A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2578 Private Domain

In order to give Wang Xinyi a decent wedding, Lu Fei set his sights on the fifth cathedral in the world, St. Paul's Cathedral.

St. Paul's Cathedral is high enough to hold a wedding here, which is quite memorable.

At the same time, Lu Fei also knows that St. Paul's Cathedral is now a tourist attraction. If he had never held a wedding before, Lu Fei would not make trouble unreasonably.

But in the 1980s, a grand wedding was held here for Prince Charlton that shocked the world. If Prince Charlton can do it, why can’t I? ??

Murray was asked to negotiate, but the authorities in charge had a headache. After explaining for a long time, they politely refused.

Although Murray was using the banner of the Thomas family, he might be able to get them to compromise if he forced it, but it would probably attract bad public opinion, which would not be a good thing.

However, Lu Fei had other ways.

Lu Fei investigated and learned about St. Paul's Cathedral and immediately made a decision to buy all the buildings around the church.

The buildings around the church are not densely packed, but they are all private mansions and antique shops that have been inherited for more than a century. The price of acquiring these is really not small, but what Lu Fei is short of most is money.

In order to achieve his goal, Lu Fei also risked his life and asked Murray to execute it immediately.

Leveraging the prestige of the Thomas family and Lu Fei's generous spending, he spent more than ten days and spent 500 million pounds to finally acquire all the surrounding buildings.

Murray saw Lu Fei's intention, and then proposed to acquire the roads around the church.

Hearing Murray's opinion, Lu Fei was shocked. Damn it, can roads still be acquired?

The answer is absolutely yes.

It's just that the price is slightly higher, but this is not a problem for Lu Fei. After Murray's operation, all the surrounding roads were taken down in just two days.

Now, Lu Fei has the capital to negotiate.

“My friend is getting married at St. Paul’s Cathedral!


"Mr. Murray, we have explained to you that this is simply impossible."

"Is there any room for negotiation?"

"Sorry, no!"

"Oh, God, you are too stubborn. Well, since it doesn't work, I won't make it difficult for you. But there is something I want to inform you. The ownership of all buildings within one kilometer around St. Paul's Cathedral, including roads, has been I bought them all, which means that that area, except St. Paul’s Cathedral, is all my private property.”

"Now I officially inform you that from now on, I will protect my area and no one is allowed to enter, including you."


After Murray finished speaking, the department leader's eyes almost popped out.

Damn it!

It's a famous tourist attraction, so what's the point of not letting people in and out?

Even we can't, is this too much?

Although the leader was dissatisfied, he never dared to lose his temper with Murray, as that would be no different than seeking death.

He immediately sent someone to investigate and learned that what Murray said was true. The leader was completely dumbfounded.

When did this happen?

Why don’t I know any news?

Also, if you just buy those buildings, what’s the point of buying roads?

Just to force us to compromise?

The price is too high, it’s just crazy!

The leader really couldn't understand it, but I have to say that everything Murray did was reasonable and legal, and there was no problem.


The ownership of those buildings and roads is in other people's hands, and that area is their territory. You have nothing to do to prevent outsiders from entering.

But that being said, how can I explain it to tourists and believers?

Tell them that the place has been blocked and cannot go there in the future?

Are you kidding me? I have to be beaten to death.

At this point, the leader knew that the matter was serious and immediately organized a high-level meeting to study it. .??.??

After a whole day of discussions, the relevant departments finally compromised. There was nothing they could do if they refused to compromise. They were indeed confident!

What's even more fucked up is that this time Murray also took advantage of it. Just agreeing to hold my friend's wedding there is not enough. If you want to continue to open the church, you must pay me 180,000 pounds in road maintenance fees every year, otherwise it will be free of charge. talk.

One hundred and eighty thousand pounds is not enough for Murray to pay for a few bottles of wine. He and Lu Fei don't care about this little bit of money. This is just to disgust them on purpose!

As a result, Murray's goal was achieved, and the relevant departments had to compromise.

After hearing what Allen said, the royal family members were all stunned.

"God, can it still be done like this?"

"Isn't it too exaggerated to spend hundreds of millions of pounds just to hold a wedding there?"

"What kind of belief makes him so persistent? It's so inhumane!"

The other members' eyes turned blue with envy, but Chalmers blew his beard and glared angrily, scolding Lu Fei for being a hooligan, but this time no one supported him.

Because everyone was completely shocked by Lu Fei's strength and courage.

Including roads, nearly 600 million pounds were invested just to hold the wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Even if this courage

The world's richest man is probably beyond his reach. It's so shocking.

When Jason met Lu Fei before, he was shocked to see Murray being respectful to Lu Fei. Now it seems that his understanding of Lu Fei is still too one-sided. It can be imagined that Lu Fei's strength is far more than just in this way!

Her Majesty the Queen thinks the same as Jason. This young man from China is incredible.

Suddenly, Her Majesty the Queen's eyes lit up: "Jason, you said Lu Fei was very friendly when you met him?"

Jason nodded hard: "Yes, Mr. Lu Fei gives people the impression that he is a gentleman. He respects me very much. Moreover, in his words, he also respects our royal family very much. I am sure of this."

Her Majesty the Queen nodded, suddenly thinking that this might be a very good opportunity for their royal family.

Today's royal family still looks beautiful on the surface, but in fact it is quite bleak.

The most intuitive manifestation of this bleakness is lack of money.

In such a huge palace, there are hundreds of people including security guards, housekeepers, servants and royal family members. The food and drink expenses alone are a huge expense every year.

Moreover, in order to maintain the dignity and face of the royal family, they have to eat well, drink well, and dress up brightly. Coupled with various activities and diplomacy, the annual expenditure is an astronomical amount, and the royal family has already been unable to make ends meet.

In recent years, the royal family has also developed some projects outside, but they have been carried out secretly. After all, it would be too embarrassing if word spread that the royal family relied on making extra money.

But it can be done secretly, but it is difficult to attract investment and the project is difficult to develop. Therefore, the outside business has never improved, which gives the royal family a headache.

Now, Her Majesty the Queen suddenly thought of a plan. If she could make good friends with Lu Fei and get the support of the God of Wealth, this might be the best opportunity for the development of the royal family.

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