A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2526 The frightened bird

Tang Hua was about to run away, but the tourists and waiters, including Jin Xin, were all stunned.

The boy looked at his boss with a confused look on his face and asked, "What's going on with my boss?"

The people coming are Master Jin and Lu Fei!

These two are important people who are rarely seen in daily life. When you come to our store, it will be really exciting. If you were greeted by others, you would be greeted with gongs and drums, but why aren't you excited?

Tang Hua didn't care what others thought, he was determined in his heart that Lu Fei must have known from Feng Kun that his stuff was pretty good, and he was here to bully him.

Feng Kun can't afford to offend him, and Lu Fei can't afford to offend him even more, but I can afford to hide, so I'll run away and go out to relax. If I don't come back for two months, you won't be able to provoke him, right?

But before Tang Hua could leave, Lu Fei grabbed him.

"Boss Tang, I've traveled thousands of miles to visit you. Isn't it wrong for you to treat me like this?"

"I, I really have something to do, I'm sorry!"

Tang Hua planned to break away from Lu Fei, but the latter had no intention of letting him go.

Although Lu Fei was thin, the strength in his hands was astonishing. Tang Hua struggled several times, but couldn't break free.

"Boss Tang, maybe you are very busy, but I won't take up too much of your time. Seriously, can't you give me some face?"

At this time, some tourists outside heard the commotion in the store, and they also came in to watch the excitement. When they understood that the reason was Lu Fei's arrival, those tourists screamed in surprise. The butterfly effect brought about by this shout, more and more tourists came poured in.

Seeing such a scene, Tang Hua gnashed his teeth in sorrow, knowing that he couldn't escape today, so he had to invite Lu Fei and Jin Xin to the backyard.

Tang Hua personally made tea for Lu Fei and Lu Fei, dismissed the waiters and family members, and sat down.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Jin, who are you looking for?"

Jin Xin smiled and said: "Xiaotang, I was too abrupt that time. I apologize to you. I hope you don't mind!"

Jin Xin stood up and was about to bow to Tang Hua. This frightened Tang Hua and he quickly supported the old man.

"Master Jin, you must not do this. Aren't you trying to hurt me?"

"How can I blame you for that? Speaking of which, it's my fault for being too direct and losing your face. It's my fault."

"With Mr. Jin's ability, I am lucky to be able to be your disciple. But it is true that I have ancestral precepts in my family that cannot be violated. I hope Mr. Jin will forgive me."


When Jin Xin heard this, his eyes shone brightly.

There is an ancestral precept, so it cannot be wrong. It must be what brother Lu Fei said.

The two of them exchanged a few polite words, and the embarrassment from last time ended.

After uncovering it, the atmosphere relaxed. But when he sat down again and saw Lu Fei next to him, Tang Hua became nervous again.

"Mr. Lu, who are you looking for?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, Boss Tang. I'm not a bad person. Why are you always guarding me like a thief?"


Tang Hua squirted out a mouthful of tea.

"No, no, Mr. Lu, you really know how to joke, hehe, hehe."

Tang Hua smiled forcefully, but that smile was uglier than crying, and Lu Fei was also speechless.

Seeing Tang Hua's nervous look, Lu Fei decided to be more direct.

"Boss Tang, I heard that Rehe Wenbao Feng Kun came to see you a few months ago, and it seems that you are not very happy, right?"


Hearing Feng Kun's name, Tang Hua trembled, the tea bowl in his hand slipped, and the hot tea spilled into a large area.

Tang Hua's reaction shocked Jin Xin.

Of course he knew about Feng Kun, but Feng Kun came to Yaokou Town to find Tang Hua, but he didn't know about it, and he didn't hear Lu Fei mention it. Judging from Tang Hua's reaction, it was obvious that the matter was not that simple. The old man just frowned.

Lu Fei's heart also twitched violently several times.

Damn it, that bastard Feng Kun was really nothing. He scared Tang Hua into a frightened bird. What a despicable method he used at that time!

Feeling the look in their eyes, Tang Hua waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, Mr. Lu, who did you hear this from? There is no such thing. I don't even know who Tang Hua is. I don't know him. Hehe, hehe. .”

Jin Xin couldn't hold back his anger: "Brother, what's going on?"

Lu Fei did not answer Jin Xin directly, but took out the tablet from his bag, found a video, clicked on it, and pushed it in front of Tang Hua.

"Boss Tang, take a look at this. After reading this, you should be relieved."

At this time, Tang Hua's face was pale and he was sweating profusely. His expression was a little dull. He mechanically took the computer and glanced at it like a sleepwalker.

At this glance, Tang Hua felt like a bolt from the blue, his body trembled violently, and his eyes instantly regained clarity.

Then, Tang Hua's face turned from white to red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his chaotic eyes became brighter and brighter, shining brightly.

After more than ten seconds, the whites of Tang Hua's eyes began to turn red, and a layer of mist formed in his eye sockets.

After a while, the water mist condensed into teardrops and slid down uncontrollably.

In the video, it is the scene when Feng Kun was interrogated in handcuffs. Shocked by the strong aura of the White Tiger team members, Feng Kun confessed to the fact that he had committed the crime. Tang Hua was about to run away, but the tourists and waiters, including Jin Xin, were all stunned.

