A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2559 The human heart is sinister

"No, absolutely not."

"It's not that I can't wait, it's that your plan is simply impossible."

"In the past, you had an interest relationship with their family, and you might have a chance."

"But now, you have lost your value to their family. From now on, they will only find ways to deal with you and get more from you."

"At this wedding, our relationship will inevitably be exposed. By then, you and I will be the open enemies of their family, and they will spare no effort to deal with you. At that time, your personal safety will be threatened, let alone getting access to their family's money. The Seven-Star Sword."

"This is absolutely impossible." Mom said with a serious face.

"Haha, it's not as serious as you said."

My mother glared: "Why not? I can guarantee that it is much more serious than what I said."

"Xiao Fei, you are indeed capable, but your experience is still too little. On the surface, Wade and you have a good relationship, and the Robert family also protects you in every way and treats you as a friend."

"However, all of these are superficial phenomena. The achievements that their family has achieved only come from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. You would never imagine how ruthless they are."

"On the surface, your several cooperations with their family went smoothly, but that was all because you had something they wanted. For this thing, they had to compromise with you. But imagine, for this thing, they How can they be willing to pay so much?"

"If it were you, would you be willing?"

"Therefore, there is no doubt that they will retaliate against you, defeat you, and get back all their capital from you with profits. Therefore, your method will definitely not work. Moreover, you must try your best to keep up with them. Distance, for the safety of you and those around you, the best way is to defeat them as soon as possible and avoid future troubles." Mom said.

Lu Fei thought for a while and suddenly said: "Mom, if you have reached your level and are so domineering, would you do the same thing if it were you?"

Xiao Tingfang was slightly startled when she heard this: "Yes, in order to establish prestige and obtain enough benefits, we will all do this, and I am no exception. Therefore, I understand the mentality of the Robert family better than you, and I understand the sinister nature of people's hearts better."

Lu Fei smiled faintly, took a sip of water and said: "The human heart is sinister, what a man, what you said is so good."

Xiao Tingfang frowned slightly, why did Lu Fei's words make her feel a little strange?

"Xiao Fei, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. What you just said is right, but you look down on me a little. I have already thought of what you said, but do you know why the Robert family has not responded after such a long time? Do you want to attack me?"

"Not only did they not attack me, but they asked Wade to cooperate with me and build a tobacco base in Cuba. It can be said that he sent me money. Do you know why this is all happening?"


My mother was stunned when she heard this.

She was aware of Lu Fei's every move, and of course Wade and him couldn't hide the tobacco base in Cuba from her. As for why the Robert family did this and why they didn't attack Lu Fei, she really didn't know.

Before that, she had also suspected that this was not the Robert family's behavior at all?

"Why?" Xiao Tingfang asked.

Lu Fei put down his tea cup and raised his head. This time when they looked at each other, his mother clearly felt that

, Lu Fei's eyes exuded strong confidence.

"It's simple, because they don't dare to do anything to me, not now or in the future. Even if they know my relationship with you, they still don't dare to do anything to me."

"Why is that? Do you have anything else to worry about?"

"Haha, not yet, but I told them that I have something very important to their family in my hand, more important than the Seven-Star Sword." Lu Fei said.


Mom also became interested: "What is more important than the Seven-Star Sword?"

"Haha, of course not. I don't have such a thing at all. This is just a psychological tactic."

"They know I'm not a fool. I traded all two Seven-Star Knives to them. This was an unwise decision in itself. Thinking about it carefully, I dare to do this because I'm either not afraid of them or I have a stronger trump card. Therefore, when I say this, they dare not believe it, and they will never dare to touch me until they know the truth. This is my confidence."

"We will continue to interact in the future. Of course, I will have the opportunity to defeat them without any blood. Therefore, I think my method is more reliable than your proactive attack." Lu Fei said.

"Are you deceiving them?" Mom asked in surprise.

"Of course, a soldier never tires of deceit!"

"What do you think of my method?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tingfang fell silent.

Of course it would be best to be able to fight without bloodshed, but is this possible?

The Thomas family is an accident and luck. Can the Robert family be like them?

During the wedding, they must know about their relationship with Lu Fei. After learning this news, they can only be more cautious in the future. Does Lu Fei still have a chance?

"Mom, if you want to get their seven-star sword, you have to do this. Your previous method was actually a gamble, but you can't afford it."

"If the Robert family is desperate and dies with you, the Xiao family's hundreds of years of hard work and the four knives we finally gathered will be completely meaningless."

"If you believe me and give me two years, I will definitely be able to get their Seven Star Sword. When all five maps are collected, their family will be destroyed. This is the best strategy."

Lu Fei did some analysis and persuasion, and half an hour later, his mother nodded.

"Yes, but two years is too long, one year at most. After one year, if you can't get their sword, you have to join me and confront the Robert family head-on."

"Before that, you must integrate the power and property of the Thomas family as soon as possible. If you have any doubts, contact me immediately. All the resources of the Xiao family are at your disposal."

"Okay!" Lu Fei nodded.

"Also, are you really sure they don't dare to attack you?"

"Xiao Fei, Mom only has a son like you. I don't want you to take risks. Don't be careless. The power of the Robert family cannot be underestimated!" Mom said seriously.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."

"By the way, at your wedding this time, I want to make our relationship public. To this end, I have invited the Xiao family's external spokespersons and legal persons from large industries. When the time comes, you can meet and communicate with everyone. Now, from now on, these are your resources. With them, it will be much more convenient for you to do things outside." "No, absolutely not."

