A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2586 The little lady is very naughty

After hearing what Lu Fei said about the Jewish attitude towards garlic, Chen Xiang was skeptical.

"Does garlic really have such miraculous effects?" As he spoke, a blush appeared on Chen Xiang's face.

Although they are an old married couple, Chen Xiang is still a little shy when talking about this kind of topic, especially looking at Lu Fei's expression that is half-smiling but not smiling, she is even more embarrassed.

"Haha, we are an old couple now. There is no need to be embarrassed. In fact, garlic does have special effects."

“First, garlic has a bactericidal effect. Garlic contains allicin, which can kill bacteria and has obvious inhibitory and killing effects on many pathogenic bacteria.

Second, lower blood sugar.

Garlic can promote the secretion of insulin, promote the absorption of glucose by cells, reduce the concentration of blood sugar, and can also kill the virus that causes cell lesions to cause diabetes, and can reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Third, aphrodisiac. Garlic can improve male sexual function, improve sperm quality, nourish the kidneys, and treat impotence. ??

Fourth, lose weight.

Garlic can reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, and can also promote the secretion of a certain slimming substance in the body, which has the effect of losing weight.

Fifth, fight cancer.

A certain component in garlic can promote the body to produce an enzyme. This enzyme has the ability to resist mutations, enhance detoxification, interfere with the formation of carcinogens, enhance immune function, and reduce the incidence of cancer. "

"Is it really so magical?" Chen Xiang asked.

"This is not a miracle, but it has this effect. Of course, if you want to achieve this effect, you must take it reasonably for a long time, and people have different physiques. Some people have obvious effects after taking it, while others are not. Generally speaking, taking garlic regularly will be beneficial without causing any harm," said Lu Fei.

Chen Xiang nodded, then looked at Lu Fei with a resentful look and said, "If it's so magical, why do you hate garlic so much?"

Yes, Lu Fei hates garlic.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Fei is not picky about food, but garlic is an exception for Lu Fei.

Whether it is a cold dish or a hot dish, when eating it, as long as he is not in a hurry, he will patiently remove the minced garlic from the top before eating it.

Others may not have noticed, but as the woman he cherished, Chen Xiang understood her very well.

"Haha, my physique is good enough and I don't need garlic. I hate the pungent smell. Besides, eating garlic and then being intimate with you would be irresponsible to you, right?"


Chen Xiang spat softly, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Don't make trouble with me. Since garlic has such miraculous effects, you must eat more in the future. I will tell our nanny later that garlic must be added to every dish from now on."


"Little lady, you are very naughty. I am very suspicious. Are you worried about my physique or are you insulting my ability?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

Chen Xiang giggled: "What do you think?"

"Hey, I have a bad temper. You are forcing me to shock my husband. Don't run away. Let's see how I deal with you."

Lu Fei yelled, picked up Chen Xiang by the waist and threw her on the bed. Suddenly, the room was filled with the rhythm of 404.

The rain stopped and the clouds settled, Chen Xiang Chen Xiang fell asleep with a smile, but Lu Fei tossed and turned and couldn't sleep due to excitement.

Lu Fei's excitement is not because he is getting married tomorrow.

Of course he was excited about getting married, but there was something even more exciting for Lu Fei than getting married, and that was the game with Wade last night.

Video calls, live paintings, this is all a play directed and performed by Lu Fei. Judging from the results, it perfectly achieved the effect Lu Fei wanted.

Wade sent people to follow him to investigate the Xiao family. Lu Fei had already mastered these situations. Today, Carter and Gene were able to discover that Lu Fei was entering and leaving the Thomas family manor. This was Lu Fei's deliberate move.

Otherwise, there is no way they would have discovered it.

As for the high-profile visit of the heads of the Xiao family's group to the club, it was also the intention of Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang. Otherwise, Lu Fei could have arranged separate accommodation for them, so that Wade would not be able to find out.

The reason for doing this is to ensure that the wedding goes smoothly tomorrow.

Some people will say that this has something to do with the wedding?

Of course it does.

At tomorrow's wedding, Xiao Tingfang, as Lu Fei's biological mother, must attend and identify herself in public, otherwise she will be irresponsible to Wang Xinyi.

What would Wang Xinyi think if her mother-in-law was present but refused to show up? Can the Wang family agree?

Even if there is a huge reason, misunderstandings will inevitably occur, so Xiao Tingfang must come forward.

