A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2580 Love as it is

Big bosses from all over the world arrived one after another and stayed at the two five-star hotels now owned by Lu Fei.

However, Lu Fei did not appear here, but sent Gao Yuan, Wang Xinlei and a few people to receive them on his behalf.

It's not that Lu Fei is rude, it's because Lu Fei has some special guests.

In the former Thomas Family Club, a group of powerful men in suits and leather shoes came to Lu Fei under the leadership of Long Yun Kaikai.

"Xiao Fei, let me introduce to you. This is Basekkai, the president of Rongxin Group."

If there are any media here, they will be surprised when they hear the name Basekhai.

Rongxin Group is the largest energy group company in the country. It is also one of the Fortune 500 companies in the world. It is a large group company with a market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

As the chairman of Rongxin Group, Basekhai can be said to be a powerful presence in the Buddhist country. He is even among the top bosses in the world's energy field.

However, this normally aloof boss was extremely polite when he saw Lu Fei. With a smile on his face, he bowed slightly and took the initiative to extend his hands: "Hello, Mr. Lu, nice to meet you."

What makes Basekkai so humble is not because of Lu Fei's strength.

Basekai has dominated the Buddhist country's energy industry for decades, but he is not so respectful to Lu Fei, who has just emerged. Even if Lu Fei sends him an invitation, he may not come to Lu Fei's wedding in person.

The reason why he was so polite to Lu Fei was mainly because of Lu Fei's identity, because he knew that the young man in front of him was the biological son of Xiao Tingfang, the eldest son of the Xiao family and the head of the Xiao family.

Even though Bassekai is famous outside, most people don’t know that he is just an affiliate of the Xiao family. The real boss behind the Rongxin Group with a market value of 100 billion is Lu Fei’s mother. Bassekai has the honor to own shares. , it’s just a pitiful little more than 10%.

How dare Basekhai not give face to his boss's son when he gets married?

My mother had mentioned to Lu Fei before that this time all the Asian business tycoons affiliated with the Xiao family would come to his wedding. Firstly, they would support Lu Fei’s occasion, and secondly, they would allow Lu Fei to meet everyone and get to know them in advance. For a moment, this will be good for Lu Fei's future development.

Moreover, Lu Fei is Xiao Tingfang's only son. Xiao Tingfang also said that Lu Fei is her future heir. As a future heir, he doesn't even know what property his family owns. This is too funny.

Lu Fei shook hands with him and said with a smile: "I've admired you for a long time and welcome your arrival."

After a brief greeting, Long Yun continued to introduce Lu Fei.

One after another came one after another, all of them were heads of industries affiliated with the Xiao family. Almost all of them were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They were not weak in strength.

Lu Fei was chatting here, but Robert Wade, who saw all this from a distance, frowned.

"Well, aren't these all the people in charge of the Xiao family's industry? Why did they come to Fei's wedding?"

"Could it be that the Xiao family asked these people to come over to support Fei? Isn't it so blatant and shameless?" Gene said.

Wade has always frowned. Ever since arriving in London, Wade has always felt that something is wrong, but he doesn't know what is wrong. This feeling is very bad.

Especially seeing the arrival of these people, this bad feeling becomes even stronger.

"What does the Xiao family mean by this? Is there something on Fei's body?"

If it's not something worth their covetousness, why would they cause such a big scene? "Wade murmured.

"Master, would you like to transfer some of our people here? I always feel that the Xiao family's purpose is not pure, and we cannot be outcompeted by them," said Gene.

Wade shook his head slightly: "Now we have lost the opportunity. Even if we transfer people now, it is too late. Besides, we haven't figured out the Xiao family's intentions yet, so we should figure it out first."

"Recently, I always feel that Fei has become more mysterious, and not only the Xiao family, but the Thomas family's reaction this time is also strange."

"It's been several days since I flew here, but they still haven't shown up. Moreover, there hasn't been any news about their family in the past two days. This is very abnormal," Wade said.

"Boss, last time you asked me to chase the figure who got into the elevator. Although I was dumped by him, I felt that that person looked very much like Murray. He couldn't be Lu Fei, the Thomas family and the Xiao family. There is a special Deal?" Carter said.

