A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2560 Prince Jason

The mother and son chatted until about two o'clock in the morning, then took a break.

On the surface, the two of them had a good chat, but in fact, they were not so optimistic.

From this conversation, Lu Fei could see that his mother's ambition was much greater than he imagined, which proved that his decision to keep a hand was correct.

On the other side, the experienced Xiao Tingfang also felt that her biological son was guarding against her at every turn.

Not only was Xiao Tingfang not angry, but she was very pleased.

Well, this is the necessary quality for those who achieve great things.

In the past, I still underestimated my son!

There is no doubt that she admires her son's ability, but Xiao Tingfang is worried that this relationship between the two will affect her and the Xiao family's future plans. From this point of view, she still needs to find time to have a more in-depth communication. That’s it.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Lu Fei received a call from Murray and left the manor.

I went to the club first, but I only saw Long Yunkai, his second brother, and Gao Yuan. The other little brothers hadn't gotten up yet.

"What's going on? Why didn't you get up? Where are Wade and the others?" Lu Fei asked.


Speaking of Wade, Long Yun couldn't help laughing.

"You mean them?"

"Hahaha, you are so crazy, completely crazy."

Wade and the others just fell asleep less than two hours ago. What's the reason?

Of course it's mahjong.

Last night, the two young men strongly recommended playing mahjong to Wade. At first, Wade was just tired of coping, but after thoroughly understanding the rules of mahjong, the young man of the Robert family, who had seen countless great things, was completely defeated. .

Wade, who was impressed by mahjong, screamed with excitement. He was so addicted that he was so excited that he dragged the two young men to a life-or-death fight until dawn.

The two young men were originally set up to complete Lu Fei's arrangement.

The task was to try to stabilize Wade and prevent him from wandering around with his random thoughts, but never expected that this guy was addicted and refused to let it end, and the two young men suddenly became desperate for life.

On the other side, Lao Bai and others played mahjong with Gene Carter. The result was the same. The two foreigners went crazy. They played until about six o'clock in the morning. The little puppy fell asleep on the mahjong table. Give up.

Lu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

Damn it!

I really didn’t expect that!

It is simply unbelievable that Wade, a super self-disciplined guy, fell into mahjong. It is estimated that if word spreads, anyone who knows him will not believe it is true.

At this time, Murray walked in.

"Boss, everyone is here."

Murray was referring to the London financial tycoon, apparently the richest man, Josh Dale, and his son Cameron, as well as the dudes and parents who were told at the airport yesterday that they were all here.


"Let them wait in the conference room."


Murray agreed, but did not leave: "Is there anything else?"

"Go back to the boss, there are two more guests who want to see you."


Murray came over and whispered in Lu Fei's ear, and Lu Fei frowned: "Okay, invite them to my office, I'll be there right away."


Murray left, and Lu Fei also stood up: "You guys talk first, I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

Lu Fei didn't say what the reason was, and Long Yun didn't ask much. He nodded and watched Lu Fei leave.

The group of people in the conference room, Lu Fei planned to waste them first.

But the person in the office actually piqued Lu Fei's interest.

Ten minutes later, Lu Fei came back to the office.

In addition to Murray, there were two young people sitting on the sofa, a man and a woman.

The woman has a hot figure and a perfect face. She is an old acquaintance of Lu Fei. She is Princess Caroline, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world.

The man next to him is in his early thirties, tall, with handsome features and noble temperament. He is a rare and super handsome man in Western countries.

Seeing Lu Fei come in, the two of them quickly stood up.

The young man made a respectful gentleman's salute.

"Hello, dear Mr. Lu Fei, I am very happy to meet you."

Lu Fei returned the greeting slightly: "Hello."

Murray also stood up, bowed slightly, and said extremely politely: "Mr. Lu Fei, this is Prince Jason." .??.??


Seeing Murray's attitude towards Lu Fei, Jason and Caroline suddenly felt bad.

This Jason is no ordinary person. He is a prince of the British royal family, an orthodox super noble. In Europe, that is where super nobility lies.

But why would such an awesome person take the initiative to see Lu Fei?

There is a reason for this.

The royal family, despite its famous name, is actually just that, a high-end noble in name only.

There is no real power other than respectability.

However, even so, their status cannot be underestimated. The fact that hundreds of years of heritage can be passed down to this day and still recognized by the people is a legend in itself.

Moreover, in the world, the British royal family is still very popular. Mentioning them is a symbol of superiority.

As members of the royal family, they all have their arrogance. They usually point out

It is almost impossible for them to take the initiative to visit someone.

Not only when they visit others, but also when business leaders visit them, it all depends on their mood, and not everyone can see it.

Logically speaking, Lu Fei is just a businessman, and Jason, a royal prince, should not come to the door in person, but there is an exception to everything.

Today, Lu Fei is so famous, not only in Asia, but also in America and Europe, his popularity cannot be underestimated.

Especially the last time Lu Fei acquired Ruixin Group, an old European pharmaceutical company, it shocked the whole of Europe. Of course, the royal family also understood.

The last time Lu Fei came to London, the royal family held an internal meeting.

The content of the meeting was very simple. There was only one topic. If Lu Fei came to visit the royal family, whether to give him this opportunity.

It stands to reason that Lu Fei is an Asian businessman and has made little contribution to Europe and the royal family, so he should not be qualified.

But after all, Lu Fei's reputation in Asia and China is too great. Giving him a chance is equivalent to giving face to China.

A little operation at that time will be of great benefit to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After discussion, it was unanimously agreed to give Lu Fei a chance.

But they never expected that they planned to give Lu Fei a chance, but Lu Fei didn't take this opportunity seriously and didn't come at all.

After finishing their own affairs, they said goodbye and went back to the country. This made the royal family very embarrassed, and many members began to complain.

This time, before Lu Fei arrived in London, the news that he was coming to hold a wedding had already spread, and the royal family immediately began to pay attention.

The purpose of paying attention to Lu Fei this time is not to give him a chance to visit, but to give Lu Fei a small warning to let him know that our royal family still has a very high status in Europe and don't take us seriously.

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