A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2587 Three sentences

Of course, to give Wang Xinyi a perfect wedding is only one of them, but there are other reasons.

The Xiao family covets the Robert family's seven-star sword, while Lu Fei wants to get more from their family to supplement his own strength.

Therefore, it is not the time to fall out with the Robert family yet, Lu Fei must stabilize Wade and the Robert family.

And tonight's performance is to achieve these goals.

Lu Fei painted just for Wade to see, because he knew that Wade would be so excited when he saw his paintings. He would never care about other things for the time being, because what Lu Fei painted was Hexagram.

If garlic is the spiritual pillar of the Jewish people, then the seven-menorah and the six-pointed star are the true totems of their nation.

The six-pointed star is also called the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon.

There is no mention of the Star of David in rabbinic documents, and no archaeological excavations to date have found any record of the Star of David anywhere where ancient Jews lived.

The earliest Star of David was recently discovered on a Jewish tombstone in southern Italy and may date from around the 3rd century.

The earliest Jewish written record of the Star of David comes from the mid-12th century.

At that time it was a pattern on amulets.

A Spanish manuscript from 1307 contains a Star of David.

The Star of David may have adorned the phylacteries in the Great Synagogue, which was also known as the Shield of David due to its protective function.

It is possible that the Star of David originally served as an architectural decoration for the chapel.

In Germany, there are also Stars of David as decorations on some cathedrals.

In 1354, King Charles IV of Bohemia established a red flag for the Jews of Prague, with the Shield of David as the pattern.

There were two golden five-pointed stars on the red flag when the Jews were summoned by the King of Hungary in the 15th century.

Therefore, the five-pointed star may have

It is also a symbol commonly used by Jews.

A manuscript from 1073 already has a five-pointed star on it.

In 1460 the Jews of Budapest received from the King of Hungary a red flag with two stars and two stars on it.

The first Jewish prayer book, printed in Prague in 1512, had a large Star of David on its cover.

In 1592 the Jews in Prague were allowed to erect a flag of their own with a Star of David on it.

In 1648, in recognition of their defense of Prague against the Swedes, the Jews of Prague were again allowed to build a flag: a yellow Star of David on a red background, with a Swedish star in the center.

Jewish legend associates the Star of David with King Solomon's seal.

Legend has it that King Solomon had a ring that gave him command over devils and ghosts.

Another legend says that this mark is associated with King David's shield.

Legend has it that King David had a shield to protect him.

After the French Revolution, with the liberation of the Jews, they chose the Star of David as their representative, just as the cross is the representative of Christianity.

The Star of David is still placed on the Israeli flag today.

The shape of David's satellite is a six-pointed star.

There are similar symbols in other faiths.

It is possible that the use of the hexagram in these faiths predates that of the Jews.

It is used today in Jewish culture especially in the occult.

The Star of David is also an important symbol in astrology.

Others believe it is the star symbolizing the birth of King David.

Some Orthodox Jews object to the use of the six-pointed star because of the symbol's association with "magic" and the occult.

Despite this, the Star of David remains the most important symbol in Jewish legend and Kabbalah.

Some very conservative Jewish schools object to the use of the Star of David because of its association with Zionism.

Nonetheless, today there is a Star of David in the most prominent place on the front door of most houses of worship around the world.

In Europe for nearly two hundred years, the Star of David was often placed on Jewish tombstones.

It has long become the symbol of Jewish omnipotence.

During World War I, every Jewish soldier had an embroidered Star of David on the right arm of his uniform. This was their totem, their spiritual pillar, and the spiritual food that supported them in fighting.

However, this also indirectly became their death talisman. At that time, Xiao Xi was excited when she saw this pattern. No matter who it was, as long as it had this pattern, it must be caught. .??.??

First, loot your property, and then kill you in the most brutal way, even leaving the body unscathed.

After drying, check their teeth carefully.

Because the early Jews liked to wear gold teeth. Although gold teeth are not big, they add up to a lot of wealth.

This is indeed the case. At the end of the First World War, someone calculated that the gold teeth confiscated by Xiao Xi were enough to hold two railway trains. What a terrifying number!

Most people would be scared to death when they heard that Xiao Xi's methods were so cruel, but the Jews with super strong willpower would never give in. Their soldiers still refused to take off the armbands of the Star of David. This shows that the six-pointed star of David is in their hands. What a high status in my mind.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei just made a joke with Wade, saying that if he

If you can't even recognize the six-pointed star, you have some doubts about whether Wade's bloodline is pure.

In the eyes of soldiers, the Star of David is so important, not to mention the wealthy and aristocratic Robert family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Going back to the painting, the six-pointed star Lu Fei talked about was not just a figment of his imagination. He really had such a thing in his hand.

When Lu Fei was just starting out, he rescued Gao Yuan in Zhang Huaizhi's yard. Gao Yuan told Lu Fei where he hid the things.

After that, Lu Fei approached Song Jinfeng, and a series of operations were to find a way to take out the things Gao Yuan had hidden in Wutong Villa.

But Lu Fei never expected that in addition to the Fenghua-style Ru kiln, the treasures he took out also included Robert Christian's relics.

Among them was a copy of Christine's Bible.

There is a small compartment on the cover of the Bible, which contains a short diary, and there is also a solid wood box covered with gold foil.

And what is contained in this box is a crystal hexagram star inlaid with gems in twelve directions.

At first, Lu Fei didn't see any special significance in this six-pointed star. In his eyes, it was just a more ornate six-pointed star inlaid with jewels.

But when he read Christine's diary, Lu Fei was no longer calm, and a hot flame suddenly rose in his heart.

The thin diary only recorded three sentences.

"For my mission, I successfully escaped from the clutches of the devil."

"In order to survive, I came to China. From today on, Kristen Robert changes her name to Sean Mark."

"The lonely days have made me decadent, but they can never erase my blood. I firmly believe that the Lord is fair and he will not give up on us. I firmly believe that the great Hebrew nation and the great Robert family will eventually stand in the world. The top.”

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