But in this way, Lu Fei's relationship with her will inevitably be exposed.

It doesn't matter to anyone else, but Wade will definitely be shocked on the spot.

The Robert family has always been friendly with Lu Fei as friends, but actually used Lu Fei to stabilize the other two families, and even give the other two families a mental blow. For this, the Robert family has really paid a high price.

But when Xiao Tingfang shows up tomorrow, the Robert family will know it immediately, and then they find that the huge price they paid for this turned out to be a huge irony.

They originally planned to use Lu Fei to attack the Xiao family, but it turned out that Lu Fei was the only son of the head of the Xiao family and the eldest young master of the Xiao family. Before, they were stupidly complacent and defended Lu Fei in every possible way, allowing Lu Fei to get the big deal. This is simply the most ridiculous and fatal blow in the world. When the Robert family knew this news, they would go crazy.

Moreover, after the wedding in the church, a grand banquet will be held back at the manor. By then, it will no longer be a secret that Lu Fei has eliminated the Thomas family and integrated all the forces of the Thomas family.

It is simply unimaginable what the consequences would be if these two thunders exploded in the Robert family at the same time.

The three major families were originally a tripartite force, but now Lu Fei has taken over and integrated the Thomas family, becoming a third party force that competes with the Robert family and the Xiao family. What's more terrible is that Lu Fei is also the eldest son of the Xiao family, and the original three-legged situation has suddenly become a three-legged force. Two against one, the Robert family must collapse.

Don't talk about gentlemanly demeanor and aristocratic etiquette. These are all based on the premise of controlling the situation.

If you really get impatient, all the so-called demeanor and etiquette are bullshit.

When Wade learns everything tomorrow, no one can guarantee whether this guy will go crazy. It may not be impossible to lose his mind and do something drastic.

Of course, Lu Fei and the Xiao family are not afraid of the Robert family at all now, but tomorrow is Lu Fei's wedding after all. If there is a fight, the wedding will definitely not be perfect. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see, and Lu Fei does not want to originally Wang Xinyi, who had sacrificed too much, had regrets in her only wedding, so Lu Fei had to make sure that tomorrow's wedding would be flawless. After hearing what Lu Fei said about the Jewish attitude towards garlic, Chen Xiang was skeptical.

"Does garlic really have such miraculous effects?" As he spoke, a blush appeared on Chen Xiang's face.

Although they are an old married couple, Chen Xiang is still a little shy when talking about this kind of topic, especially looking at Lu Fei's half-smiling expression, which makes her even more embarrassed.

"Haha, we are an old couple, so there is no need to be embarrassed. In fact, garlic does have special effects."

“First, garlic has a bactericidal effect. Garlic contains allicin, which can kill bacteria and has obvious inhibitory and killing effects on many pathogenic bacteria.

Second, lower blood sugar.

Garlic can promote the secretion of insulin, promote the absorption of glucose by cells, reduce the concentration of blood sugar, and can also kill the virus that causes cell lesions to cause diabetes, and can reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Third, aphrodisiac. Garlic can improve male sexual function, improve sperm quality, nourish the kidneys, and treat impotence.

Fourth, lose weight.

Garlic can reduce the accumulation of fat in the body, and can also promote the secretion of a certain slimming substance in the body, which has the effect of losing weight.

Fifth, fight cancer.

A certain component in garlic can promote the body to produce an enzyme. This enzyme has the ability to resist mutations, enhance detoxification, interfere with the formation of carcinogens, enhance immune function, and reduce the incidence of cancer. "

"Is it really so magical?" Chen Xiang asked.

"This is not a miracle, but it has this effect. Of course, if you want to achieve this effect, you must take it reasonably for a long time, and people have different physiques. Some people have obvious effects after taking it, while others are not. Generally speaking, taking garlic regularly will be beneficial without causing any harm," said Lu Fei.

Chen Xiang nodded, then looked at Lu Fei with a resentful look and said, "If it's so magical, why do you hate garlic so much?"

Yes, Lu Fei hates garlic.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Fei is not picky about food, but garlic is an exception for Lu Fei.

Whether it is a cold dish or a hot dish, when eating it, as long as he is not in a hurry, he will patiently remove the minced garlic from the top before eating it.

Others may not have noticed, but as the woman he cherished, Chen Xiang understood her very well.