"It's not that I can't wait, it's that your plan is simply impossible."

"In the past, you had an interest relationship with their family, and you might have a chance."

"But now, you have lost your value to their family. From now on, they will only find ways to deal with you and get more from you."

"At this wedding, our relationship will inevitably be exposed. By then, you and I will be the open enemies of their family, and they will spare no effort to deal with you. At that time, your personal safety will be threatened, let alone getting access to their family's money. The Seven-Star Sword."

"This is absolutely impossible." Mom said with a serious face.

"Haha, it's not as serious as you said."

My mother glared: "Why not? I can guarantee that it is much more serious than what I said."

"Xiao Fei, you are indeed capable, but your experience is still too little. On the surface, Wade and you have a good relationship, and the Robert family also protects you in every way and treats you as a friend."

"However, all of these are superficial phenomena. The achievements that their family has achieved only come from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. You would never imagine how ruthless they are."

"On the surface, your several cooperations with their family went smoothly, but that was all because you had something they wanted. For this thing, they had to compromise with you. But imagine, for this thing, they How can they be willing to pay so much?"

"If it were you, would you be willing?"

"Therefore, there is no doubt that they will retaliate against you, defeat you, and get back all their capital from you with profits. Therefore, your method will definitely not work. Moreover, you must try your best to keep up with them. Distance, for the safety of you and those around you, the best way is to defeat them as soon as possible and avoid future troubles." Mom said.

Lu Fei thought for a while and suddenly said: "Mom, if you have reached your level and are so domineering, would you do the same thing if it were you?"

Xiao Tingfang was slightly startled when she heard this: "Yes, in order to establish prestige and obtain enough benefits, we will all do this, and I am no exception. Therefore, I understand the mentality of the Robert family better than you, and I understand the sinister nature of people's hearts better."

Lu Fei smiled faintly, took a sip of water and said: "The human heart is sinister, what a man, what you said is so good."

Xiao Tingfang frowned slightly, why did Lu Fei's words make her feel a little strange?

"Xiao Fei, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. What you just said is right, but you look down on me a little. I have already thought of what you said, but do you know why the Robert family has not responded after such a long time? Do you want to attack me?"

"Not only did they not attack me, but they asked Wade to cooperate with me and build a tobacco base in Cuba. It can be said that he sent me money. Do you know why this is all happening?"


My mother was stunned when she heard this.

She was aware of Lu Fei's every move, and of course Wade and him couldn't hide the tobacco base in Cuba from her. As for why the Robert family did this and why they didn't attack Lu Fei, she really didn't know.

Before that, she had also suspected that this was not the Robert family's behavior at all?

"Why?" Xiao Tingfang asked.

Lu Fei put down his tea cup and raised his head. This time when they looked at each other, his mother clearly felt that

, Lu Fei's eyes exuded strong confidence.

"It's simple, because they don't dare to do anything to me, not now or in the future. Even if they know my relationship with you, they still don't dare to do anything to me."

"Why is that? Do you have anything else to worry about?"

"Haha, not yet, but I told them that I have something very important to their family in my hand, more important than the Seven-Star Sword." Lu Fei said.


Mom also became interested: "What is more important than the Seven-Star Sword?"

"Haha, of course not. I don't have such a thing at all. This is just a psychological tactic."

"They know I'm not a fool. I traded all two Seven-Star Knives to them. This was an unwise decision in itself. Thinking about it carefully, I dare to do this because I'm either not afraid of them or I have a stronger trump card. Therefore, when I say this, they dare not believe it, and they will never dare to touch me until they know the truth. This is my confidence."

"We will continue to interact in the future. Of course, I will have the opportunity to defeat them without any blood. Therefore, I think my method is more reliable than your proactive attack." Lu Fei said.

"Are you deceiving them?" Mom asked in surprise.

"Of course, a soldier never tires of deceit!"

"What do you think of my method?"

Hearing this, Xiao Tingfang fell silent.

Of course it would be best to be able to fight without bloodshed, but is this possible?

The Thomas family is an accident and luck. Can the Robert family be like them?

During the wedding, they must know about their relationship with Lu Fei. After learning this news, they can only be more cautious in the future. Does Lu Fei still have a chance?

"Mom, if you want to get their seven-star sword, you have to do this. Your previous method was actually a gamble, but you can't afford it."

"If the Robert family is desperate and dies with you, the Xiao family's hundreds of years of hard work and the four knives we finally gathered will be completely meaningless."

"If you believe me and give me two years, I will definitely be able to get their Seven-Star Sword. When all five maps are collected, their family will be destroyed. This is the best strategy."

Lu Fei did some analysis and persuasion, and half an hour later, his mother nodded.

"Yes, but two years is too long, one year at most. After one year, if you can't get their sword, you have to join me and confront the Robert family head-on."

"Before that, you must integrate the power and property of the Thomas family as soon as possible. If you have any doubts, contact me immediately. All the resources of the Xiao family are at your disposal."

"Okay!" Lu Fei nodded.

"Also, are you really sure they don't dare to attack you?"

"Xiao Fei, Mom only has a son like you. I don't want you to take risks. Don't be careless. The power of the Robert family cannot be underestimated!" Mom said seriously.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you."

"By the way, at your wedding this time, I want to make our relationship public. To this end, I have invited the Xiao family's external spokespersons and legal persons from large industries. When the time comes, you can meet and communicate with everyone. Now, from now on, these are your resources, and with them, it will be much more convenient for you to do things outside."

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