Wade thought for a while and said: "It's very possible. Carter, you should arrange for someone to investigate immediately. You must find out whether the person on that day was Murray."

"Also, find out as soon as possible what the Thomas family is doing. With their character, it is impossible for them to do nothing."

"Jean, you are responsible for investigating the purpose of the Xiao family. Regardless of whether you find it or not, you must come back and report to me this evening."


On the other side, after Long Yun finished introducing everyone, Lu Fei asked Long Yun and the others to arrange for these guests to check in. He was just about to go to the hotel to receive those guests when the phone rang and Chen Hong had just arrived.

Lu Fei called Li Shengnan, and the two drove to the airport to pick up the Dragon King.

When I arrived at the airport, I hadn't picked up Chen Honggang yet, but I met another unexpected group of people.

"Damn it, look, isn't that a broken fly?"

"Damn, there's a traitor among us. Which bastard leaked the news and betrayed us?"


The person cheering the most was none other than Zhang Yanhe, the boss of the National Expo. Next to him was Lu Fei's old apprentice Xue Taihe, who looked confused. Next to Xue Taihe, there was a beautiful woman wearing glasses, it was Xue Meimei.

Xue Taihe was confused by Zhang Yanhe's accusation, and Lu Fei was even more confused.

Damn it!

Didn't I tell you not to come over? Why did so many people suddenly come?

At a glance, there are more than thirty numbers.

In addition to a bunch of familiar veterans from the archeology and collection circles, two old apprentices, Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi, were also there, as well as several old academicians from the medical school. This scene was really grand.

With so many well-known big shots from Mainland China coming to support him, it stands to reason that Lu Fei should be very happy, but the reality is that Lu Fei is not happy at all.

For the sake of the Chen family's face and his own influence, Lu Fei tried his best to keep a low profile this time. Of course, this low-key was aimed at the country. He did not want to cause a sensation in the country, let alone people from the country to come and participate.

Unexpectedly, these people didn't even say hello, they flew over secretly, and they kept it a secret!

Although Lu Fei was depressed, he was here for him after all. No matter how reluctant he was, he could still smile and greet him. As for the consequences, they were already here, so do whatever you want! Big bosses from all over the world arrived one after another and stayed at the two five-star hotels now owned by Lu Fei.

However, Lu Fei did not appear here, but sent Gao Yuan, Wang Xinlei and a few people to receive them on his behalf.

It's not that Lu Fei is rude, it's because Lu Fei has some special guests.

In the former Thomas Family Club, a group of powerful men in suits and leather shoes came to Lu Fei under the leadership of Long Yun Kaikai.

"Xiao Fei, let me introduce to you. This is Basekkai, the president of Rongxin Group."

If there are any media here, they will be surprised when they hear the name Basekhai.

Rongxin Group is the largest energy group company in the country. It is also one of the Fortune 500 companies in the world. It is a large group company with a market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

As the chairman of Rongxin Group, Basekhai can be said to be a powerful presence in the Buddhist country. He is even among the top bosses in the world's energy field.

However, this normally aloof boss was extremely polite when he saw Lu Fei. With a smile on his face, he bowed slightly and took the initiative to extend his hands: "Hello, Mr. Lu, nice to meet you."

What makes Basekkai so humble is not because of Lu Fei's strength.

Basekai has dominated the Buddhist country's energy industry for decades, but he is not so respectful to Lu Fei, who has just emerged. Even if Lu Fei sends him an invitation, he may not come to Lu Fei's wedding in person.

The reason why he was so polite to Lu Fei was mainly because of Lu Fei's identity, because he knew that the young man in front of him was the biological son of Xiao Tingfang, the eldest son of the Xiao family and the head of the Xiao family.

Even though Bassekai is famous outside, most people don’t know that he is just an affiliate of the Xiao family. The real boss behind the Rongxin Group with a market value of 100 billion is Lu Fei’s mother. Bassekai has the honor to own shares. , it’s just a pitiful little more than 10%.

How dare Basekhai not give face to his boss's son when he gets married?

My mother had mentioned to Lu Fei before that this time all the Asian business tycoons affiliated with the Xiao family would come to his wedding. Firstly, they would support Lu Fei’s occasion, and secondly, they would allow Lu Fei to meet everyone and get to know them in advance. For a moment, this will be good for Lu Fei's future development.