"Haha, my physique is good enough and I don't need garlic. I hate the pungent smell. Besides, eating garlic and then being intimate with you would be irresponsible to you, right?"


Chen Xiang spat softly, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Don't make trouble with me. Since garlic has such miraculous effects, you must eat more in the future. I will tell our nanny later that garlic must be added to every dish from now on."


"Little lady, you are very naughty. I am very suspicious. Are you worried about my physique or are you insulting my ability?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

Chen Xiang giggled: "What do you think?"

"Hey, I have a bad temper. You are forcing me to shock my husband. Don't run away. Let's see how I deal with you."

Lu Fei yelled, picked up Chen Xiang by the waist and threw her on the bed. Suddenly, the room was filled with the rhythm of 404.

The rain stopped and the clouds settled, Chen Xiang Chen Xiang fell asleep with a smile, but Lu Fei tossed and turned and couldn't sleep due to excitement.

Lu Fei's excitement is not because he is getting married tomorrow.

Of course he was excited about getting married, but there was something more exciting for Lu Fei than getting married, and that was the game with Wade last night.

Video call, live painting, this is a play directed and performed by Lu Fei. Judging from the results, it perfectly achieved the effect Lu Fei wanted.

Wade sent people to follow him to investigate the Xiao family. Lu Fei had already mastered these situations. Today, Carter and Gene were able to discover that Lu Fei was entering and leaving the Thomas family manor. This was Lu Fei's deliberate move.

Otherwise, there is no way they would have discovered it.

As for the high-profile visit of the heads of the Xiao family's group to the club, it was also the intention of Lu Fei and Xiao Tingfang. Otherwise, Lu Fei could have arranged separate accommodation for them, so that Wade would not be able to find out.

The reason for doing this is to ensure that the wedding goes smoothly tomorrow.

Some people will say that this has something to do with the wedding?

Of course it does.

At tomorrow's wedding, Xiao Tingfang, as Lu Fei's biological mother, must attend and identify herself in public, otherwise she will be irresponsible to Wang Xinyi.

What would Wang Xinyi think if her mother-in-law was present but refused to show up? Can the Wang family agree?

Even if there is a huge reason, misunderstandings will inevitably occur, so Xiao Tingfang must come forward.

But in this way, Lu Fei's relationship with her will inevitably be exposed.

It doesn't matter to anyone else, but Wade will definitely be shocked on the spot.

The Robert family has always been friendly with Lu Fei as friends, but actually used Lu Fei to stabilize the other two families, and even give the other two families a mental blow. For this, the Robert family has really paid a high price.

But when Xiao Tingfang shows up tomorrow, the Robert family will know it immediately. Then, they find that the huge price they paid for this turned out to be a huge irony.

They originally planned to use Lu Fei to attack the Xiao family, but it turned out that Lu Fei was the only son of the head of the Xiao family and the eldest young master of the Xiao family. Before, they were stupidly complacent and defended Lu Fei in every possible way, allowing Lu Fei to get the big deal. This is simply the most ridiculous and fatal blow in the world. When the Robert family knew this news, they would go crazy.

Moreover, after the wedding in the church, a grand banquet will be held back at the manor. By then, it will no longer be a secret that Lu Fei has eliminated the Thomas family and integrated all the forces of the Thomas family.

It is simply unimaginable what the consequences would be if these two thunders exploded in the Robert family at the same time.

The three major families were originally a tripartite force, but now Lu Fei has taken over and integrated the Thomas family, becoming a third party force that competes with the Robert family and the Xiao family. What's more terrible is that Lu Fei is also the eldest son of the Xiao family, and the original three-legged situation has suddenly become a three-legged force. Two against one, the Robert family must collapse.

Don't talk about gentlemanly demeanor and aristocratic etiquette. These are all based on the premise of controlling the situation.

If you really get impatient, all the so-called demeanor and etiquette are bullshit.

When Wade learns everything tomorrow, no one can guarantee whether this guy will go crazy. It may not be impossible to lose his mind and do something drastic.

Of course, Lu Fei and the Xiao family are not afraid of the Robert family at all now, but tomorrow is Lu Fei's wedding after all. If there is a fight, the wedding will definitely not be perfect. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see, and Lu Fei does not want to originally Wang Xinyi, who had sacrificed too much, had regrets in her only wedding, so Lu Fei had to make sure that tomorrow's wedding would be flawless.

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