The boy looked at his boss with a confused look on his face and asked, "What's going on with my boss?"

The people coming are Master Jin and Lu Fei!

These two are important people who are rarely seen in daily life. When you come to our store, it will be really exciting. If you were greeted by others, you would be greeted with gongs and drums, but why aren't you excited?

Tang Hua didn't care what others thought, he was determined in his heart that Lu Fei must have known from Feng Kun that his stuff was pretty good, and he was here to bully him.

Feng Kun can't afford to offend him, and Lu Fei can't afford to offend him even more, but I can afford to hide, so I'll run away and go out to relax. If I don't come back for two months, you won't be able to provoke him, right?

But before Tang Hua could leave, Lu Fei grabbed him. .??.

"Boss Tang, I've traveled thousands of miles to visit you. Isn't it wrong for you to treat me like this?"

"I, I really have something to do, I'm sorry!"

Tang Hua planned to break away from Lu Fei, but the latter had no intention of letting him go.

Although Lu Fei was thin, the strength in his hands was astonishing. Tang Hua struggled several times, but couldn't break free.

"Boss Tang, maybe you are very busy, but I won't take up too much of your time. Seriously, can't you give me some face?"

At this time, some tourists outside heard the commotion in the store, and they also came in to watch the excitement. When they understood that the reason was Lu Fei's arrival, those tourists screamed in surprise. The butterfly effect brought about by this shout, more and more tourists came poured in.

Seeing such a scene, Tang Hua gnashed his teeth in sorrow, knowing that he couldn't escape today, so he had to invite Lu Fei and Jin Xin to the backyard.

Tang Hua personally made tea for Lu Fei and Lu Fei, dismissed the waiters and family members, and sat down.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Jin, who are you looking for?"

Jin Xin smiled and said: "Xiaotang, I was too abrupt that time. I apologize to you. I hope you don't mind!"

Jin Xin stood up and was about to bow to Tang Hua. This frightened Tang Hua and he quickly supported the old man.

"Master Jin, you must not do this. Aren't you trying to hurt me?"

"How can I blame you for that? Speaking of which, it's my fault for being too direct and losing your face. It's my fault."

"With Mr. Jin's ability, I am lucky to be able to be your disciple. But it is true that I have ancestral precepts in my family that cannot be violated. I hope Mr. Jin will forgive me."


When Jin Xin heard this, his eyes shone brightly.

There is an ancestral precept, so it cannot be wrong. It must be what brother Lu Fei said.

The two of them exchanged a few polite words, and the embarrassment from last time ended.

After uncovering it, the atmosphere relaxed. But when he sat down again and saw Lu Fei next to him, Tang Hua became nervous again.

"Mr. Lu, who are you looking for?"

"Haha, don't be nervous, Boss Tang. I'm not a bad person. Why are you always guarding me like a thief?"


Tang Hua squirted out a mouthful of tea.

"No, no, Mr. Lu, you really know how to joke, hehe, hehe."

Tang Hua smiled forcefully, but that smile was uglier than crying, and Lu Fei was also speechless.

Seeing Tang Hua's nervous look, Lu Fei decided to be more direct.

"Boss Tang, I heard that Rehe Wenbao Feng Kun came to see you a few months ago, and it seems that you are not very happy, right?"


Hearing Feng Kun's name, Tang Hua trembled, the tea bowl in his hand slipped, and the hot tea spilled into a large area.

Tang Hua's reaction shocked Jin Xin.

Of course he knew about Feng Kun, but Feng Kun came to Yaokou Town to find Tang Hua, but he didn't know about it, and he didn't hear Lu Fei mention it. Judging from Tang Hua's reaction, it was obvious that the matter was not that simple. The old man just frowned.

Lu Fei's heart also twitched violently several times.

Damn it, that bastard Feng Kun was really nothing. He scared Tang Hua into a frightened bird. What a despicable method he used at that time!

Feeling the look in their eyes, Tang Hua waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, Mr. Lu, who did you hear this from? There is no such thing. I don't even know who Tang Hua is. I don't know him. Hehe, hehe. .”

Jin Xin couldn't hold back his anger: "Brother, what's going on?"

Lu Fei did not answer Jin Xin directly, but took out the tablet from his bag, found a video, clicked on it, and pushed it in front of Tang Hua.

"Boss Tang, take a look at this. After reading this, you should be relieved."

At this time, Tang Hua's face was pale and he was sweating profusely. His expression was a little dull. He mechanically took the computer and glanced at it like a sleepwalker.

At this glance, Tang Hua felt like a bolt from the blue, his body trembled violently, and his eyes instantly regained clarity.

Then, Tang Hua's face turned from white to red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his chaotic eyes became brighter and brighter, shining brightly.

After more than ten seconds, the whites of Tang Hua's eyes began to turn red, and a layer of mist formed in his eye sockets.

After a while, the water mist condensed into teardrops and slid down uncontrollably.

In the video, it is the scene when Feng Kun was interrogated in handcuffs. Shocked by the strong aura of the White Tiger team members, Feng Kun confessed to the fact that he had committed the crime.

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