A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2577 A generous move

After checking Lu Fei's information, people who didn't know Lu Fei before took a breath of air at the same time. This Chinese person is really too perverted.

However, these celebrities were extremely excited that a powerful boss like Lu Fei took the initiative to invite them to the wedding, because this was the best opportunity for them to get to know the upper class.

Lu Fei also allowed them to bring a companion to attend, and also sent a super second-generation ancestor like Cameron to hand out invitations in person. This was equivalent to giving them enough respect. At this moment, Lu Fei's status in their minds skyrocketed. , they seemed to regard Lu Fei as their super idol, and the invitation letter in their hands was their biggest gain this year.

Several celebrities who received the invitations were so excited that they immediately took photos and forwarded them to show off to their friends in the industry.

"Tom, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your solo concert on the 20th, because I received an invitation from a big shot to attend his wedding."

"Oh, by the way, do you know where the boss's wedding will be held?"

"I don't think you would have ever dreamed that the boss's wedding would be held in St Paul's Cathedral, oh God, this is so crazy."

Regarding his friend's unscrupulous showing off, Tom sneered repeatedly and immediately responded: "Jerry, is the boss you are talking about Mr. Lu Fei, a rich man from China?"

"Well, how did you know?" Jerry asked in disbelief. ??

"Hehe, because I also received an invitation from Mr. Lu Fei, so you don't have to argue with me. We have the same chance."


"You were invited too?"

"Hey, your concert is on the 20th. Do you have time?" Jerry asked.

"Of course there is time. As far as I know, there will be many rich and famous people from all over the world coming to attend Mr. Lu Fei's wedding that day. It is such a big event.

If I miss this scene, I will regret it for the rest of my life. As for my concert, to hell with it, what else is more important than attending such a party? "

"Oh God, Tom, you are such a cruel person, but I have to say that you made the wisest decision. I will find you the day after tomorrow, and we will go there together."


Tom who turned down the concert was not alone. Knowing Lu Fei's strength and connections, everyone who received the invitation went crazy.

More than 90% of those invited this time are actors, singers, directors, etc. who are active in the entertainment industry, and 10% are writers and sports stars.

Many celebrities have very full schedules and have activities to attend on the day of Lu Fei's wedding. But after imagining the scene of Lu Fei's wedding, they immediately made a decision and rejected all announcements. They must show up at such a grand party. They are even willing to pay the merchant liquidated damages.

Because this opportunity to have close contact with countless big bosses is really important to them.

On the other side, in the palace meeting hall, the invitation letter sent by Lu Fei also caused a sensation.

Members of the royal family are usually extremely strict with their words and deeds. Even if the mountain collapses, they must maintain the majesty and demeanor of the royal family. However, at this moment, they can no longer be calm. The reason is the same. It is Lu Fei. The wedding venue was stunning.

Even Her Majesty the Queen frowned.

"St. Paul's Cathedral?"

"How is this possible? What qualifications does he have to hold a wedding there?"

"What do the relevant departments do? How could they agree to such absurd things?"

Request? "

Many members of the royal family were quite incomprehensible, and the most agitated one was undoubtedly Prince Chalmers.

Two years ago, Prince Chalmers got married. At that time, he yearned endlessly. He wanted to hold his own grand wedding in the religious holy land, the splendid St. Paul's Cathedral, just like Prince Charlton, so that people all over the world would remember this historic event. moment.

However, Allen applied to the competent authorities on behalf of the royal family, but was ruthlessly rejected. .??.

The reason is that today's St. Paul's Cathedral is an open tourist attraction and cannot be used for private purposes, not even by the royal family.

Prince Chalmers was unwilling to give up and delayed a lot of efforts to clear the relationship. In the end, he failed to achieve what he wanted and had to give up.

However, he didn't get too entangled. After all, the reasons given by others were quite sufficient. It would be best if it could be held there, but it didn't matter if it didn't work.

But he never expected that after racking his brains in every possible way and failing to achieve his wish, he would now open the door of convenience for a Chinese.

What's the reason you told me?

Didn't you say that personal use is not allowed, but why did you agree to it when you came to Lu Fei?

Where are the rules and principles?

Chalmers couldn't accept such a huge contrast no matter what, and would go crazy.

Her Majesty the Queen was quite calm. She looked at Allen and asked, "Alan, go and find out how Lu Fei did it."


Allen went out to make a phone call and soon came back. However, when he came back, Allen's expression was quite solemn.

"Return to Your Majesty, we have investigated clearly."

"what's going on?"

"It was Murray who reported to relevant ministries in the name of the Thomas family.

The door pressed. " Allen said.

"That's it?"

The queen frowned.

She knows the strength of the Thomas family, but St. Paul's Cathedral is in a special situation. Even if the relevant departments are wary of the Thomas family, they still have to consider the impact of public opinion, right?

Just compromising under pressure from their family shouldn't be enough.

Allen nodded: "There are other hidden secrets."

"What's the secret?"

Allen paused and said: "Half a month ago, Murray spent a huge sum of money to buy all the buildings within a kilometer around St. Paul's Cathedral, including roads. Murray threatened that if he was not given the opportunity to use it, he would St Paul's Cathedral closed in name of private property,"

boom! ! !

Everyone was stunned as if they had been struck by a bolt from the blue. Even Her Majesty the Queen stood up in shock.

Good guy, what a big deal!

Isn't this too cruel?

Everything Allen said was true.

Lu Fei had long planned to hold a wedding with Wang Xinyi in London in the future. When he learned that Wang Xinyi was pregnant, Lu Fei immediately started making arrangements.

In China, Lu Fei had no way to give Wang Xinyi the status of a legal wife and could only obtain a marriage certificate in a foreign church.

In foreign countries, there are two forms of marriage certificates, one is issued by the government, and the other is issued by the church. No matter which type is issued abroad, it is protected and is a reasonable and legal document. Therefore, many LSPs use this method to obtain marriage certificates. The purpose of polygamy.

Of course, Lu Fei is not an LSP, but if he wants to give Wang Xinyi a status, he can only adopt this method.

Lu Fei is also his own woman. He doesn't want to wrong Wang Xinyi, so of course he wants to give her the most perfect wedding. Therefore, Lu Fei sets his sights on the world-famous St. Paul's Cathedral.

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