Moreover, Lu Fei is Xiao Tingfang's only son. Xiao Tingfang also said that Lu Fei is her future heir. As a future heir, he doesn't even know what property his family owns. This is too funny.

Lu Fei shook hands with him and said with a smile: "I've admired you for a long time and welcome your arrival."

After a brief greeting, Long Yun continued to introduce Lu Fei.

One after another came one after another, all of them were heads of industries affiliated with the Xiao family. Almost all of them were CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They were not weak in strength.

Lu Fei was chatting here, but Robert Wade, who saw all this from a distance, frowned.

"Well, aren't these all the people in charge of the Xiao family's industry? Why did they come to Fei's wedding?"

"Could it be that the Xiao family asked these people to come over to support Fei? Isn't it so blatant and shameless?" Gene said.

Wade has always frowned. Ever since arriving in London, Wade has always felt that something is wrong, but he doesn't know what is wrong. This feeling is very bad.

Especially seeing the arrival of these people, this bad feeling becomes even stronger.

"What does the Xiao family mean by this? Is there something on Fei's body?"

If it's not something they covet, why would they want to create such a big scene? "Wade murmured.

"Master, would you like to transfer some of our people here? I always feel that the Xiao family's purpose is not pure, and we cannot be outcompeted by them," said Gene.

Wade shook his head slightly: "Now we have lost the opportunity. Even if we transfer people now, it is too late. Besides, we haven't figured out the Xiao family's intentions yet, so we should figure it out first."

"Recently, I always feel that Fei has become more mysterious, and not only the Xiao family, but the Thomas family's reaction this time is also strange."

"It's been several days since I flew here, but they still haven't shown up. Moreover, there hasn't been any news about their family in the past two days. This is very abnormal," Wade said.

"Boss, last time you asked me to chase the figure who got into the elevator. Although I was dumped by him, I felt that that person looked very much like Murray. He couldn't be Lu Fei, the Thomas family and the Xiao family. There is a special Deal?" Carter said.

Wade thought for a moment and said, "It's very possible. Carter, you should arrange for someone to investigate immediately. You must find out whether the person on that day was Murray."

"Also, find out as soon as possible what the Thomas family is doing. With their character, it is impossible for them to do nothing."

"Jean, you are responsible for investigating the purpose of the Xiao family. Regardless of whether you find it or not, you must come back and report to me this evening."


On the other side, after Long Yun finished introducing everyone, Lu Fei asked Long Yun and the others to arrange for these guests to check in. He was just about to go to the hotel to receive the guests when the phone rang and Chen Hong had just arrived.

Lu Fei called Li Shengnan, and the two drove to the airport to pick up the Dragon King.

When I arrived at the airport, I hadn't picked up Chen Honggang yet, but I met another unexpected group of people.

"Damn it, look at it, isn't that a broken fly?"

"Damn, there's a traitor among us. Which bastard leaked the news and betrayed us?"


The person cheering the most was none other than Zhang Yanhe, the boss of the National Expo. Next to him was Lu Fei's old apprentice Xue Taihe, who looked confused. Next to Xue Taihe, there was a beautiful woman wearing glasses, it was Xue Meimei.

Xue Taihe was confused by Zhang Yanhe's accusation, and Lu Fei was even more confused.

Damn it!

Didn't I tell you not to come over? Why did so many people suddenly come?

At a glance, there are more than thirty numbers.

In addition to a bunch of familiar veterans from the archeology and collection circles, two old apprentices, Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi, were also there, as well as several old academicians from the medical school. This scene was really grand.

With so many well-known big shots from Mainland China coming to support him, it stands to reason that Lu Fei should be very happy, but the reality is that Lu Fei is not happy at all.

For the sake of the Chen family's face and his own influence, Lu Fei tried his best to keep a low profile this time. Of course, this low-key was aimed at the country. He did not want to cause a sensation in the country, let alone people from the country to come and participate.

Unexpectedly, these people didn't even say hello, they flew over secretly, and they kept it a secret!

Although Lu Fei was depressed, he was here for him after all. No matter how reluctant he was, he could still smile and greet him. As for the consequences, they were already here, so do whatever you want!

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