A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2590 This is it

In the Robert family conference room, the patriarch and the family's senior officials were discussing how to defend the Xiao family and the Thomas family. At this time, the second elder Jesse's phone rang.

When the call was connected, Jesse listened to the report on the other side. He only listened to a few sentences, and his face suddenly darkened.

The second elder, Jesse, is responsible for gathering intelligence from various places. He had previously discovered that something was wrong with the Xiao family, and it was also the news he received.

Seeing his gloomy and terrifying expression, the clan leader and other senior officials became nervous.

After ending the call, the patriarch couldn't wait to ask: "Jesse, what happened?"

Jesse's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said, "According to reliable information, the Xiao family sent more than a hundred company leaders to attend Lu Fei's wedding. This morning, these people have arrived in London, and many more are coming. Arrival, damn it, such a big thing, why didn’t Wade report it to us, this damn guy, doesn’t he know that the Xiao family’s behavior is abnormal?”

"Today is a special period. The slightest mistake may ruin the centuries-old foundation of our Robert family. Wade is usually reliable. What happened today?" .??.


After hearing what Jesse said, the others were also shocked.

Sending more than a hundred elites to Lu Fei's wedding, what a big deal the Xiao family made?

Why are they doing this? Is it just to support Lu Fei?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

There must be special circumstances here.

Thinking of the seriousness of the matter, many people were dissatisfied with Wade.

Wade is in London. It's impossible for him not to know about such a big thing happening, but he hasn't reported it for so long. What on earth is he doing?

In these two transactions with Lu Fei, Wade took the greatest credit. The patriarch and elders were quite sure of his ability and had already recruited Wade into the Presbyterian Church. But this time Wade's behavior

But everyone was disappointed. Even the patriarch, who had always admired Wade, frowned. At this moment, Wade sent a video request. Everyone sat up straight at the same time, eager to see it. How would Wade explain it?

During the video connection, before the patriarch could ask any questions, Wade's handsome face over there was already out of shape with excitement.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, I understand, I understand."


The clan leader and all the elders almost vomited blood.

Wade received an aristocratic education from a young age, and must be measured in every word, deed, and move, and must not lose the dignity of the Robert family.

In the past, Wade has always done a good job, but now Wade is acting like two people, baring his teeth, dancing and screaming, just like shrews at each other's throats, which is so embarrassing.

At this moment, even the clan leader thought Wade was crazy.

Well, it's really possible. Otherwise, why didn't the Xiao family go to London to support Lu Fei for such a big event? Why didn't he report it?

Yes, must be crazy.

"Wade, how do you behave in such a manner? Please pay attention to your identity." The patriarch shouted with a stern face.

Normally, if the patriarch had this attitude, Wade would have wilted a long time ago, but it was different this time. After hearing what the patriarch said, Wade not only did not restrain himself, but in fact became more serious.

"Master Patriarch, I really know, oh God, this is simply the greatest gain."


Crazy, the cliffhanger is crazy!

Everyone thinks so.

"Wade, what are you talking about?

What do you know?

"The clan leader roared.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so excited. Patriarch, I know what Lu Fei's trump card is. I finally know it." Wade shouted excitedly.


After hearing what Wade said, everyone in the conference room became energetic.

After the last transaction, everyone began to prepare to attack Lu Fei, destroy Lu Fei, and recover the family's previous investment with profits.

In these two transactions, the price they paid was too high, and they still made a Chinese person cheaper. They have absolutely zero tolerance. ??

But just when they were discussing and preparing to take action, Lu Fei suddenly said that he still had a trump card, which made the Robert family take action.

If other people said this, they would not believe it 100%, but Lu Fei was different. After two transactions, including multiple contacts between Wade and Lu Fei, everyone found that Lu Fei was extremely deep in the city and was simply a cunning little fox.

Such a smart person can definitely guess that the Robert family will take action against him, so how could he not keep a trump card during the transaction?

What's even worse is that they don't know what Lu Fei's trump card is.

What’s even more fucked up is that you don’t know what it is and you still have to believe it.

In this way, you won't dare to attack Lu Fei, at least until the investigation is clear, you won't dare to have any evil intentions.

With Lu Fei's urine, if he really wants to break up, he will fight to the death. It will be almost impossible to rebuild the old relationship with Lu Fei. If Lu Fei really has a trump card that is fatal to their family, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because of this, the Robert family decisively gave up their plan to retaliate against Lu Fei and asked Wade to continue to contact Lu Fei and try their best to test Lu Fei's trump card.

It's a pity

, Lu Fei didn't reveal a single word, which gave the Robert family a headache. This feeling of throwing a rat into a trap is really terrible.

Now that Wade said that he finally knew what Lu Fei's trump card was, everyone suddenly became excited.

"Wade, tell me quickly, what is that?" the patriarch asked slightly excitedly.

"Oh, everyone, wait a moment, I'll send you a photo."

After a while, the second elder Jesse received the photo from Wade on his mobile phone. He immediately connected the mobile phone to the projector. The next second, the photo was clearly projected on the big screen.

This photo was exactly the sketch that Lu Fei had drawn before. After seeing clearly what was on the photo, the clan leader and elders were shocked and all stood up.

"Star of David?"

"There are twelve black spots in the twelve directions. Oh God, this, is this the Twelve Knights?"

"Oh my God, look at the big oval pattern in the middle. That's garlic! That's garlic!"

"Oh my god, the Twelve Knights, garlic, the Star of David, this, this, this, this is... Omaika"

Everyone went crazy when they saw this pattern.

Even the most composed clan leader lost his composure. He kicked off the solid wood chair and rushed to the screen to admire it carefully.

The patriarch stretched out his withered fingers and stroked the black spots in the twelve directions, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it, absolutely right."

After staring at the picture for two minutes, the patriarch finally came to his senses, came to another screen, and excitedly asked Wade’s head in front of his eyes: “Wade, where did you get this photo? Where did you get it? Tell me quickly."

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