A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2527 Deserve to be bullied

"Mr. Lu, is this true?"

After watching this video, Tang Hua burst into tears and trembled all over.

In the past few months, Tang Hua's food and tea were not favourable, and he was always on tenterhooks. The word "Feng Kun" had become his nightmare.

As long as he is free, Feng Kun's terrifying face will emerge unconsciously.

"Tang Hua, remember the old saying in China, a single man cannot fight against power."

"You are only a craftsman at best, and I am the provincial leader of cultural protection. If I want to deal with you, there are so many ways that I don't know which one to use."

"Don't think I'm being alarmist. If I say you're selling fake prices, you are. If I say you're reselling cultural relics, you are. I want you to disappear from this world, and you also have to disappear for me. So, you Better be smart about me.”

Thinking of what Feng Kun said, even now, Tang Hua still felt shuddering.

Feng Kun was right. With his status, it was too easy to deal with him.


There is no need at all. An unfounded crime can make you irrecoverable.

Yue Pengju was like this at the beginning, and his ancestors were like this at the beginning. For the safety of his family, Tang Hua did not dare to resist and could only endure and compromise.

Now seeing the video of Feng Kun being arrested, Tang Hua was so excited that tears filled his eyes, but he couldn't believe it was true.

Tang Hua is not an ordinary person. He can also be arrested?

is it possible?

Moreover, why does Lu Fei have this video?

Lu Fei is awesome, but he is just a relatively influential businessman. The official interrogation video is so secret, how could it appear in his hands?

Thinking of this, Tang Hua seriously doubted the authenticity of the video.

In his opinion, this may be a video posted by Lu Fei. Why he did this must have an ulterior secret.

learn from mistakes,

Tang Hua really didn't want to experience an incident similar to Feng Kun's again.

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Of course it's true."

"Impossible. How could such a confidential video be in your hands? I don't believe it."

"Also, I don't know Feng Kun at all, not at all." Tang Hua said in horror.

Jin Xin was confused after hearing this, and wanted to interrupt the two of them to ask for clarification, but the old man was not confused. He could see that there was something serious going on here, so Jin Xin still suppressed his curiosity forcibly.

In order to dispel Tang Hua's doubts, Lu Fei handed over his ID.

"If you look at this, you will know why I have this video."

Tang Hua took out his ID and his eyebrows jumped when he saw the huge badge on it.

After glancing at Lu Fei, he opened the document suspiciously. When he saw clearly what was inside, Tang Hua was so frightened that he almost threw away the document.

"Oh my god, you, are you a college student?"


Jin Xin was also startled. He stood up and grabbed the ID in Tang Hua's hand and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Let me go, brother, do you still have this identity?"


Lu Fei chuckled and said: "Don't make a fuss, we are all serving the people."

Tang Hua did not dare to suspect that this certificate was fake.

Forging military documents is a serious crime.

Lu Fei has a net worth of hundreds of billions. No matter how stupid he is, he will not forge fake documents just to deceive himself. It is not worth it at all.

"Boss Tang, you don't have to doubt it, this is an absolutely true fact."

"You noticed

Did you see the off-road vehicle parked at the intersection? "

"That's the person I arranged to protect you for three days."

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Tang Hua suddenly realized.

He really noticed the off-road vehicle, not only him, but also several neighbors.

Three days ago, an aggressive off-road vehicle appeared on the street. At first, everyone thought it belonged to a tourist, but when the vehicle stopped there, there was no movement.

Tang Hua had previously suspected what this car was for, but he didn't expect it to be sent by Lu Fei to protect him. It was such a surprise.

Seeing Tang Hua's nerves relax, Jin Xin couldn't hold back any longer.

"Brother, you have been talking so nervously, what on earth is going on?"

Lu Fei didn't intend to hide Jin Xin, otherwise he wouldn't have brought him here.

Of course, Lu Fei didn't mention Jia Yuan, he just told the story about Feng Kun cheating Tang Hua and using Tang Hua's skills to make shady money outside.

When Jin Xin heard this, he smashed the tea bowl to pieces in anger, bit his back teeth and cursed loudly. Those indescribable words were even worse than the shrews in Jincheng. Hearing this, Lu Fei and Tang Hua almost doubted their lives.

Damn it!

The old man is so kind!

"Brother, are you the one who captured that bastard Feng Kun?" Jin Xin asked.


"What the fuck, this scum should be shot. You must not let him go lightly. Otherwise, I will fall out with you, brother." Jin Xin shouted with his eyes wide open.

Lu Fei chuckled and helped Jin Xin sit down: "Don't worry, brother, he will be punished severely by the national law."

"Yeah, that's good. By the way, he cheated Tang Hua of dozens of pieces of porcelain. Shouldn't you give Tang Hua an explanation?"

"That's all Tang Hua's hard work.

Can't we just leave it out if it's black or white? "

The old man was going straight, which was causing losses to Tang Hua, which frightened Tang Hua.

At first, he was worried that Lu Fei was also here to trick him. Although he was relieved now, he discovered another fact, that is, Lu Fei's position was much more powerful than Feng Kun's.

Just Feng Kun could play with him. If he pissed off Lu Fei, would he still be alive?

"No, no, Lord Jin, please stop talking. Those are just a few pieces of porcelain I fired. I don't want to lose it. I don't want it anymore."

Jin Xin glared at Tang Hua fiercely, thinking that this guy was good at his craftsmanship, but why was he so timid?

Now that someone has made the decision for you, are you still worried about a hammer?

Good people are bullied. No wonder Feng Kun bullied you. If you were a grumpy and independent person, he wouldn't dare to do so. Feng Kun would seize your weakness and act unscrupulously.

Hey, this character deserves to be bullied.

"What do you mean no more? What's yours is yours. Don't put any burden on me. I'll make the decision for you."

"Brother Lu Fei, please show your attitude!" Jin Xin said.

Hearing this, Lu Fei also laughed.

The reason why Lu Fei and Jin Xin became friends was that he respected their Jin family's craftsmanship and inheritance. What Lu Fei respected more was Jin Xin's character and temperament.

In the eyes of others, the old man has a hot temper and is difficult to get along with, but this temper just suits Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is most annoyed by people who are annoying and chirping, but he likes to be straightforward.

"Brother, don't worry, how could I let Boss Tang suffer!"

"I came here this time to visit Boss Tang. The most important thing is to settle this case perfectly. As for Boss Tang's losses, I have already brought them, so I will return them to him."

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