thing."

"Dude I'm getting married."


Bai Zirui, Little Milk Dog and others had already heard what Lu Fei said in the car and were mentally prepared.

However, before returning to the mansion and not having time to confess, Lu Fei gathered everyone together. When the brothers who had not received the news heard about it, they stood up in shock and opened their mouths one by one.

"Brother Fei, are you serious?"

"Brother Fei, isn't this too sudden?"

"Brother Fei, why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

Everyone was talking aloud, and they had the same reaction as Little Milk Dog and others when they first heard the news.

The one who reacted most intensely was Wang Xinlei, who rushed to Lu Fei, looked at his elder sister Wang Xinyi, and said to Lu Fei seriously.

"Brother Fei, who are you going to marry?"

"Is it my sister or Sister Chen Xiang? Don't give up after all!"


"I don't. If you dare to apologize to my sister, I'm not done with you." Wang Xinlei's eyes turned red.

Wang Xinyi's eyes were not red, but her face and neck were hot, and she pulled Wang Xinlei down.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and continued: "You all shut up and listen to me."

"We are all our own people, so there is no need for me to pretend. Everyone knows about my situation. Chen Xiang is my legal wife, but you all know about my relationship with Xinyi."

"Xinyi and I share joys and sorrows. After many life and death situations, I can't live without her. I have to be responsible for her."

"Our Chinese state has legal restrictions. I can only go to the British church to get married on a fixed date.

On July 20th, there are eleven days left. "

"The people sitting next to me are all my best friends and best brothers. I hope to get your blessings."

"Of course, if you are willing to go to the ceremony, Xinyi and I will welcome you with both hands. If you don't want to go, I won't force you. It's all voluntary."

"In addition, we have discussed that we are not planning to invite friends from China to the wedding. Regardless of whether you will go to watch the ceremony or not, please do not inform your family elders. I don't want everyone in China to know."

"Those who are willing to go to the ceremony will wait in the magic city. I still have some things to deal with. If nothing else happens, we will set off to England together in three days. Now let's make a statement. Whoever doesn't want to go can put it forward now. "

Lu Fei felt that it was necessary to say this up front. He knew his brothers very well, but he couldn't force many things. After all, his wedding was a bit special.

Some people are closer to the Chen family and need to consider the Chen family's face. For some people, the family's position is more sensitive. If negative news comes out, their family may be implicated, so whether to go or not It's all voluntary.

Even if he doesn't go, Lu Fei won't hold a grudge against anyone.

Facts have proved that Lu Fei's worries were completely unnecessary.

As soon as Lu Fei announced the news, everyone was shocked, and then everyone cheered.

"Brother Fei, this is all nonsense. Can you get married without us?"

"It's just that, without us, the wedding wouldn't be perfect."

"Go, you must all go, hahaha. When Master Di got married, the crib I ordered was buy one, get one free, and the remaining one finally came in use."


I wish brother Fei and sister Xinyi a happy marriage and a baby soon."

Wang Xinlei rushed over again, hugged Lu Fei tightly, snot and tears flowed out uncontrollably, and he started to cry loudly.

"Brother Fei, no, brother-in-law, I love you to death, I really love you to death."

At this moment, Wang Xinlei showed his true feelings.

Wang Xinyi is his biological sister. From childhood to adulthood, this sister has been like a mother, caring for him in every possible way. It can be said that in Wang Xinlei's mind, his relationship with his sister even exceeds that of his parents.

When Wang Xinyi was injured, Wang Xinlei was devastated.

Since being cured by Lu Fei, Wang Xinlei has followed Lu Fei wholeheartedly. On the one hand, he admires Lu Fei's ability, and more out of gratitude to Lu Fei. ??

Ever since he knew that his sister had fallen in love with Lu Fei, Wang Xinlei had tried every means to help her. However, after knowing that Lu Fei had obtained the certificate from Chen Xiang, Wang Xinlei had been cold towards Lu Fei for a while because he felt that Lu Fei had failed his sister and he resented Lu Fei. .

Wang Xinlei also persuaded Wang Xinyi more than once to give up, but the old lady couldn't let go at all.

Later, Wang Xinlei talked to Lu Fei several times. It was not until Lu Fei promised to give an explanation to his sister that the relationship between Wang Xinlei and Lu Fei returned to its original state, but they still could not let go. After all, Wang Xinlei was bound by the law. I really can't imagine what kind of explanation Lu Fei can give his sister.

Until this moment, Lu Fei said that he was going to England to get married with his elder sister, and Wang Xinlei understood everything.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang have obtained their certificates in China. This is a fact that no one can change. Now they propose to marry Wang Xinyi in England. This is the most perfect explanation for the elder sister.

Moreover, Wang Xinlei could imagine how much effort Lu Fei put in behind making this decision.

Public opinion, gossip, secular ideas,

And the powerful Chen family.

Only after solving these problems can Lu Fei dare to say such things.

I was not wrong about him. Fei Ge was still the same Fei Ge, and he would always be the most responsible pure man. When my sister followed Fei Ge, Wang Xinlei was relieved and completely relieved.

Normally, Wang Xinlei and Little Nanny often get into trouble with Lu Fei. Asking for comfort and hugs are normal actions, but Lu Fei kicks them away almost every time.

However, this time Lu Fei did not push him away, but allowed Wang Xinlei's snot and tears to rub on his expensive casual clothes.

Lu Fei patted Xiao Lei's back and said seriously: "Don't worry, Brother Fei promises you that your sister must be the happiest woman in the world."

"Woo~~Thank you, brother-in-law."

After comforting Wang Xinlei, the atmosphere was completely heated.

Twenty or so young people were chattering and discussing how to arrange the arrangements, how much gifts to give, how to arrange the crib, who would be the best man, etc., and they were very noisy.

Especially the issue of who should be the best man, there was a lot of controversy. In the end, except for the two unqualified people Xiao Nai Dog and Wang Xinlei, everyone almost started fighting.

Lu Fei ignored them and took Wang Xinyi upstairs, asking Wang Xinyi to prepare and go to Wang's house for dinner in the evening.

"Fei, I'm a little scared."

The Chen family's crisis has passed, but Wang Xinyi cares more about her family's opinions, so she is extremely nervous.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said, "What's so scary?"

"I believe your family can understand. Even if they don't understand, they can't stop us from being together. Moreover, I am sure to convince them."

"You go back to the house to get ready first. I have to make a few more phone calls and I'll go over to accompany you later."

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