A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2581 Everything is in chaos

"Quack, quack, quack."

"The rags are flying, are you surprised or surprised?"

"Hahaha, little thief, aren't you very touched!!"

Several acquaintances of Fatty Zhang Yanhe, when they saw Lu Fei, they acted as if Lu Fei owed them each a million, and they laughed so hard that they were like a fool!

Lu Fei said in his heart, there is no surprise, but the worry is real.

You flew over without even saying hello, disrupting all my plans.

Of course, Lu Fei must not say this, as it would be too hurtful.

"Thank you, why are you all here?" Lu Fei asked.


This time it was Zhang Yanhe's turn to be confused.

"What do you mean, didn't you come here specially to pick us up?"

"Uh, okay, just pretend that I came here to pick you up."


"What do you mean, just take it as it is, right?"

Just when Zhang Yanhe asked, Chen Honggang also walked out, and Lu Fei quickly waved: "Second uncle, this way!"

have to!

There was no need for Lu Fei to explain now. Even a fool could see that he really didn't come here to pick them up.

Zhang Yanhe was infinitely embarrassed, but Xue Taihe let out a sigh of relief, gave Zhang Yanhe a hard look and said, "Boy, do you still call me a traitor?"

"Hey, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Lu Fei didn't know that so many people were coming, so he didn't prepare a vehicle in advance, so he had to temporarily call a dozen taxis to take everyone back to the city.

Before setting off, Lu Fei told Li Shengnan to send Chen Honggang back to the manor directly, while he went to the hotel to accommodate these distinguished guests from China.

The old condolence group from China who came this time all had a good relationship with Lu Fei. Even though he was stumbling around with them, Lu Fei was quite happy.

"Why did you come here suddenly?

,Do not have to work? Lu Fei asked.

"Why, you kid doesn't appreciate it?" Zhang Yanhe asked.

"How could it be? Anyone who comes is a guest, and I welcome you with both hands. But there are so many of you coming, what will you do if you work at home?"

"Don't worry, Guan Laosan has made all the arrangements. We are here to cheer you up. When the wedding is over tomorrow, we will fly back immediately." Zhang Yanhe said.

"I'm determined."

Although their arrival disrupted his plans, Lu Fei was moved from the bottom of his heart.

Back at the hotel, Lu Fei arranged the best room for everyone, and asked Little Milk Dog to send someone to take good care of it. He would give everyone whatever they asked for, and he must make everyone feel at home.

Then, Lu Fei went to visit other guests who had come from afar. When he was about to go back, the three daughters Xue Meimei, Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi insisted on following. Lu Fei did not refuse and took them back to the manor.

In the evening, Gene and Carter came back, but their faces were quite ugly.

"How's it going?" Wade asked.

"Boss, we have investigated an important clue." Carter said.

"What clue?"

"When Lu Fei and his family arrived in London, they moved into the mysterious manor owned by the Thomas family."


Wade stood up suddenly after hearing this, his sapphire eyes almost popped out.

This news is so exciting and unexpected.

Since the last time Lu Fei left London, the Thomas family has suddenly become low-key.

No, it can’t be said to be low-key. He simply disappeared. The spy arranged by the family here did not find out anything about their family’s situation. This in itself is very surprising.


Now Carter told himself that Lu Fei and his family arrived in London and actually lived in the Thomas family's manor. Wade's eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

For hundreds of years, that manor has always been an extremely mysterious place. In his impression, it seemed that no outsider had ever been able to enter.

This is normal. After all, it is the home of the Thomas family, just like Paradise Island, the home of the Robert family. It is definitely the core secret of the family and must not be shown to outsiders. Even the last time Lu Fei went there, he wore a blindfold the whole time.

But now not only did someone go in, but there was more than one, but Lu Fei and his entire family. How could Wade not be shocked when he heard the news?

What's more, he knew clearly that Lu Fei and the Thomas family had already had a huge quarrel last time, otherwise he would not have traded the Seven-Star Sword with him easily.

With his current relationship with the Thomas family, it was surprising that the Thomas family did not deal with him. How could they let Lu Fei stay in their nest that had not been open to the public for hundreds of years?

In other words, even if the Thomas family agrees, can Lu Fei really live in it with confidence?

And there is his family, isn't he worried that the Thomas family will murder his family?

No, it's absolutely unscientific. There must be some secret that I don't know about.

Wade was stunned for half a minute and then said: "Carter, are you sure what you just said is true?"

"I'm sure that in the afternoon, I saw Lu Fei's car drive in with my own eyes." Carter said.


"how so?"

"For such a big thing, why haven't we received any news before? What do the people we put here do for a living?" Wade roared.

"Boss, this can't be entirely our fault.

Lu Fei's whereabouts have been quite hidden these days, and our people can't find it at all. Moreover, everyone's focus is on the Thomas family, and they don't pay too much attention to Lu Fei. "

"If Lu Fei hadn't been in and out frequently today, we might not have known about it!" Carter said.

"Fake, are you still trying to excuse them?"

"Let them monitor every move of the Thomas family, but they don't even know who is coming in and out. This is obviously their mistake, and they all deserve to die."

"Everyone deserves to die!!"

Wade roared loudly, and Gene and Carter did not dare to say more.

After a while, Wade's momentum calmed down. He sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. He thought for a moment and said, "Jean, what's going on over there with the Xiao family."

"Back to the young master, according to my investigation, more than a hundred people from the Xiao family came this time. Almost all the heads of the family's large companies have arrived in London, and dignitaries from several Asian countries have also arrived."

"These more than one hundred people are almost all the mainstays of the Xiao family industry, and there are still more people arriving one after another."

When Wade heard this, his frown deepened.

There are more than a hundred people here. Isn’t the scene too big?

Just to save Lu Fei's face, did the Xiao family do it so grandly?

It is certain that the Xiao family is definitely not doing it on a whim, so what is their purpose?

By gathering these mainstays in London, is it to put pressure on Lu Fei to show off his muscles, or is it to show goodwill to Lu Fei and engage in in-depth cooperation?

If they cooperate, what will their cooperation project be?

What interests drove them to go to war in such a big way?

Damn it!

It's all chaos, it's all chaos.

Wade felt like his mind was in chaos and his headache was about to explode.

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